
  • 网络Costs Sharing;shared cost of education
  1. 教育成本分担理论评析

    Review of Education Costs Sharing Theory

  2. 民众与政府在义务教育思想发轫时期就达成了义务教育成本分担的隐形社会契约,任何背离该契约的成本分担政策均可能受到社会的质疑与指责。

    There has been an invisible social contract of costs sharing between citizen and government at the time when compulsory education was began to carried out , any policy which disobey this contract might be suspected and blamed by society .

  3. D.B.约翰斯通的高等教育成本分担思想研究

    On D.B.Johnstone 's Cost-Sharing Thoughts in Higher Education

  4. 我国高等教育成本分担问题及政策建议

    Problems and Policy Suggestions on Higher Education Cost Sharing in China

  5. 高等教育成本分担与中国国情的思考

    Cost Sharing of Higher Education and the Reality in China

  6. 论研究生教育成本分担的必然趋势

    On the Inevitability of Sharing the Costs for Postgraduate Education

  7. 论我国高等教育成本分担制度下的教育公平问题&兼论高校贫困生的入学保障

    Education Equality In China 's Higher Education Cost Share System

  8. 论高等教育成本分担的主体延伸

    Discussion on the Subject Extension of Higher Education Cost Sharing

  9. 我国研究生教育成本分担研究述评

    A Commentary on the Study of Graduate Education Cost Sharing in China

  10. 第三章介绍了我国高等教育成本分担的演进过程。

    The third chapter describes the evolution of higher education cost-sharing process .

  11. 试论高等教育成本分担与社会公平

    The Cost-sharing Policy in Higher education and the Social Equality

  12. 义务教育成本分担的社会契约论解读&基于农村实施义务教育免杂费政策的分析

    Analysis of Social Contract of Sharing Costs of Compulsory Education

  13. 高等教育成本分担理论及其局限性

    Cost Sharing Theory and its Limitations in Higher Education

  14. 高等教育成本分担的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Cost-sharing Policy of Higher Education

  15. 高等教育成本分担机制研究

    The Study on Cost Sharing System of Higher Education

  16. 高等教育成本分担与补偿初探

    The Share and Compensation of the Higher Education Cost

  17. 基础教育成本分担的若干理论探讨

    Study to the Cost Shares in the Basic Education

  18. 研究生资助体系是实施研究生教育成本分担制度的重要组成部分。

    Sustentation system for graduate is the important part of the educational cost-share system .

  19. 研究生教育成本分担制对策

    A Discussion of Cost Sharing in Graduate Education

  20. 英国高等教育成本分担政策&政府市场策略的发展及其影响

    Higher Education Cost-Recovery Policies of England & " Quasi-Marketization " Strategy and its Effects

  21. 从国际视野看研究生教育成本分担

    An Analysis of the Share of Postgraduate Education Cost from International Field of Vision

  22. 论当前高等教育成本分担中国家与个人的分担比例

    On the proportion of the state and the individuals sharing the cost of higher education

  23. 因此,高等教育成本分担应该成为我国高等教育财政政策的一个长期策略。

    Therefore , cost-sharing should become the long strategy of finance policy of higher education .

  24. 第五章是对国外在高等教育成本分担的经验比较分析。

    Chapter five is the comparative analysis of the cost-sharing in higher education abroad experience .

  25. 当前我国高等教育成本分担机制存在的问题及对策

    Problems Existing in the Cost-Sharing System of Current Higher Education in China and the Countermeasures

  26. 当前社会中存在的对高等教育成本分担政策的责难在于一种受剥夺的社会情绪。

    The higher education cost-sharing policy was criticized because of a feeling of social deprivation .

  27. 基于高等教育成本分担对家庭消费影响的实证研究

    The empirical study based on the influence of cost-sharing of higher education on household consumption

  28. 完善的资助政策是实施研究生教育成本分担政策的保证。

    The perfect assistance policy can ensure a policy of the sharing postgraduates ' educational cost .

  29. 在此基础上,构建了中国研究生教育成本分担机制的模式。

    Basing on these , it constructs the mechanism model of sharing China graduate education cost .

  30. 军工高校教育成本分担与资源利用效益问题的探讨

    The Problems in Distributing the Education Cost and the benefit of Resource Utility in Military Universities