
shù jù chǔ lǐ jī
  • data processor
  1. 本文介绍了一种应用于H-S法波前探测的高速图象采集系统,提出了应用本图象采集系统解决高帧频探测器阵列与数据处理机之间的同步协调的方法。

    A high-speed image collecting system used in the H-S wavefront detection is presented in the paper . The image collecting system is applied to solving the coordinating problem between high frame rate detector array and data processor .

  2. 将色谱工作站与传统的色谱数据处理机进行了比较,以对PVC树脂残留氯乙烯单体含量的分析为例介绍了色谱工作站的安装调试及分析情况。

    The chromatograph working station was compared with the traditional chromatographic data processor . Taking the analysis of VCM content in PVC resin as examples , the installation , adjustment and analysis of chromatograph working station were introduced .

  3. LPRF脉冲多普勒雷达数据处理机点迹录取模块仿真

    Simulation of Dot Processor Module in Data Processor of LPRF Pulse Doppler Radar

  4. 机载雷达数据处理机(RDP)作为现代机载雷达核心之一,向下完成数据处理和协调其它各分机的工作,向上则实现与机载航空电子分系统的通讯,因此数据处理机的软件是整个雷达的灵魂。

    The core of modern Radar , Which is a 246 RDP , its functions are data process , management subsystem and avionic communication .

  5. DJS-C4数据处理机操作系统OS1的设计和实现

    The design and implementation of the operating system OS 1 for the djs-c4 computer

  6. YBS-1型医用比色计数据处理机

    Data processor for YBS-1 type medical colorimeter

  7. 本文以岛津CR3A为例介绍了色谱数据处理机在分析仪器微机化及色谱理论研究中的应用,探讨了利用CR3A内在功能提高其保留时间和峰面积的测量精度的实用方法。

    This article describes the application of chromatographic data processor ( such as Shimadzu C & R3A ) in micro-computerization of analytic instruments and theoretic study of chromatic spectrum . Meanwhile , it researches methods to increase measuring precision of retention time and peak area .

  8. 在C-R2A数据处理机上,根据故障现象结合电路原理,用替换法查找故障,并进行元件代换。

    Maintenance of the display card on C-R2A data processor according to the fault phenomena and circuit theory and by element replacement troubleshooting is introduced in this paper .

  9. 用于色谱数据处理机的喷墨打印/绘图仪

    A Jet Printer / Graph Plotter for the Chromatographic Data Processor

  10. 数据处理机是机载火控雷达的控制核心,它的性能直接影响到雷达的水准。

    Data processor is the kernel of airborne fire control radar .

  11. 资料处理服务机构协会数据处理机用户组织

    Association of Data Processing Service Organizations [ ADAPSO ] datatron users organization

  12. 软磁盘,用于清洗自动数据处理机上的磁盘驱动器

    Diskette for cleaning disk drives in automatic data processing machines

  13. 色谱数据处理机应用于比表面积的测定

    Application of Chromatograph Data Processor for Determining Specific Surface Area

  14. 心肌细胞搏动数据处理机的研制

    The development of data processing computer for cardiomuscular cellular pulse

  15. 数据处理机汇编系统

    Computer Programs and Compilations of Data datatron assembly system

  16. 数据处理机,用于把编码信息从一媒体传输到另一媒体

    Data processing machine , for transferring coded information from one medium to another

  17. 数据处理机,用于破译数据及提供清晰结果

    Data processing machine , for decoding data and giving the result in clear

  18. 色谱数据处理机的功能开发

    An Application on the Function of Chromatographic Data Processor

  19. 数据处理机,用于以代码形式将转录的数据处理到数据媒体上

    Data processing machine , for processing transcribed data onto data media in coded form

  20. 246雷达数据处理机系统软件设计

    The Design of 246 RDP System Software

  21. 微程序控制数据处理机

    Coordinator of data processing microprogrammed data processor

  22. 自动模拟数据处理机

    Data processing machine , automatic , analogue

  23. 紫台13.7米射电望远镜控制机与数据处理机之间的数据通讯

    Data transmission between the control computer and data processing computer of PMO 13.7m radio telescope

  24. 最终设计出满足使用要求的综合数据处理机机箱结构。

    The final design to meet the use requirements of the integrated data processor box structure .

  25. 以漂白亚硫酸盐浆或漂白硫酸盐浆制成的表格纸,供数据处理机使用。

    Consists of white groundwood free paper in forms manufactured for use in data processing machines .

  26. 一类数据处理机设计与管理中的几个数学问题(Ⅰ)

    Some mathematical problems on the design and management of a kind of data processor ( I )

  27. 对该数据处理机的硬件接口和软件程序功能作了简要的分析和说明。

    PROGRAMMED REQUESTS Both hardware interface and functions of software of the microprocessor were discussed in brief .

  28. 把读进数据处理机的数据从计算机存储器中追溯(检索)出来或寄存起来。

    Retrieving from computer storage or registering that which was read into a data - processing machine .

  29. 轨道卫星上的数据处理机

    Orbital satellite data processor

  30. 电池控制数据处理机

    Battery control data processor