
  • 网络Dunhuang Academy
  1. 目前,敦煌研究院新任院长王旭东采取了一种比较友好的方式。

    For the moment , the new director of the Dunhuang Academy , Wang Xudong , has a friendlier approach .

  2. 所有照片的版权将归敦煌研究院所有,这些照片将由专家进行评选,评选结果将在敦煌研究院官网公布。

    The copyright of all photos will belong to Dunhuang Academy , and the photos will be reviewed and selected by experts with the results published on the official website of the academy .

  3. 敦煌研究院藏土地庙写本源自藏经洞敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗

    On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally

  4. 敦煌研究院的专家们,比我恨得还狠。

    More woe falls on the Dunhuang experts . They were not willing to give vent to their emotions .

  5. 在风沙主力的必经之路上,敦煌研究院建起了一道特殊的防线。

    On the path the main body of a sand storm must follow , the Dunhuang Cultural Research Institute had a special defense line built .

  6. 回到莫高窟,另一名当地导游——敦煌研究院的艺术历史学家刘勤(音)迫切地引领我们参观华尔纳劫走雕像的地方。

    Back at the Mogao Caves , another local guide , Liu Qin , an art historian at the Dunhuang Academy , was eager to show us the spot where Warner ripped out the statue .

  7. 最让敦煌研究院担心的恐怕是,该计划需要省政府建立专门委员会来监督旅游业发展,这可能会部分削弱或完全剥夺研究院的权力。

    Perhaps most worrying to the Dunhuang Research Academy , the plan calls for the creation of a provincial government commission to oversee tourism , potentially stripping the academy of some or all of its authority .

  8. 敦煌研究院网站承担着本院文物展示、学术研究、敦煌石窟文化遗产保护宣传、工作动态、旅游接待等多项信息发布职能,是敦煌研究院的重要门面和信息发布窗口。

    Dunhuang Academy website showcase academic research , promotion of cultural heritage protection in Dunhuang Grottoes , work dynamics , and many other tourist information dissemination functions , is an important information Dunhuang Academy facade and release window .

  9. 我们从新游客中心了解到,石窟的管理机构敦煌研究院面临的最大挑战,就是人群控制。这座由中国建筑师崔凯建造的中心,与周围的沙丘很协调。

    The biggest challenge for the Dunhuang Academy , the institution that manages the site , is crowd control , as we learned at the new visitors " center , a building designed by the Chinese architect Cui Kai to blend into the desert dunes .

  10. 敦煌研究院院长王旭东表示:“这次活动是我们展示和保护敦煌文化的一部分。希望能有更多的人通过拍摄来了解洞窟,并加入保护人类宝贵文物的队伍中来。”

    Wang Xudong , head of Dunhuang Academy , said : " This activity is part of our effort to showcase and protect Dunhuang culture . Hopefully more people will understand the caves by photographing and joining the army that protects the precious cultural relics of humanity . "

  11. 负责莫高窟研究、保护、管理工作的敦煌研究院表示,此前从未允许任何人私自带相机进入莫高窟,目前所有展现莫高窟洞窟内部的照片仅由敦煌研究院拍摄。

    According to Dunhuang Academy , the authority in charge of the research , protection and management of the site , no one has ever been allowed to take cameras into the caves by themselves , and until now all photos showing the inside of the caves were taken by the academy only .

  12. 1943年赴西北敦煌艺术研究院并投入对敦煌壁画的研究。后任中央美术学院教授。

    In 1943 he went to the Dunhuang art Research Institute to carry on research on the Dunhuang murals , and then went to the Central academy of Fine arts to work as a professor .

  13. 由于年久失修,敦煌花塔出现了多种病害,敦煌研究院2007年起开始对其进行加固维修。

    Because of disrepair , the tower appeared in Dunhuang to spend a variety of diseases , the Dunhuang Academy in2007 began strengthening their maintenance .

  14. 米米·加德纳·盖茨于2010年创办了敦煌基金会(DunhuangFoundation),该组织与敦煌研究院协力支持石窟保护工作。与盖茨一同完成不加限制的参观需要每人捐赠2500美元,捐款可以抵税。

    The Dunhuang Foundation , established in 2010 by Mimi Gardner Gates , a group that supports the preservation of the caves in conjunction with the Dunhuang Academy , requests a $ 2500 per person , tax deductible donation for the full access tour with Ms. Gates .