
Revenue from government-controlled funds was used exclusively for its intended purposes .
Government funds and special charges of a tax nature
The levy system of governmental fund mainly comprises of the levy subject and levy procedure .
Port construction fee is a kind of government funds , which is imposed by the state earmarked for water infrastructure .
The administrative fees and the governmental funds which are levied in accordance with the law and fall under the Treasury administration ;
In good times , a red-hot property market has boosted the provincial government 's income and enabled higher spending levels , the rating firm said .
Therefore , the systematic research on the legal system of governmental fund should focus on the basic framework of its legal system and its related construction .
In 2013 , when home sales were up 40 % , Guangdong 's government revenue surged 62 % over the previous year while spending climbed 55 % , the rating firm said .
' Guangzhou 's economic growth has a definite reliance on the property market , ' the rating company said . ' Fluctuations in the property and land markets will affect government income . '
We will draw up budgets for all funds controlled by central and local governments , prepare budgets for social security funds on a trial basis , and improve the budget system for the use of state capital .
The construction of the legal system in governmental fund mainly lies on the general law . The fiscal legislation should be well coordinated with the economic legislation and administrative legislation in the legal system of governmental fund .
Some non tax income such as the administrative fees , government funds , state-owned capital gains and incomes from fines and confiscations and others relate to economic and social development in various fields , they are closely related to the interests of the people and the reality .
At present , Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees , government funds , operational income of state-owned capital , state-owned resource ( asset ) is paid use income , special income , confiscated income and other income .
The accounting subject includes administrative institutions , public institutions ( mainly refers to institutions receive the national budget ), and government funds .