
  • 网络digital book
  1. 在现实世界中,我们可获得的大部分信息都是以诸如书籍、研究论文、新闻、数字图书、Web页面及电子邮件等各种形式出现的。

    In the realistic world the most information we got is in various form of the book , the research paper , the newspaper , the digital book , the Web pages and e-mail and so on .

  2. 若干新型数字图书保护方法的设计与应用

    The Design and Analysis of Some New Digital Book Protection Technology

  3. 基于XML的移动数字图书服务体系结构研究

    Research on the Architecture of Mobile e-Book Service Based on XML

  4. 应用ASP技术实现数字图书资源与网络教学系统的整合

    Developing Web Teaching System on Digital Library Resource Using Active Server Page Technology

  5. 数字图书管理系统及其相关技术探究基于J2EE的图书管理系统的分析与设计

    A Digital Library and Its Related Technologies ; The Analysis and Design of the Library Management System Based on J2EE

  6. 谷歌(google)将向欧洲出版商和作者做出让步,以平息欧洲对于谷歌在美国达成的里程碑式数字图书和解协议日益上升的愤怒。

    Google is to make concessions to European publishers and authors in an effort to stem a rising tide of anger in Europe over its landmark digital books settlement in the US .

  7. 简单叙述了基于JSP的数字图书著录与检索系统的主要设计思路,并介绍了该系统所包含的主要功能及研究方案。

    Briefly describes the major design ideas of digital books description and retrieval system based on JSP . Also introduces the main functions and research plans of the system .

  8. 谷歌(Google)在美国与图书出版商和作者达成的一项具有里程碑意义的法律协议,在欧洲正面临日渐高涨的反对之声。这项能帮助确定未来数字图书业格局的协议面临新的挑战。

    Google is facing growing opposition in Europe to its landmark US legal settlement with book publishers and authors , raising a fresh challenge to an agreement that could help determine the future structure of the digital books business .

  9. 提出了一种基于中介器/包装器的联合数字图书集成信息检索机制,以RDF作为中间信息表示语言,完成查询转换和结果合成。

    An integrated information retrieval mechanism for federated digital library based on mediator / wrapper was proposed . It used RDF as information exchange format , and implemented query translation and result integration .

  10. EPUB是一种开放式的数字图书规范,以常用的技术如XML、CSS和XHTML为基础,EPUB文件可在便携式的e-ink设备、移动电话和桌面计算机上阅读。

    EPUB is an open specification for digital books based on familiar technologies like XML , CSS , and XHTML , and EPUB files can be read on portable e-ink devices , mobile phones , and desktop computers .

  11. 数字图书系统安全策略初探

    Preliminary Study on the Security Strategy of a Digital Library System

  12. 高校数字图书新服务模式探讨

    Discuss about the new Service Pattern of Digital Books in University

  13. 基于图像模式识别的数字图书资料修复及应用

    Repairing and Application of Books and Materials Based on Image Mode Recognition

  14. 复本数模式与数字图书发展之我见

    Opinions about Duplicate-mode and the Development of Digital Book

  15. 从表面上看,图书馆似乎正在掌控数字图书。

    Superficially , libraries seem to be on the ball with digital books .

  16. 数字图书的版权及相关问题试论数字图书馆的著作权问题

    Copyright of Digital Book On Copyright of Digital Libraries

  17. 北京林业大学林学学科群数字图书情报的研究

    Information of the Digital Libraries in Forest Science

  18. 开放源码数字图书系统安全防御模式研究

    A Study of the Security Defense Model of Digital Libraries with Open Source Software

  19. 数字图书联盟是数字图书馆建设的一种新的发展形式和趋势。

    Digital library Alliance is one of the new development models of the digital library construction .

  20. 这部数字图书由230部精选的关于技术培训、职业教育的联合国教科文组织的出版物及文档资料组成。

    This digital library consists of230 selected UNESCO publications and documents in Technical and Vocational Education and Training .

  21. 随着世界各地的爱书者纷纷转向数字图书,从旧金山到上海,全球对电子书阅读器的需求正迅猛增长。

    Global demand for e-reader devices is booming from San Francisco to Shanghai as bibliophiles around the world turn to digital books .

  22. 介绍了目前已有的一些数字图书保护技术,分析了它们的不足之处,提出了两种离线型新型数字图书安全保护方法。

    Introduces some protection technologies of digital book , analyzes their insufficiency , and expounds two new off-line digital book encrypt protection modes .

  23. 数字图书要一统天下,仍需同印刷型图书共存很长时间。

    The digital libraries which attempt to dominate over all the world , and printed libraries still exist side by side for a long time .

  24. 对数字图书版权保护问题的研究探讨包括数字图书的版权保护、版权保护的合理尺度以及在数字图书馆的合理使用问题。

    The research of digital rights protection includes the rights protection digital books of the rational scale of protection and the reasonable employing of digital libraries .

  25. 该机使用了数字图书上市的元数据,以确定书名,作者,出版者和其他数据具体到书。

    The machine uses the metadata from the digital book listing in order to determine title , author , publisher , and other data specific to the book .

  26. 然而,它对数字图书市场形成的潜在长期影响决定了该协议将招致监管机构的密切审查,不论它有什么立竿见影的吸引力。

    Yet its potential long-term impact on the shape of the digital book market has guaranteed that the settlement will attract close regulatory scrutiny , whatever its immediate attractions .

  27. 时代要求我们要认真研究数字图书的设计思想,关注它的发展和变化,不能以一成不变的设计模式来看待它。

    Era demands that we should seriously study and design of digital books , pay attention to its development and change , not stone design pattern to look at it .

  28. 数字图书的特色与合理使用是数字图书馆研究的一个重要方面,数字图书的版权问题也是数字图书馆发展的一个亟待解决的问题。

    The concept of digital library arises with the emerging of digital books , and the features and proper using of digital books are important to the research of digital library .

  29. 随着数字图书使用范围的扩大,以及对数字图书馆研究的不断发展,必然引起一系列新的版权保护问题。

    As the extending of applying scope of digital books and the further development of researches in this area , it will inevitably set off a series of problems on digital rights protection .

  30. 从当前数字图书版权的现状,分析了数字图书版权之争的原因,提出了解决数字图书版权问题的一系列措施。

    Based on the present situation of digital book copyrights , analysis is given regarding the causes of contending for digital book copyrights and a series of measures are proposed as solutions to this problem .