
  • 网络education streaming;educational tracking
  1. 第二部分主要是对我国目前高等教育分流中存在问题进行分析。

    The second part analyzes the problems in modern higher education streaming .

  2. 从美国杰出人才的培养成就看教育分流

    Research on the Education Streaming According to the Training Achievements of American Outstanding Talents

  3. 海军院校合训学员任职教育分流优化设计

    The Optimal Split-flow Design of Coordinated Training Cadets in Naval On-post Training

  4. 新加坡的教育分流制度及对我国教育改革的启示

    The educational split-flow of Singapore and its reference for China 's education reform

  5. 试析我国高等教育分流中的结构失衡问题

    Imbalanced Split - flow Structure of Higher Education in China : An Analysis

  6. 美国高等教育分流的经验及对中国的启示

    The Experiences and Suggestions of American Higher Educational Separation

  7. 高等教育分流问题研究

    Research on the issue of higher education shunt

  8. 国外高等教育分流与社会分层流动研究的特点及启示

    Characteristics and Implications of International Research in Higher Education and Social Stratification and Mobility

  9. 教育分流与中等职业教育的发展

    Educational stratification and middle vocational education development

  10. 高等教育分流依据探讨

    Discussion of Higher Education Divergence Accordance

  11. 第三部分针对高等教育分流中存在的问题,提出了使之合理化的对策。

    The third part aims at the problems in higher education streaming , putting forward the rational countermeasures .

  12. 高等教育分流选择方式策略&国际比较与思考?

    The Strategy for the Choosing ways Owing to the Higher Educational Streaming & International Comparing and Thinking ;

  13. 另一方面要改善高等教育分流过程,保障人们多种教育选择权利的实施。

    It also means to improve the streaming process to guarantee the practice of people 's various educational choice rights .

  14. 要研究高等教育分流,必先认识它的基本属性,即认识其内涵、外延与特征。

    To study the higher educational streaming , the basic attribute of which possesses intension , extension and character must be known .

  15. 社会分层与教育分流&一项对义务教育阶段划区就近入学等制度安排公平性的实证研究

    Social Stratification and Educational Differentiation & An Empirical Study of Fairness of Zone Division and Admission into the Nearest School for the Compulsory Education

  16. 高等教育分流结构是高等教育系统中学生分流进入的不同层次、不同类型、不同形式、不同区域的高校的比例构成与纵横联接方式。

    The split flow structure of higher education reflects the percentages and connection modes of students entering universities and colleges which are different in level , type , mode and area .

  17. 美国为什么会如此盛产杰出人才呢?人才的培养是受多方面因素的制约,其中合理的教育分流是人才培养的有效手段。

    Why can so many outstanding talents turn out in America ? Cultivating talents is restricted by multifaceted factors , but reasonable education streaming is an effective means for training talents .

  18. 美国在教育分流上的做法对我国教育分流改革是有启示意义的,我们可以借鉴其成功的经验,从而更有利于促进我国杰出人才的培养。

    The practices of education streaming in America have enlightenment for our country . We can learn its successful experience , therefore it can benefit to the outstanding talents cultivating in China .

  19. 教育分流是否公平合理,直接影响着人才培养的数量与规格,影响到社会的劳动就业、经济发展和社会的和谐稳定。

    Educational triage is fair and reasonable , and directly affect the quantity and specifications of the personnel training , employment impact to the society , economic development and social harmony and stability .

  20. 此外,大部分人都有向上流动进入较高层社会的愿望,因而学生在教育分流时会主动选择接受有利于进入社会上层的教育。

    In addition , most people have a desire for upward mobility into the higher level of social , and thus student education shunt active choice to accept into the upper social strata of education .

  21. 通过分析美国教育分流的分化流程及配套措施,发现其具有自主分流、多次分流、多级分流、多向分流的特点。

    According to the analysis on the split-flows and supporting measures of American education streaming , we find that it has four features that are self-streaming , multiple streaming , multilevel streaming , multiway streaming .

  22. 本文通过分析瑞士新加坡、德国教育分流的政策以及影响,发现合理的教育分流为杰出人才的成长做出了巨大的贡献。

    This paper analyzes Switzerland , Singapore , Germany and other countries and the impact of education policy of segregation , education and diversion to find a reasonable growth of talented people made a great contribution .

  23. 合理的高等教育分流,具有分流取向的兼顾性、分流依据的科学性、分流时机的适宜性、分流形式的多样性、分流结构的协调性,以及分流机构定位的合理性等特征。

    Rational higher education shunt possesses characteristics such as comprehension consideration of shunt orientations , suitability of shunt opportunity , variety of shunt forms , coordination of shunt structures , and the rationality of shunt organization orientation .

  24. 但由于受传统观念等因素的影响,初中教育分流效果并不理想,农村初中生对职业教育的认可与分流过程中的行为形成极火的反差,在分流时选择职业教育的的愿意很弱。

    Affected by factors such as the traditional concept of secondary education diversion effect is not ideal , rural junior high school vocational education in the behavior of the process of recognition and streaming in sharp contrast , shunt , choice of occupation , education , willing to weak .

  25. 高等教育内分流模式研究

    Research on the Inner - Streaming Model in the Higher Education

  26. 高等教育合理分流与高等教育结构调整

    On the Rational Seperation and Structural Adjustment of Higher Education

  27. 高等教育学术忠诚分流的市场逻辑

    On market logic of academic loyalty distinction of higher education

  28. 邮政远程教育系统课件分流方案的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Courseware Diffluence Project in platform of China Post Distance Education

  29. 在知识经济时代,学术工作已成为一种专门化的职业,高等教育学术忠诚分流逻辑终点在于:理性认识公平缺失,适度照顾弱势群体;

    In the era of knowledge economy , academic work has become a specialized profession .

  30. 高等教育公平观与高等教育分流

    Equity Conception of Higher Education and Higher Education Tributary