
zhènɡ zhì fú dǎo yuán
  • political assistant;counselor;assistant for political and ideological work
  1. 高校政治辅导员在育人中的重要作用

    The Important Role Played by the Political Assistant in Cultivating Students at College

  2. 简论高校政治辅导员的管理职能

    A Brief Discussion on the Management Function of Political Assistant in Colleges and Universities

  3. 对加强高校政治辅导员继续教育的思考

    Pondering on How to Strengthen University Political Instructors ' Continuing Education

  4. 21世纪高校思想政治辅导员所应具备的素质

    University thought quality that political counsellor should possess in 21st century

  5. 浅谈高校政治辅导员的角色意识

    Discussion on Role Consciousness of Political Assistants in Colleges and Universities

  6. 只有这样政治辅导员才能完成历史赋予的使命。

    Only do such can they accomplish mission that history given .

  7. 成人高校政治辅导员应具备的素质探析

    The Quality of Assistants in an Adult Institution of Higher Education

  8. 论高校政治辅导员人格魅力的构建

    How to shape the Personality Charisma for the College Political Tutors

  9. 高校学生政治辅导员队伍建设的可持续发展

    Sustainable development of the construction of political counsellor team of college students

  10. 思想政治辅导员是高校教育管理工作的中坚力量。

    Political assistants are the nucleuses of education administrators in tertiary colleges .

  11. 高校政治辅导员在学生德育工作中的作用

    Role of University Political Assistants in Moral Education of Students

  12. 我院思想政治辅导员须强化的几个意识

    My Institute Thought Politics Guides a Few Consciousnesses That Member Must Enhance

  13. 试论高校政治辅导员的职业化岗位管理

    On the Professionalized Post Administration of the Political Tutors in Universities and Colleges

  14. 高校政治辅导员的准入和培养途径研究

    Research on the ways of admitting and training of the university political counselor

  15. 清华大学政治辅导员制度的特色及其发展

    The Characteristics and Development of the System of Political Instructor at Tsinghua University

  16. 高校政治辅导员的素质要求与工作模式

    Requirement of Quality and Work Pattern to the Counselors in Political and Ideological Education

  17. 试论高校政治辅导员的素质构成及提升策略

    On the Strategies to Improve the Qualities of Political Instructors in Colleges and Universities

  18. 说服性传播理论在政治辅导员工作中的运用

    On the Application of the Persuasive Communication Theory in the Political Instructor 's Work

  19. 高校政治辅导员激励管理对策论

    On Incentive Management of the College Assistants

  20. 政治辅导员抓学生思想,促学风建设的实践与探索

    Political Tutor 's Exploration and Practice in Enhancing Students ' Thought and Improving Learning Atmosphere

  21. 谈政治辅导员的工作定位

    The work of T. The Position

  22. 高校政治辅导员的挫折心理是影响高校政治辅导员工作的一个重要因素。

    One of the important factors affecting college political tutors ' daily work is their frustation psychology .

  23. 高校政治辅导员是高校学生思想政治教育工作的主体。

    Political counsellors are the main body to the work of ideological and political education in college .

  24. 研究型政治辅导员具有实践性、反思性和尊重个性等特征。

    The political assistant of research-type has such good features as practicality , introspectiveness and respecting the individuality .

  25. 新世纪高校政治辅导员队伍建设研究及对策

    Studies and Strategies of Strengthening the Construction of Political Assistants in Colleges and Universities in the New Era

  26. 与时俱进开拓创新当好高校政治辅导员

    Go along with the Advancing Age , Exploit and Innovate , to Be an Excellent College Political Instructor

  27. 职业化&高校专职政治辅导员队伍建设的必由之路

    Professionalization & An Essential Access to the Construction of the Full-Time Political Instructor Group in Colleges and Universities

  28. 我是他的政治辅导员,我认为他完全能够胜任应聘的工作。

    As his political instructor , I think Mr. Xiao is well qualified for the position he seeks .

  29. 加强政治辅导员继续教育,是一项具有战略意义的重大建设。

    To strengthen college political and ideological counselors ' continuing education is a major construction that has strategic meaning .

  30. 我国高校的政治辅导员制度始建立于20世纪50年代初。

    The system of political instructors in colleges and universities was established in early fifties in the 20th century .