
chì lìnɡ
  • imperial order
  • order by imperial edict
敕令 [chì lìng]
  • [constitutiones principum] 指帝王所发布的命令、法令或立法

  1. 皇帝颁布了一项不得和外国人做生意的敕令。

    The emperor issued an edict forbidding doing trade with foreigners .

  2. 据认为,它导致了新近侵占敕令的产生。

    It is thought to have suggested the assize of novel disseisin .

  3. 《皇明诏令》白话敕令词汇语法研究

    Research on the Words and Grammar in

  4. 拿破仑以征服者的姿态进入柏林。在那里颁布了禁止英国与欧洲大陆通商的柏林敕令。

    Napoleon made a conqueror 's entry into Berlin . Here he issued the Berlin Decree that barred British goods from Europe .

  5. 1593年,亨利四世放弃新教改信天主教,终结了内战,但1598年他颁布「南特敕令」,授予新教徒权利。

    Henry IV ended the civil wars by abjuring Protestantism in1593 and converting to Catholicism , but in1598 he promulgated the Edict of Nantes , granting rights to Protestants .

  6. 德国的狄勃拉将军死在邻近的一株大树下面,他原属法国籍,在南特敕令①废止时才全家迁徒到德国去的。

    Beneath a great tree in the neighborhood fell the German general , Duplat , descended from a French family which fled on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes .

  7. 你知道的,如果你觉得一件事既重要又有价值,你就会全心全意去做,不管政府也不管社会的敕令,然后这件事就会成功。

    You know , if you think something is important , really worth while , you give your heart to it irrespective of governments and the edicts of society-and then it will succeed .

  8. 重法地法本身并不特指某一部法律,而是对在常法之外,针对特定地区特定犯罪所适用的一系列敕令的统称。

    Severe law in special areas itself is not a law . Instead it refers to a series of laws that apply to certain criminals in certain places along with the conventional laws .

  9. 古代西亚民法的法律文献是很丰富的,有着各种各样的类型,诸如法典、王室敕令、行政法令、民间契约文书、私人信件以及法律教本等文献。

    The history of Near East is particularly rich in sources of civil law , both in quantity and type , such as law codes , edicts , administrative orders , private legal documents , private letters and scholastic documents .

  10. 第三届国家杜马从1907年6月3日至1912年6月8日,沙皇颁布敕令,停止第三届国家杜马的活动。

    The third session is from June 3 ~ ( rd ) 1907 to June 8 ~ ( th ), 1912 , then the Czar enacted an issue to stop the activity of the Duma and on August 29 ~ ( th ) abolished it ;

  11. 一是《宋刑统》实行律与敕令格式合编,不仅完善了唐后期出现的刑统体例,而且开创了后世律例合编的律典编纂新体例;

    The first was that laws and decrees were put into one chapter in Song Xing Tong , which not only perfected the form of Xing Tong formed in the late Tang Dynasty , but also created the new codification form of the compilation of laws and cases .

  12. 有了苏丹的敕令(奥斯曼帝国的许可),得到了大批柏林富翁的资助,休曼和他的同事从1878年开始挖掘在土耳其西部其爱琴海岸贝尔加马(现代城市伊兹密尔附近)的一处遗址。

    Armed with a firman , or Ottoman permit , and financed by a group of rich backers in Berlin , Humann and his team , in 1878 , began excavating a site in Bergama , near the modern city of Izmir on the Aegean coast of western Turkey .