
  1. 新形势下教育审计的职能及作用

    A Study of the Function and Effects of the Education Audit in the New Situation

  2. 广东教育审计新规范在新校区建设项目中的应用设想

    On Application of Education Audit in Guangdong Province in the Construction Projects in New Campus of Universities

  3. 高等教育质量审计制度及其研究概述

    Review on the Research of the Quality Audit System in Higher Education

  4. 教育贷款审计的方法研究

    Research on the Methods of Auditing in Education Loan

  5. 本文从管理、流程、技术、教育、审计等方面出发,通过对多项措施的有机结合,为企业打造一个良好的信息安全体系。

    The measures in aspects of management , processes , technology , education and auditing etc were presented to establish a good information security system for a company through their organic combination .

  6. 本文通过分析贷款资金的内部控制制度、来源和使用情况,提出了建立内部控制审计为主,创新审计方法的教育贷款审计的新思路。

    By analyzing the inner control system of the loan funds , their sources and their utilization , this paper advances the new idea of setting up inner controlling and auditing system and working out new auditing method .

  7. 加强审计实践教育培养现代审计人才

    To Strengthen Auditing Practice Education , to Train Modern Auditing Talent

  8. 试论高等教育的效益审计

    A Trial Discussion of the Benefit Audit of Higher Education

  9. 教育系统内部审计研究

    Research on Interior Audit of Educational Organizations

  10. 高等教育效果的审计即效果性审计。

    The audit of the higher education effects , that is , the audit of effectiveness .

  11. 实施高等教育的效益审计,是提高教育质量和办学效益的必要保障。

    Benefit audit of higher education is a necessary guarantee to improve quality and benefit of education .

  12. 全面探讨审计工作体系、审计科学体系、审计组织体系、审计教育体系和审计方法体系。

    This paper has researched the work system of audit , the science system of audit , the organization system of audit , the education system of audit and the method system of audit .

  13. 本文在建立审计运行机制、选用评价指标体系、确立审计评价标准、完善审计方法、加强审计人员素质教育及完善审计制度约束等方面作了比较系统的论述。

    Systematic demonstration has been made on standardizing audit procedure , perfecting audit methods , establishing evaluation parameters system , preventing risk of audit , setting up appraising criterions , and utilizing audit results effectively , etc.

  14. 对新旧《教育系统内部审计工作规定》进行了详细的比较,分析了新《教育系统内部审计工作规定》的特点。

    This paper makes detailed comparison of the new and old Regulations for the Internal Auditing Work of the Educational System , and analyzes on the features of the new Regulations for the Internal Auditing Work of the Educational System .

  15. 从创新理论谈及审计创新,同时指出,审计创新理论应包括审计技术和方法创新、审计教育创新、审计知识创新、审计体制创新等重要内容。

    Based on the innovation theory , this paper discusses the innovation of audit and put forward that the audit innovation theory should contain audit technology , method innovation , audit education innovation , audit knowledge innovation and audit mechanism innovation .

  16. 基于会计教育目标的《审计学》课程教学改革研究

    On Teaching Reform of Auditing Based on Objective of Accounting Education

  17. 教育行政部门绩效审计指标体系构建

    Research on Index System of Performance Audit of Educational Administrative Department

  18. 教育系统经济责任审计风险及其防范

    Audit Risk of Economic Responsibility and How to Keep It Away in Educational Departments

  19. 论教育事业单位效益审计

    On Efficiency Audit of Education Enterprise Unit

  20. 而教育部门对该审计部分结果存在疑问。

    The Department of Ed disputes some of the audit 's findings , of course .

  21. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目极度缺乏控制和监管。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed seriously lacking controls and oversight of these international degree programs .

  22. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目“极度缺乏控制和监管”。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed " seriously lacking controls and oversight " of these international degree programs .

  23. 如何有效的保证教育资金合理运用,保证内部经济活动健康、有序的开展,教育审计有着举足轻重的作用。

    How to use the educational funds reasonably to make sure that the economic activities can go on normally , the educational audit is important .

  24. 教育的改革与创新,教育结构的优化,对教育经济管理提出了新的任务,也对教育内部审计提出了更高的要求。

    Reform and innovation as well as the optimization of structure in the area of education set a new task for educational economic management , and a higher demand for internal auditing .

  25. 教育工作涉及面广,教育经费支出复杂、量大,如何保证教育资金的安全和发挥其最大使用效益已成为教育审计工作的当务之急。

    The education covers a large range and the educational expenditure is very complicated and large , therefore how to make sure the security of the usage of educational expenditure and yield the greatest results on investment is becoming a top agenda of the audit work .