
zhènɡ zhì lù xiàn
  • political line
  1. 我们的政治路线的重要一部分就是武装斗争。

    Armed struggle is an important component of our political line .

  2. 我们的政治路线就是搞社会主义现代化建设。

    Our political line is to achieve the socialist modernization of our country .

  3. 不过,他也承诺延续其前任的政治路线。

    But he also pledged to continue his predecessor 's political course .

  4. 思想路线政治路线的实现要靠组织路线来保证

    The organizational line guarantees the implementation of the ideological and political lines

  5. 现在我们认识了正确的政治路线对我们是多么重要。

    Now we realized how much a correct political line meant to us .

  6. 党的建设要和党的政治路线密切联系;

    The construction of Party and the political route of Party connected closely .

  7. 政治路线确定之后,干部就是决定的因素。

    Cadres are a decisive factor , once the political line is determined .

  8. 第一,要有一条坚定不移的、贯彻始终的政治路线。

    First , it is essential to follow a firm and consistent political line .

  9. 中心环节与党的政治路线亦即中心任务并行不悖、相辅相成。

    The central link runs parallel to the Party 's political line or central tasks ;

  10. 我们制定了政治路线、组织路线和一系列的方针、政策。

    We have formulated political and organizational lines and a series of principles and policies .

  11. 每次他开口,都表明了他的政治路线。

    Yep , every time he opened his mouth , right on the party line .

  12. 正确的政治路线要靠正确的组织路线来保证。

    The implementation of the correct political line must be ensured by a correct organizational line .

  13. 会后民盟的实际行动实践着自己的政治路线和工作方针。

    After it , the Democracy League 's actions practise its politics route and wording policy .

  14. 讲党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线;

    Second , the political , ideological and organizational lines of the Party ; route protection [ railway ]

  15. 革命历史小说在总的政治路线指导下认识现实,并强调作品对总的政治路线的服务性;

    RHF understands the revolution subject to the guidance of general political mute and emphasizes its service to politics .

  16. 恢复和发展党的思想路线、政治路线、组织路线,是党的建设的重要途径;

    Bringing back and strengthening Party 's idea policy , political policy and organization policy is the importance approach ;

  17. 一个真正的马克思主义政党在执政以后,必须有一条马克思主义的政治路线,把发展作为自己的中心任务;

    A real Marxist political party must have a Marxist political route regarding the development as own center mission ;

  18. 摘要思想路线不是小问题,它是政治路线的基础。

    The ideological line , which is not a small problem , is the base of the political line .

  19. 但这些令人振奋的预测不仅取决于中国未来的政治路线,还取决于其法律。

    But these heady predictions depend not just on the future path of Chinese politics , but also its law .

  20. 到目前为止,我们党的政治路线和党的建设,是密切地联系于这一斗争形式的。

    So far both our political line and our Party building have been closely linked with this form of struggle .

  21. 遵义会议未彻底解决王明“左”倾政治路线错误原因探析

    The Exploration of Causes of the Wrong Political Line About Wang Ming 's " left " Deviation Unsolved in Zunyi Meeting

  22. 因为不满足,就对我们所制定的政治路线能不能实现,四个现代化能不能实现,觉得把握不大。

    Because of their dissatisfaction , they are uncertain whether our political line and the four modernizations can be carried through .

  23. 党的思想路线和政治路线,尽管有人不通,但总是已经确立了。

    Despite the fact that some people still have reservations , the Party 's ideological line and political line have been established .

  24. 但人们普遍相信他将领导俄罗斯继续沿着叶利钦制订的俄罗斯崭新的政治路线迈进21世纪。

    It is widely believed that his presidency will continue the new course of Russian politics set by Yeltsin into the twenty-first century .

  25. 而新历史小说以不违背政治路线为基准,通过作品自由表达创作个体对社会、人生的认识和体验。

    NHF , on the other hand , expresses the writer 's understanding of society and life within the scope of political route .

  26. 在现在世界上,一切文化或文学艺术都是属于一定的阶级,属于一定的政治路线的。

    In the world today all culture , all literature and art are belong to definite classes and are geared to definite political lines .

  27. 正确的军事、组织、政治路线的制定与执行,标志着马克思主义中国化的成熟主体群开始形成;

    The formulation and implementation of correct military , organizational , and political guidelines marks the formation of a mature group of Marxists in China .

  28. 我们要注意,现在反对党的政治路线、思想路线的,还大有人在。

    We must take note of the fact that a fair number of people are still opposed to the Party 's current political and ideological lines .

  29. 第二个问题,关于坚持党的政治路线、思想路线和组织路线,我想多说几句。

    Second , the question of adhering to the Party 's political , ideological and organizational lines , which I want to speak about at greater length .

  30. 反吉田派的政策主张和活动,不仅动摇了吉田政权的统治,而且对后来日本的政治路线也带来深远影响。

    The stand and action of Anti-Yoshida group not only shook the rule of the Yoshida regime but also brought profound effect on later Japanese political courses .