
  • Sudoku;Soduku
  1. 它使用WebSphereOperationalDecisionManager实现规则引擎来执行数独业务规则。

    It uses a WebSphere Operational Decision Manager implementation of the rule engine to execute the Sudoku business rules .

  2. 在我的下一期专栏中,我们将使用一个部署到云中的Web应用程序来显示并解决数独,如图8所示。

    In my next column , we 'll use a web application deployed to a cloud to display and solve Sudoku , as illustrated in Figure 8 .

  3. 全球治理不是数独游戏(sudoku)。

    Global governance is not a game of Sudoku .

  4. 对BobHanson的SudokuAssistant进行改编后,我们定义了9种可以用业务规则实现的可用来解决数独谜题的启发式方法。

    As adapted from Bob Hanson 's Sudoku Assistant , we identify nine heuristics that will be implemented using business rules to solve Sudoku puzzles .

  5. 除了形容词gigantic与enormous的合成词ginormous(特大的;甭提有多大)外,Bollywood(宝莱坞)、sudoku(“数独”九宫格游戏)和speeddating(速配)也被收入词典。

    Along with embracing the adjective that combines " gigantic " and " enormous ," the dictionary publishers also got into Bollywood , sudoku and speed dating .

  6. 去年,RonJeffries撰写了一个系列关于测试驱动开发的文章,通过尝试用Ruby编写一个数独游戏(Sudoku)解算器的方式,展示他如何实践测试驱动开发。

    Last year , Ron Jeffries wrote a series of articles in which he demonstrated test-driven development in practice , attempting to create a Sudoku solver in Ruby .

  7. 在规则引擎中使用内存存储器可以使Rete网络能够感知到数独网格的变化并在出现变化时相应地触发其他规则。

    Use of the working memory in the rule engine allows the Rete network to become aware of changes to the state of the Sudoku grid and to appropriately trigger other rules when that happens .

  8. 每个旅行者都该准备一本数独游戏的书来打发无聊的时光。

    Every traveler needs a Sudoku book to fight off boredom .

  9. 这种方法模拟了人们解决数独时使用的方法。

    This approach emulates the methodology humans use to solve Sudoku .

  10. 它同时还可以帮你解决冥思苦想不可得的数独难题。

    This tool will also help you solving any hardest sudoku .

  11. 基于图搜索策略的数独问题算法与实现

    Sudoku Algorithm and Implementation Based on Strategy of Graph Search

  12. 一本数独游戏全集可以给你的旅行带来无尽的乐趣。

    The Mammoth Book of Sudoku will give you endless airplane entertainment .

  13. 我更是喜欢数独游戏。

    I 'm more of a Sudoku kind of guy .

  14. 搜索树中的节点其实就是一种数独配置。

    A node in our search tree is nothing but a Sudoku configuration .

  15. 本文中,我处理了在解决每个数独迷题过程中遇到的问题。

    In this essay I tackle the problem of solving every Sudoku puzzle .

  16. 要增加自信,就完成一项特别难的填字游戏或是数独。

    Boost your confidence by completing a particularly hard crossword or Sudoku puzzle .

  17. 对,我完成你的数独游戏了

    Yeah , I finished all your sudokus .

  18. 一起解决问&例如纵横字迷或数独。

    Solve problems together-such as crosswords or Suduku.27 .

  19. 在执行规则期间,所有重要消息都被添加到数独容器对象中。

    During rule execution , all significant messages are added to the Sudoku container object .

  20. 数独盘面是个九宫,每一宫又分为九个小格。

    Sudoku disk is Jiu Gong , every house is divided into nine small cells .

  21. 如果你们谁需要我帮忙,我就在桌子旁玩我的数独游戏。

    If anyone needs me , I 'll be at my desk finishing my sudoku .

  22. 玩游戏:拼图游戏,数独游戏或填字游戏。

    Engage your mind in a puzzle : jigsaw puzzles , sudokus , or crossword puzzles .

  23. 数独(一种数字游戏),猜字和电子游戏都能促进你的思考速度和记忆力。

    Suduko , crosswords and electronic games can all improve your brain 's speed and memory .

  24. 业务规则可以有效地捕捉人们用于解决数独的启发式知识。

    Business rules effectively and efficiently capture the heuristic knowledge that humans use to solve Sudoku .

  25. 数独,逻辑谜语,还有填字游戏,会是刺激你大脑的好方法。

    Sudoku , logic puzzles , and crossword puzzles can be great ways to stimulate your brain .

  26. 可以经常做一些像国际象棋、桥牌、纵横填字游戏,数独和其他拼图之类的训练来锻炼大脑。

    Exercise the brain with things like chess , bridge , crosswords , Sudoku and other puzzles .

  27. 著名的数独游戏创始人锻治真起因胆管癌去世。

    Maki Kaji , who created the popular number puzzle sudoku , has died of bile duct cancer .

  28. 周日:填写报纸上的纵横字谜游戏或者数独,再轻松地散个步。

    Sunday : Do the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your Sunday paper and take a brisk walk .

  29. 然后他们被单独留下,和另一个他们以为也是接受试验的人一起做数独。

    They were then left alone with another person they understood was also taking part in a puzzle-solving experiment .

  30. 我曾经设想过,或许可以先开始一个简单的数独游戏,然后试着用测试驱动开发来得出解决方案。

    I could start , I suppose , with a simple Sudoku game and try to TDD its solution .