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  • datagram
  1. 基于Java数据报通信技术的聊天室设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of the Chat-room Based on Java Datagram Technology

  2. IP数据报的内容体现了网际互联层的网间协议的协议机制。

    IP datagram embodies the mechanism of internet protocol in IP layer .

  3. 头部上皮样肉瘤Internet数据报中的校验和

    Epithelioid sarcoma on the head A Way to Calculate The Internet Check Sum

  4. 基于Java数据报的远程信息传递模式

    Study of Remote Information Transfer Mode based on Java UDP

  5. Windows下的数据报截取驱动程序的设计与实现

    Designing and Implementing the Packet Capture Driver for Windows

  6. TCP/IP网络提供的数据报传输是BestEffort服务。

    TCP / IP networking provides only one service : Best Effort datagram delivery .

  7. IP数据报在分组无线网中的传输

    Researches on Transmission of IP over PRN

  8. 只有综合应用策略路由、数据报分类调度和标签交换才能有效实现Internet环境下对端到端服务质量的控制;

    MPLS must be used in company with policy based routing and packet classification to provide end-to-end QoS service in Internet ;

  9. 对新提出的剩余时标法,本文分析了它的理论基础并提出了利用选项域传送剩余时标的IP数据报格式。

    The theoretic basis and the datagram format of the newly propounded RTS method are presented .

  10. 其最大的特点就是:为IP网络提供不可靠,无连接的数据报服务。

    The most important characteristic of those networks is that they only offer unreliable and connectionless services .

  11. 随着IP数据报在Internet的传输,可在Internet中实现动态计算并且快速扩展网络服务。

    As the IP datagram traverse the Internet it can perform mobile computation and expand the services of the Internet rapidly .

  12. 目的主机的IP层将接收到的所有分片重装成一个完整的数据报。

    The IP layer at the receiving host must accumulate these fragments to completely reconstitute the original datagram .

  13. Click是一种新型模块化的软件路由器,它由一些被称为组件的数据报处理模块组成。

    Click , a new modular software router , is composed of element modules that dispose data packets .

  14. 普通IP包或IP数据报:IP包可用来封装以下任何协议。

    Plain IP packet , or IP datagram : IP packets are used to encapsulate any of the following protocols .

  15. VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol,IP电话)技术的发展促使语音业务从物理电路交换到数据报分组交换的转变。

    VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) techniques prompt the transfer of audio service from circuit switch to package-based switch .

  16. 音频和视频流通过用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol,UDP)传输较为可取。

    Audio and video streams are preferably transmitted through the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .

  17. Internet采用了广泛应用的TCP/IP协议,IP数据报的传送平台可以是任何现有分组交换网络。

    Internet adopts a popular TCP / IP protocol and the IP data group 's transmitted platform can be any packet-switching network .

  18. 通过TCP数据报捕获实验结果说明,不同厂家的网络适配器性能差距较大。

    Catch through TCP data messager experimental result prove different network adapter of producer performance disparity relatively heavy .

  19. ATM网络是面向连接的,而IP是采用数据报方式的无连接协议。

    How to support datagram - based Internet Protocol over connection - oriented ATM networks is studied in this paper .

  20. 这是TCP与UDP(UserDatagramProtocol,用户数据报协议)的一个重要区别。

    This is one of the key differences between TCP and the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .

  21. 但是请注意用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol,UDP),对它来说,这一点并不成立。

    But watch out for User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) & this no longer holds true there .

  22. 如果您确实调用了connect,则将丢弃来自指定默认地址以外的地址的任何数据报。

    If you do call connect any datagrams that arrive from an address other than the specified default will be discarded .

  23. 该文主要介绍了关于密钥恢复的一种加密解决方案和一种通过在IP数据报加入密钥恢复信息提供密钥恢复能力的密钥恢复的方式。

    The paper chiefly introduces a cryptographic solution about key recovery and key recovery capability by adding key recovery information to an IP datagram .

  24. 此外,还详细提供了使用上述隧道传输技术的IPv6数据报转发算法。

    An algorithm that utilizes the above tunneling technology is also given to forward IPv6 datagrams .

  25. 对于保护IP数据报的安全而言,IPSec是目前主流的网络层安全机制。

    For protecting the safety of IP datagram , IPSec is present the mainstream network layer 's safe mechanism .

  26. 它对ATM中的HEC装帧机制予以扩展,将之用于不定长数据报。

    It extends the HEC framing mechanism of ATM to variable length packets .

  27. 目前常用的IP路由算法都是基于最短路的,即为每个数据报寻找费用最小的路径,它对应于本文中讨论的用户平衡模型;

    Most IP routing algorithms are based on the shortest path , i.e. , the minimal cost path , which corresponds to the user equilibrium model .

  28. UDP包或用户数据报:UDP是不可靠、无连接的协议。

    UDP packet or user datagram : UDP is an unreliable , connectionless protocol .

  29. IPSec(InternetProtocolSecurity)协议是一种较为成功并且广泛应用的IP安全技术,可以有效地解决Internet通信中诸如IP地址伪造、IP数据报篡改、旧内容重放和数据窥测等等安全问题。

    Internet Protocol Security ( IPSec ) is a kind of network security technologies which is widely used to protect the networks communication security from attacks and intrusions .

  30. 简要介绍了TCP/IP的四层模型、数据报的封装过程,IP、TCP等协议的格式和数据结构。

    We briefly introduce the models of TCP / IP , encapsulation , code format and data structures of TCP / IP and so on .