
  • 网络Political science;pols;Political Science & Government
  1. 美国巴黎大学政治科学的StevenEkovich教授说,选民们很担心。

    America University of Paris Political Science Professor Steven Ekovich says voters are afraid .

  2. 普渡大学的政治科学教授JamesMcCann说,对选民来说国内的问题比Lugar的外交政策经验更加重要。

    Purdue University Political Science Professor James McCann says domestic concerns outweigh Lugar 's foreign policy experience .

  3. 但是在天主教大学教授政治科学的StephenSchneck说,主教们对这个战斗准备得非常充分,他说:

    But Stephen Schneck who teaches politic science in the Catholic University says the bishops prepared well for this battle .

  4. IsraelMarques是学习政治科学的美国学生,他目睹了抗议过程。他说,他的俄罗斯同学和邻居都为笼罩莫斯科的浓烟感到非常愤怒。

    Israel Marques , an American political science student who watched the protest , said his Russian neighbors and university friends were angry about the dense smog that blanketed Moscow .

  5. 巴黎大学政治科学教师KhattarAbouDiab辩称,暴力活动是美国计划在今年年底之前全面撤军造成的紧张形势的标志。

    Khattar Abou Diab , who teaches political science at the University of Paris , argues that the violence is a sign of tensions in the lead-up to the planned , U.

  6. 开罗美洲大学的政治科学教授ManarShorbagy说,美国应重审对待埃及的方式,她说,美国将自己的利益定义为石油和保护以色列。

    Manar Shorbagy , a professor of political science at the American University in Cairo , says the United States should re-examine how it deals with Egypt . She also says the United States has defined its interests as in oil and protection of Israel .

  7. 霍布斯相信我们能够拥有政治科学。

    We can have a science of politics , Hobbes believes .

  8. 你要研习语言,历史,艺术,政治科学。

    You will study languages , history , art , political science .

  9. 亚里士多德有政治科学,政治的科学吗?

    Does Aristotle have a political science ? a science of politics ?

  10. 政治科学发展历程中的经验主义与理性主义

    Empiricism and Rationalism in the Development Process of Political Science

  11. 我们可以创造政治科学,因为我们制造了它。

    We can create a science of politics because we make it .

  12. 关于霍布斯的政治科学,到底什么是革命性的呢?

    What was revolutionary about , or innovative ,? about Hobbes'political science ?

  13. 现在我的专业是政治科学和生物学

    Well right now , I am in political science and biology major

  14. NaruemonChabchumpon是朱拉隆功大学政治科学系主任。

    Naruemon Chabchumpon is political science director at Chulalongkorn University .

  15. 我毕业于政治科学。

    I have a degree in political science .

  16. 在政治科学和爱戴。

    In political science and would love to .

  17. 范围涵盖政治科学,经济学,社会学,人类学,心理学,还有更多。

    This not only includes political science but economics sociology anthropology psychology among others .

  18. 从政治科学上看,人民的概念是介于臣民与公民之间的。

    Politically , the connotation of people is between that of subject and citizen .

  19. 政治科学难道没有任何进展吗?

    Doesn 't political science make any progress ?

  20. 事实上,大部份现代政治科学的方针,都与柏拉图的传承背道而驰。

    In fact , much of modern political science is directed against Plato 's legacy .

  21. 20世纪80年代以来,当代西方政治科学研究中最为突出的一个现象就是新制度主义政治学的兴起。

    The rise of new institutionalism is an extrusive trend in political science after 1980s .

  22. 亚里士多德式政治科学的语言,是人类的语言,政治动物的语言。

    The language of Aristotelian political science is the language of man the political animal .

  23. 普通的教育课程包括美国历史,人类学,哲学,文学和政治科学。

    General education classes include American history , anthropology , philosophy , literature and political science .

  24. 詹姆斯福勒是加利福利亚大学圣地亚哥分校的政治科学教授。

    James Fowler is a political science professor at the University of California , San Diego .

  25. 政治科学中的新制度主义&当代西方新制度主义政治学述评

    New Institutionalism in Political Science

  26. 关于政治科学中合法性问题的思考

    On Legality in Political Science

  27. 政治科学作为一门独立的学科,在武汉大学的发展经历了曲折的历程。

    As an absolute subject , the development of political science in Wuhan University underwent a devious course .

  28. 她是政治科学和公共环境事务专家。现在,经济理论表明,良好的资源管理需要所有权,无论是私人的还是公共的。

    Today , economic theory suggests that good resource management requires ownership , either private or public . ,

  29. 主修:生物科学,英文,菲语,历史,数学,体育,政治科学。

    Majors : Biological Science , English , Filipino , History , Mathematics , Physical Education , Political Science .

  30. 威尔逊迅速成为了政治科学专业的一名年轻教授,并在1902年成为普林斯顿校长。

    Wilson advanced rapidly as a conservative young professor of political science and became president of Princeton in 1902 .