
  • 网络Data Migration;migration;migrate;dts
  1. 一种基于XML映射规则的数据迁移方法设计和实现

    Design and implementation of XML mapping rule based data migration method

  2. 基于XML的卫星数据迁移方案的研究

    A Research on the Method of Remote Sensing Data Migration Based on XML

  3. 单击Run将数据迁移到测试数据库。

    Click Run to migrate the data to the test database .

  4. 基于C实现SqlServer和Oracle数据库间数据迁移

    Data Migration Between SQL Server and Oracle DataBase Based C Sharp Implement

  5. 基于Java和XML跨平台数据迁移的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Platform - cross Data Migration Based on Java and XML

  6. ERP发展进程中的数据迁移研究

    Study on Data Migration in the Development Process of ERP

  7. SqlServer到Oracle的数据迁移方法

    Data Migration Methods from SQL Server to Oracle

  8. 数据迁移在SAN中性能优化的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Data Migration in Storage Area Network Performance Optimization

  9. 一种SAN上的数据迁移算法设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data Migration Algorithm on SAN

  10. 为了开始数据迁移,请单击Deploy按钮。

    To begin data movement , click the Deploy button .

  11. 将数据迁移到新的SCM工具中的成本。

    Cost to migrate data to a new SCM tool .

  12. 想象一下,通过将您的数据迁移到XML格式,您就可以与信用卡公司进行网上交易!

    Imagine being able to communicate with credit card companies for e-commerce simply by moving your data into an XML format !

  13. Foxpro与Oracle之间数据迁移的实现方法

    Realizing of Data Transferring Between Foxpro and Oracle

  14. sectoldif&把AIX本地安全数据迁移到LDAP

    Sectoldif-AIX local security to LDAP data migration

  15. 基于BS应用的数据迁移研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Data Transference Based on BS Application

  16. 不过,有了IBMDB2,组织就可以将精心挑选的数据迁移到更高性能的存储媒介,从而提高应用程序整体性能。

    Nevertheless , with IBM DB2 , organizations can improve overall application performance by migrating carefully chosen data to higher-performance storage media .

  17. 研究了数据迁移的形式化过程,详细讨论了该过程中存在的几类重要映射,提出了基于XML的通用映射规则表示方法。

    The formal process of data migration was addressed and several principal mappings among the process were analyzed . An XML-based mapping rule representation method was fully discussed .

  18. 关注点是富文本格式和Word文件格式,并理解工具的术语、数据迁移是怎样进行的、迁移操作是如何发挥作用的。

    The focus will be on rich text format and Word document format and understand the tool terminologies , how data migration takes place and how the migration operation works .

  19. 基于ESS自适应数据迁移的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Evolutionary Storage System-based Self-adaptive Data Migration

  20. 将Web上的半结构数据迁移到XML上是对WWW上巨大数据进行有效管理的一项十分有意义的工作。

    So it is an important and significant way to managing and integrating semistructured data over the WWW while migrate semistructured data on the Web to XML .

  21. 数据迁移的ETL(ExtractTransformLoad)工具也就是数据的抽取、转换、装载工具的选择。

    Secondly , ETL ( Extract Transform Load ) instrument of data migration , that is the choice of selection instrument , shift instrument and loading instrument ;

  22. 这演示BPC数据库模式和运行时数据迁移。

    This illustrates the BPC database schema and runtime data migration .

  23. 这通常是当您创建了DB2数据库并将MySQL数据迁移到其中之后在另一个活动中完成的。

    This is normally done as a separate activity after you have created the DB2 database and migrated data from MySQL into it .

  24. 最近,我们收到一位客户打来的电话,他提出了有关将现有Domino数据迁移到新的SharePoint安装中的想法。

    Recently , we received a call from a client about migrating existing Domino data to a new SharePoint installation .

  25. 尽管RAID在基础的层面上提供了这一功能,但存储虚拟这一术语典型地包括了更多附加的概念,比如数据迁移以及缓存。

    While RAID at the basic level provides this functionality , the term storage virtualization typically includes additional concepts such as data migration and caching .

  26. 对于已经拥有Google+帐户同时又希望继续在企业中使用此帐号的用户,Google将在几周后发布一款工具,以帮助此类用户解决数据迁移的问题。

    For those who already have a personal Google + account and want to use it inside an organization Google will make available a tool for migrating their data in the coming weeks .

  27. 同样地,此时,如果所有数据迁移均成功完成,就应该重新引导这个LPAR。

    Again , at this point , you would reboot the LPAR once you are satisfied that all data migrations have completed successfully .

  28. 为实现异构数据库间的数据迁移,提出了一种在PowerBuilder环境下,利用动态数据管道技术实现动态数据迁移的可行方法。

    In order to realize dynamic data transfer between heterogeneous databases , a feasible approach is presented with dynamic data pipeline under PowerBuilder environment .

  29. 该系统的整体框架分为5层:界面层、应用服务器层、OLAP服务器层、数据迁移层、业务数据库层。

    The frame of the system is composed of UI layer , application server layer , OLAP server layer , data transformation services layer and operation database layer .

  30. DPB+-Tree综合了B+树和hash表结构的优点,同时考虑了副本更新、数据迁移和负载均衡等各个方面的性能。

    DPB + - Tree own good qualities of B + - Tree and hash data structure , and consider the performance of copies update , data migrating and load balance .