
  • 网络dunhuang version
  1. 敦煌本《毛诗诂训传》的著录与整理研究

    Recording and Collation of the Dunhuang Version of Exegesis of The Book of Songs

  2. 这一章主要对敦煌本《大般涅盘经》的异文进行分类,总结其成因,阐述了它的研究意义和价值。

    And the value and significance of study are also covered .

  3. 试论敦煌本《文选》的语言文字价值

    The Academic Value of Language and Chinese Characters Symbolized in Wenxuan Manuscripts from Dunhuang

  4. 从敦煌本《百行章》看唐初的法制思想

    From Dun Huang " 100 Lines of Chapter " See the Thought of Legal System of Early-Tang Dynasty

  5. 敦煌本《朋友书仪》是中古时期保存较为完整的月仪类作品。

    " Friends book Miriam " is the best preserved medieval times most of the value of order and work on instrument type .

  6. 在敦煌本儒家文献来源问题的研究上,学界有着不同的看法,本论文也提出了我们新的见解,认为这些文献主要来源于本地撰述和外地传入。

    The paper also poses the new opinion on the source of Dunhuang Confucian literatures . That is they originated from local historiography and introduction from other places .

  7. 第三章词汇研究,该章对敦煌本《神咒经》的道教词汇、佛教词汇、儒源词汇、杂源词汇进行了系统详细的梳理、举例和考证。

    Chapter Three , Study of Vocabulary . It combs Taoism vocabulary , Buddhism vocabulary , Confucian vocabulary and multiple source vocabulary , and makes textual criticisms and explanations with the systematic and detailed methods .

  8. 另外,对敦煌残卷本《读史编年诗》的关注,成为赵嘏研究的一个亮点。

    The notice to Notes to Chronic Poetry in Dunhuang was a point of research of Zhao Gu .

  9. 敦煌莫高窟本生故事壁画的图式与空间研究

    A Study on the Style and the Space of Jataka Murals in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes

  10. 敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗本礼拜五下午殡葬。

    On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally The funeral is on Friday afternoon .

  11. 即在前人对整个敦煌文献进行分类的基础上,尝试着把敦煌本儒家文献分为四大类:经典类、历史类、蒙训类、杂著类。

    That is on the basis of others ' category of Dunhuang literatures in general , it tries to classify Dunhuang Confucian literatures into four classes : classics , history , heuristic education and essays .