
  • 网络database software;sql server;mysql;sqlserver
  1. Access数据库软件在双能X线骨密度仪数据管理中的应用

    Application of Microsoft Access in database management from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

  2. 概括ACCESS和其它数据库软件的区别。

    Finally , the difference between ACCESS 97 and other database softwares was also discussed .

  3. Access数据库软件在医学影像资料管理中的应用

    Application of access databank computer software to managing radiologic information

  4. NET的开发框架及其核心服务,对开发人员和今后的数据库软件开发与应用都具有十分重要的意义。

    NET is significant for the developer and database software development and application in the future .

  5. 介绍了ACCESS数据库软件系统结构及其功能,以及它在通信监控系统中的应用。

    Describes the structure and function of Access data bank software system and its application to communication monitoring system .

  6. 传统GIS软件和数据库软件的价格非常昂贵,而开源软件由于其免费性和安全性,可以减少物流系统的开发费用。

    Traditional GIS and database software is very expensive while the open-source software is completely free of charge .

  7. 底层采用Oracle数据库软件支持。

    The underlying uses Oracle database software as support platform .

  8. 同步方法要求数据库软件与专门化的HA软件紧密集成,以产生一个HA集群。

    The synchronous method involves tight integration of the database software with specialized HA software to produce a HA cluster .

  9. 公司为何选择Informix数据库软件来管理其数据基础架构?

    Why would a company choose Informix database software to manage its data infrastructure ?

  10. 采用Delphi数据库软件技术,设计加工误差实验数据采集、分析软件。

    Delphi database software was adopted to design the data collecting , analyzing and drawing software of machining error in the experiment .

  11. IBMsolidDBUniversalCache是一种内存关系数据库软件,它提供极高的速度,可以比传统数据库的性能高十倍。

    IBM solidDB Universal Cache is relational in-memory database software that delivers extreme speed , performing up to ten times faster than conventional databases .

  12. RTF在中日文数据库软件开发中的应用

    Application of RTF in Developing Chinese - Japanese Database Software

  13. 利用VISUALFOXPRO数据库软件自主开发了一套用户管理系统,用于有线电视用户的管理,节约了大量的人力、物力,使有线电视管理工作更加规范化、科学化。

    Using Visual FoxPro database develop a customer management system . It can save a lot of manpower and resources and make customer-management normalization and be scientifically .

  14. 在收集总结了ECG算法资料之后,本文介绍了心电算法及其参数数据库软件的设计和数据库的设计。

    After the collecting of the ECG algorithms , the thesis introduces the design of the ECG algorithms and their parameters and the design of the database .

  15. 本文解释如何在一台Linux或UNIX机器上设置多个DB2系统,并让SAP应用程序与安装的不同数据库软件一起运行。

    This article explains how to set up multiple DB2 systems on one Linux or UNIX machine and have SAP applications running with different database software installations .

  16. 采用MSACCESS数据库软件研制开发了甘肃省稀有濒危植物数据库及其信息管理系统(GSREP)。

    The rare and endangered plant database and information management system of Gansu Province ( GSREP ) was developed with MS ACCESS .

  17. 目的:利用计算机、MicrosoftAccess数据库软件对双能X线骨密度测定(DXA)的数据资料进行智能化管理。

    Aim : Computer and Microsoft Access was used to attain the goal of intellectual management of the patient database from Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry ( DXA ) .

  18. 依据此图可以在MicrosoftSQL或其他数据库软件下建立物理的数据库,建立良好的查询,为农业生产等应用提供服务。

    By this ERD , the physical database could be created using Microsoft SQL or other database software , which could provide highly effective query operation to serve the agricultural production .

  19. ApacheDerby数据库软件是用Java™编程语言编写的,所以是高度可移植的,但是在一个小小的包中仍然提供了可观的性能。

    The Apache Derby database software is written in the Java ™ programming language , so it 's highly portable but still provides remarkable performance in a small package .

  20. db2auth允许更加顺利地从其他数据库软件(比如MySQL,它也是将身份验证信息存储在数据库中)迁移到DB2。

    Db2auth enables a smoother migration from other database software , such as MySQL , that store authentication information within the database .

  21. PHP的多功能成为网站设计很好的开发工具,而MySQL则是一个强大、快速的数据库软件。

    PHP is a good development tool for designing website . Because PHP has many function . MySQL is a database software with strong and fast functionl .

  22. 应用面向对象数据库软件PowerBuilder,阐述了刀具电子样本系统的设计与实现思想与实现方法。

    Using object orient database software - PowerBuilder , this paper illustrates the design thinking and realization method of tool electronic catalogue system .

  23. 数据库软件模型的建立:提供了一种刀具管理软件框架结构,建立了FMS刀具管理系统数据模型。

    Construction of database software model : Provide a kind of Tool Management System structure , and present the data model of TMS based on FMS .

  24. 在ScenarioA中,供应商拥有实例概念(计算机上运行的数据库软件)和架构概念(有些供应商也将架构称为用户)。

    In Scenario A , the vendor has the concept of instance ( the database software running on a computer ) and schemas ( also referred to as user by some vendors ) .

  25. 因此,您知道这个演示应用程序将在未安装完整的ApacheDerby数据库软件的计算机上运行。

    As a result , you know that this demo application will work on a computer on which the full Apache Derby database software is not installed .

  26. 运用面向对象开发工具及地理信息系统(GIS)技术,开发了图形显示与属性查询有机结合的船闸输水系统数据库软件,并介绍了软件功能。

    A database software of the shiplock ′ s filling and emptying system which combines image display and attribute search is developed by using the Object Oriented technology and GIS , and functions of the software are presented .

  27. 用ASP网站设计、SqlServer2000数据库软件和VISUALBASIC可视化软件,采用ADO技术开发了机电信息管理平台。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of machine and electric information for coalmine , using ASP net design software and SQL server 2000 date base software and visual basic software , and ADO technique .

  28. 对技术需求进行了分析,该系统是在DELPHI7集成环境下的WINDOWS应用程序,使用的数据库软件是SqlServer2000实现了系统开发。

    Demand for technical analysis , the system is integrated in the DELPHI 7 under WINDOWS application , the use of the database software SQL Server 2000 is the realization of the development of the system .

  29. 周一微软宣布,将把自己的一款主要产品首次放置到开源操作系统Linux上,也就是说,将销售其数据库软件的Linux版。

    The company announced on Monday that it would put one of its main products on Linux for the first time , selling a version of its database software to run on the open source operating system .

  30. 然后是应用软件和数据仓库软件选型,主要讨论后者,为什么选择Oracle作为数据仓库软件,Oracle相对其他数据库软件的优势在哪里。

    Then the application software and data warehousing software selection , focuses on the latter , why choose Oracle as the data warehouse software , Oracle database software advantages relative to other where .