
  • 网络Educational Marketing
  1. 以市场需求为导向的教育营销研究&以N大学中加合作办学项目为例

    A Case Study of Educational Marketing in the Program of Sino-Canadian Cooperation

  2. 论工程机械营销中的教育营销

    About Educational Marketing in Engineering Mechanical Marketing

  3. 总部位于伦敦的教育营销集团CarringtonCrisp进行的调查发现,三分之二考虑就读商学院的受访者表示,他们将选择专业硕士学位,而非MBA课程。

    Two-thirds of those considering a business school place said they would choose a specialist masters degree over an MBA course , the survey by Carrington Crisp , a London-based education marketing group , found .

  4. 专门从事教育营销代理的rsacademics表示,所谓的“首次买家”要求最为苛刻,实际上,许多私立学校正通过提供豪华设施,相互进行“军备竞赛”。

    According to RS academics , a specialist education marketing agency , the so-called first-time buyers are the most demanding of all and many private schools are actually engaged in an " arms race " to compete with one another by offering luxury facilities .

  5. 高等教育营销的若干特点分析

    Characteristics of Marketing for Higher Education

  6. 教育营销和教育营销战略

    Education Marketing and its Strategy

  7. 高等教育营销是市场营销理论与方法在高等教育管理实践中的应用。

    Higher education marketing is Marketing theory and method been applied in the practice of higher education management .

  8. 然而高等职业教育营销在我国还处于初步探索阶段,缺乏较为系统的研究。

    However , research on educational marketing in higher vocational college in China is still in the initial exploring stage .

  9. 本文在借鉴大量文献资料基础上,对高校开展教育营销策略的理论探讨自市场营销的应用范围涵盖着高校这一非营利性组织和高校经营管理引入市场营销观念的必要性两方面加以阐述。

    This thesis considers that marketing theory could be used in university , which belongs to nonprofit organization . It is also very necessary to use it in this scope .

  10. 本文结合宁波大学国际交流学院的办学实践,从办学特色、质量管理、课程设置、学位等值和教育营销五个方面对此进行探讨。

    Based on the practice of the joint education being undertaken by International College of Ningbo University , this thesis tries to have an exploration of the characteristics of the joint education program , quality management , course arrangement , and degree equivalence .

  11. 试论高等教育服务营销高校后勤部门社会化是提高办学效益的主要出路

    Higher Education Services Socialization is the Way of Enhancing Educational Effeciency

  12. 高等职业技术教育市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies of Advanced Career Education

  13. 中国高等教育的营销研究

    Study on the Marketing of China Higher Education

  14. 营销策划教学创新&苏格拉底式教育在营销策划教学中的运用

    Marketing planning innovative teaching & Socrates style education in the teaching of marketing planning application

  15. 高等职业技术师范教育市场营销专业培养目标的定位分析

    Analysis of the position and aim for students studying marketing at high institution of vocation-teacher education

  16. 多维需求背景下高职教育产品营销研究

    The Study on the Product Marketing of Higher Vocational Education under the Background of Multi-Dimension Demands

  17. 首先综述了教育市场营销理念及其核心概念。

    First , it provides an overview of the idea of educational marketing and its vital concepts .

  18. 现代远程教育的营销管理模式既是市场规律的反映,更是教育规律的反映。

    But there 's no fixed pattern . E-learning marketing management pattern reflects the rule of market and also the rule of education .

  19. 最后,在革新市场营销观念条件下,对高等教育市场营销策略进行研究,以解决其在新形势下面临的问题和挑战。

    Finally , explore the higher education marketing strategies in the condition of innovating the marketing ideas to solve the questions and the challenges in new situation .

  20. 而在我国,教育市场营销观念的落后和市场营销手段的缺乏是当前教育特别突出的问题。

    However , in our country , the lag of the educational marketing ideas and the wants of the marketing tools are the salient issues facing to the present education .

  21. 而在我国关于教育市场营销、学校营销等方面的研究资料近几年才开始涌现,营销理论在就业指导服务中的应用研究更是匮乏。

    While the research data on educational marketing and collage marketing emerged prominently these years in China , let along the marketing theory applied in the service of career guidance .

  22. 第三部分论述了高职院校品牌培育的理论基础,包括品牌理论、教育服务营销理论和高等教育市场化理论等。

    Chapter three discusses the theoretical principle of brand building in higher vocational school , including brand theory , education service marketing theory and high education marketization theory and so on .

  23. 文章从高等教育服务营销理念的内涵及其内容出发,分析了高校引入服务营销理念的意义,从服务营销学理论方面提出了提升高校竞争力的策略。

    From the service marketing theory of higher education and the theory 's connotation , this paper analyzes the significance of universities ' introducing the service marketing theory , and proposes a strategy to promote the university competitiveness from the aspect the service marketing theory .

  24. 因此,尽快实现教育旅游市场营销创新迫在眉睫。

    Thus marketing innovation of educational tourism is urgently needed .

  25. 这是因为对儿童教育培训市场营销问题的研究是这一市场发展的基础。

    Marketing is an important topic of this market .

  26. 开放教育与市场营销理念初探

    On Open Education and Market Marketing Idea

  27. 教育旅游市场营销创新刍议

    Marketing innovation of educational tourism market

  28. 教育企业的营销策略

    The Marketing Strategies of Education Enterprise

  29. 研究教育行为、营销行为和法律行为区别的另一种途径同行为者及其目标原先存在的自身利益是否一致有关。

    Another way to consider differences among education , marketing , and law is in relation to the congruence of pre-existing self-interests held by the target and the manager .

  30. 高等职业教育领域中市场营销理念引入和应用研究在20世纪90年代的美国,STW(schooltowork)俨然成为了当时美国教育领域的流行语。

    Study on Introduction and Application of Marketing Concept into Higher Vocational Education Actually , in USA , the catchphrase in education for the 1990s is rather the " school to work " .