
  • 网络educational science research;education science research;scientific research in education
  1. 新形势下,中小学开展教育科学研究具有重要意义。

    In the new situation , the educational science research in primary and secondary schools bears great significance .

  2. 论述了定量化在教育科学研究中的重要价值,与所面临的一些难以克服的困难。

    That quantitative methods are an important value of educational science research is expounded , and the difficult in quantitative research of educational science are indicated .

  3. 本文论述了在Moodle环境下对小学教师进行《教育科学研究方法》的教学活动,并探讨了此环境下混合教学的方式与过程。

    The paper expounds the teaching of " Education Science Research methods " to primary school teachers in the Moodle framework , and discusses the means and process of blended learning under the environment .

  4. 我国教育科学研究发展现状的分析

    Analysis of Present Developmental Conditions of China 's Educational Scientific Research

  5. 对新疆教育科学研究的回顾与展望

    Looking Back and Looking Forward to Xinjiang Education and Scientific Research

  6. 试建构教育科学研究方法的体系

    On Constructing the System of the Methods of Education Science Research

  7. 师范生数学教育科学研究能力养成

    Trains of Teacher 's College Students ' Mathematics Education Scientific Research Ability

  8. 二是在教育科学研究能力方面差强人意;

    Especially , their education and scientific research capability is barely satisfactory .

  9. 我校是湖北省教育科学研究实验学校。

    Our school is an experimental one in education research of Hubei .

  10. 信息技术与教育科学研究有着密切的关系。

    Information technology is closely connected with the study of educational science .

  11. 音乐教育科学研究方法的若干思考(上)

    Reflection on the Scientific Research Method of Music Education ;

  12. 教育科学研究效度问题探析

    An Analysis on the Problems about Education Research Validity

  13. 教育科学研究方法及发展趋势

    On the developing trend of the educational scientific research

  14. 俄罗斯的教育科学研究在关注什么&以《俄罗斯教育科学院2010年前基础和应用领域的优先研究方向》文本为例

    Priority Orientation of Educational Research in Russia Educational Ontology

  15. 创新教育科学研究服务基础教育事业

    Innovating Educational Scientific Research Serving Basic Educational Undertaking

  16. 新课程背景下师范院校教育科学研究的思路

    Mentality of Educational Scientific Research in Normal Universities under the Background of the New Courses

  17. 上海教育科学研究院研究员卢静也同意这一观点。

    Lu Jing , a researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences , agreed .

  18. 加强教育科学研究推进军校理念创新

    Enhancing the Study on Military Education Science and Advancing the Innovation of Military Education Thought

  19. 教学评价是现代教育科学研究的三大领域之一。

    Educational evaluation is one of the three major subjects of modern educational science and research .

  20. 对教育科学研究中三角互证方法的探析

    Analysis to Triangle Method in ESR

  21. 1998年,他被任命为在全国教育科学研究所研究员。

    In1998 , he was appointed a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Science Education .

  22. 教育科学研究中的定量化分析

    Quantitative Analysis in the Education Research

  23. 当前关于接受理论的研究正在发展成为教育科学研究中一个崭新的领域。

    Study on receptive theories is coming up as a new field in educational and scientific research .

  24. 重视高等教育科学研究提高工程应用型本科生培养质量

    Paying great attention to higher education scientific research , increasing training quality of undergraduates with engineering applied model

  25. 本文采用调查问卷、分析法、文献法、统计检验法等教育科学研究方法。

    Methods of investigate questionnaire , analysis , articles , statistic sand test are used in this thesis .

  26. 在其思想的影响下,教育科学研究方法范式正在发生着转变。

    Under the influence of this thought , the normal form of education science research approaches is changing .

  27. 课堂观察不但是教育科学研究中收集资料的手段之一,也是一种独立的教育科研方法,它在教育教学研究中具有不容忽视的作用。

    Classroom observation is not only a main method to collect data , but also an independent approach in education research .

  28. 教育科学研究要求研究者根据科学理论去探索现实中的教育现象和问题。

    Education , scientific research requires the researcher to explore the reality of educational phenomena and problems based on scientific theory .

  29. 教师工作压力即教师职业压力,是当前教育科学研究的一个新领域。

    Work stress on teachers , namely the teacher-occupational stress , is a new research field of the current education science .

  30. 骨干教师培训的课程结构包括理论学习和技能培训,教学实践与考察,教育科学研究等。

    The courses construction of training cadre teacher include theory learning and skill training , education practicing and investigating , educational science researching .