
  • 网络Dunhuang art
  1. 他们筹备了一个大型敦煌艺术展览。

    They prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang Art .

  2. 艺术的再生:敦煌艺术史研究的一个重要命题

    Art Regeneration : the Important Proposition of Dunhuang Art History Study

  3. 进而,更加明确敦煌艺术的发展脉络。

    Thus , more clearly the development of Dunhuang art .

  4. 从栖霞山石窟看南方文化对敦煌艺术的影响

    Seeing The Southern Cultural of the Xi-Xia Mountain Influence Over The Dunhuang Art

  5. 国立敦煌艺术研究所成立始末

    The Foundation of The National dunhuang Art Institute

  6. 敦煌艺术展在北京开幕。

    Dunhuang art exhibition on display in BJ .

  7. 莫高窟屏风画是敦煌艺术中十分重要的一部分。

    The screen painting of Mogao Grottoes is an important part of Dunhuang art .

  8. 本文论述的主题是敦煌艺术的美学精神问题。

    The theme of the thesis was the aesthetics spirit of the DunHuang Art .

  9. 敦煌艺术与大唐气象

    Dunhuang Arts and the Atmosphere of Tang Dynasty

  10. 我们举办了一个敦煌艺术展览会。

    We arranged an exhibition on Dunhuang arts .

  11. 装饰的敦煌艺术&读《中国敦煌历代装饰图案》有感

    Decorative Art of Dunhuang & Impression of Chinese Decorative Patterns of Dunhuang in Past Dynasties

  12. 敦煌艺术美学巡礼

    Perspectives on Esthetics in Dunhuang Arts

  13. 《劳度叉斗圣变》是敦煌艺术中的主要题材之一。

    Illustration of Raudraksa 's battle with Sariputra is one of the main themes in Dunhuang arts .

  14. 去年我见到她时,她正在筹备一个大型敦煌艺术展。

    When I saw her last year , she was busy preparing a big exhibition of Dunhuang .

  15. 1943年,原国民政府决定成立国立敦煌艺术研究所并组建筹备机构。

    The cental government decided to establish the National Dunhuang Art Institute and a preparatory group was formed .

  16. 特别是他为保护、研究、弘扬敦煌艺术而经历的坎坷和百折不挠的精神感人至深。

    Of the frustrations he experienced , the difficulties he overcame in order to protect , study , and develop Dunhuang arts .

  17. 敦煌艺术再生既是新的艺术品种和艺术流派的产生,又是经典艺术在新的时代背景下的价值增值。

    Dunhuang grotto art regeneration is the new production of art-form and art-school and proliferation of classical art in the new era .

  18. 敦煌艺术的强大功能就在于它不受作为物理存在的时空有限性制约,敦煌艺术作为中华文化传统的现代生成,其艺术的启迪作用仍然会长存人间。

    Dunhuang art 's eternal life based on the modern generation of the Chinese tradition is beyond the limitation of Dunhuang grotto .

  19. 浅析敦煌艺术的鹿野苑中瑞像图

    The Paintings of The Auspicious Image In The Deer Park In The Country of V ā r ā? as ī in Dunhuang Art

  20. 敦煌艺术中的装饰纹样分为植物纹样、动物纹样和几何纹样三大类。

    The decorative pattern in Dunhuang art can be classified into three categories : plant pattern , animal pattern , and geometry pattern .

  21. 他们中有人已向东方艺术投来歆羡的目光,而敦煌艺术,正在王道士手上。

    Some of the Western artists were casting envious glances at Eastern art , and the Dunhuang art was then at the hands of Taoist Wang .

  22. 对敦煌艺术再生问题的研究应该从哲学、美学、宗教、门类艺术的不同角度,运用典型分析法展开。

    The study of Dunhuang grotto art regeneration should be carried out by using the typical analytic method from philosophy , aesthetic and arts categories perspectives .

  23. 最后又放弃已有的舒适生活而于1942年从事长达40年的敦煌艺术的研究与保护工作。

    Finally in 1942 he abandoned comfortable life that he had had and began to be engaged in studies and protection of Dunhuang Caves for 40 years .

  24. 在这里敦煌艺术跨越了文化的差异,种族的不同,地域以及时空的分别,这是它的艺术魅力得以传承至今的重要原因。

    Here Dunhuang art across cultural differences , ethnic differences , geographical and temporal difference , which is its charm has been a major cause of transmission .

  25. 据报道,此次展览是历次敦煌艺术展览规模最大、展出文物最多的一次。

    It was reported that , different from previous Dunhuang art shows , this one was the largest in size and boasts of the greatest number of exhibits .

  26. 首先,他在1941年考察甘肃、青海之后,倡议建立敦煌艺术学院以加强对敦煌艺术的保存与研究。

    First , in 1941 , after inspecting Gansu , Qinghai , he advised to create Dunhuang Art Institute to strengthen the preservation and study of Dunhuang art .

  27. 文化具有传承性和相互渗透性,敦煌艺术中的行草书法必定会受到那个时代流行书风的影响。

    Culture is the heritage of the former generation and would be influenced and penetrated each other , it will definitely be affected by the prevalent style of calligraphy .

  28. 敦煌艺术的再生机制在于全球化背景下的民族艺术张力和人为的发掘提炼,以及市场运作。

    The mechanism of gaining the furit of Dunhuang grotto art regeneration is based on the exploring and refining of the national art 's tension , and the operating of market as well .

  29. 作者以亲切质朴的笔触,记述了他学习绘画、留学法国、任职敦煌艺术研究所的人生历程;

    In this book the author presents a simple and unadorned account of his life when he learned to paint , studied fine arts in France , and worked in Dunhuang Art Institute ;

  30. 1943年赴西北敦煌艺术研究院并投入对敦煌壁画的研究。后任中央美术学院教授。

    In 1943 he went to the Dunhuang art Research Institute to carry on research on the Dunhuang murals , and then went to the Central academy of Fine arts to work as a professor .