
fàng mù
  • graze;pasture;browse;put out to pasture
放牧 [fàng mù]
  • (1) [graze]∶把牲畜赶到草地上去吃草、活动

  • 我们过去常在晚春牧草茂盛的高原放牧

  • (2) [pasture]∶放牲口出去吃草

  • 在潜江的五一农场放牧

放牧[fàng mù]
  1. 牛群放牧在牧场草地上。

    The cattle were put out to pasture .

  2. 本文运用常微分方程定性理论讨论了一个放牧有相互干扰的食植系统,获得了该系统极限环存在唯一性及全局渐近稳定性的充分条件。

    In this paper , a plant eater-plant system with mutual interference in put out to pasture is discussed by using ODE qualitative theory , the sufficient conditions about its existence and uniqueness of limit cycle and its global asymptotic stability are obtained .

  3. 这块地当地人用来放牧。

    The land is used by local people to graze their animals .

  4. 将庄稼和放牧区分开绝对必要。

    It was absolutely essential to separate crops from the areas that animals used as pasture

  5. 不远处那片广阔的田地就是他们曾经放牧的地方。

    The vast area not far away is the fields on which they used to graze .

  6. 这里有很好的草地供你们放牧牛马。

    There is good grassland here for your cattle and horses to graze on .

  7. 鹿群经过驯化,可以放牧。

    Deer can be tamed and trained to go out to pasture .

  8. 机器人并不局限于放牧和监测牧群。

    The robots are not limited to herding and monitoring livestock .

  9. 目前,威尔士正在对机器人进行为期两年的试验,该试验将训练“农业机器人”放牧,监测牲畜的健康状况,并确保有足够的牧场供它们取食。

    Robots are currently under a two-year trial in Wales which will train " farmbots " to herd , monitor the health of livestock , and make sure there is enough pasture for them to graze on .

  10. 这就是他们过去经常放牧的地方。

    This is the place where they used to pasture .

  11. 牧马者是放牧牛马的牛仔。

    A wrangler is a cowboy who works with cattle and horses .

  12. 克洛伊说,他们知道佩吉想工作,因而对她开展了漫长的训练,教她如何不依靠语音命令放牧。

    Chloe said they knew Peggy wanted to be working , so they started the long process of teaching her how to herd2 without relying on voice commands .

  13. 现已十岁的佩吉印证了那句老话:活到老学到老,同时,她还在“兼职”和克洛伊夫妇的另外两只牧羊犬一起放牧。

    Now aged3 ten , Peggy 's still proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks and works part-time with the couples ' two other sheepdogs .

  14. 20岁以下青少年指数B有所上升,不同接触疫水方式改变情况不一样,游泳、打粽叶、放牧上述三项指标均有所上升。

    The contacting pattern of swimming , picking reed leaves and herding showed increase of these indices .

  15. 具有放牧率的n阶Lotka-Volterra概周期竞争系统

    The n - Competing Volterra-Lotka Almost Periodic Systems with Grazing Rates

  16. 羊草(Leymuschinensis)草地雨天放牧与非雨天放牧的绵羊采食特征

    The grazing sheep characters in rainy day and rainless day on Leymus chinensis grassland

  17. 锡林河流域放牧条件下草原CH4通量研究结果初报

    Preliminary results of a study on ch_ 4 Flux in Xilin River Basin Steppe under Different Grazing Intensities

  18. 对照区0~10cm土层土壤有机C含量显著大于各放牧处理,而各放牧处理间差异则不显著。

    Soil C in 0 ~ 10cm depth under control treatment was higher than those of other three grazing treatments .

  19. 随着放牧强度的增大,土壤含水量降低,pH值升高,有机质、速效氮含量降低。

    With the increase of grazing intensity , the water percentage in soil will decrease with corresponding increasing of PH and decreasing of soil organic matter content and alkaline-N.6 .

  20. 轮牧利用下的牧草累积产草量均显著高于未放牧利用牧草(P0.01)。

    The accumulated grass yield of the stimulated grazing conditions was significantly higher than that of no grazing conditions ( P0.01 ) . 2 .

  21. 定居放牧方式下归一化植被指数(NDVI)的空间变化特征

    Modeling the spatial pattern of normalized difference vegetation index ( ndvi ) under a post-nomadic sedentary grazing system

  22. 用生长抑素基因工程苗(SS)对自然放牧状态下的牦牛、绵羊作免疫增重试验,观察增重效果。

    Using SS vaccine immunized yaks and sheep which living in natural conditions , It was to observe its immune and growth effect .

  23. 0~20cm土壤全磷、全钾随放牧强度梯度增加表现出先减少后增加的趋势;

    Total P and total K decreased at first then increased .

  24. 用主分量分析法(PCA)分析了羊草草原退化系列上群落的分类及其群落特征,结果表明:所选择的退化系列可划分为无放牧、轻度放牧、中度放牧和重度放牧四个群落退化阶段。

    Plant community characteristics and their classification on the deteriorated series of Leymus chinensis steppe analyzed by PCA method . The results indicated that : ( 1 ) .

  25. 放牧羔羊DM、OM、CP消化率5月龄均极显著高于4月龄(P0.01)。

    The DM , OM , CP digestion rate of 5 months old lamb were significantly higher than that of 4 months old one ( P0.01 ) .

  26. 在探讨放牧对群落多样性的影响时,Simpson多样性指数和均匀度指数对放牧率大小的变化更敏感。

    Simpson index and evenness were better parameters to measure the influence of different stocking rates on plant diversity for Artemisia frigida community .

  27. 采用连续放牧的方式研究了不同放牧率对大针茅(Stipagrandis)种群结构的影响。

    The experiment on the influence of continuous grazing rates on population structure of Stipa grandis was conducted over two years .

  28. 随着放牧强度的增加,防护林草地硬度、容重增加,土壤有机质和土壤N、P、K营养元素含量降低。

    The effect of grazing on the grassland under woods is relatively great , along with the increase of grazing intensity , soil rigidity , soil capacity , and the nutrient element of N , P , K all decreasing accordingly .

  29. 引起人工草地退化的首要因素是0~10cm土壤速效磷含量,但放牧引起的土壤紧实及其相互作用则是退化的重要因素。

    The available phosphorus contents in 0 ~ 10 cm soil layer was of the first important factor causing deteriotation .

  30. 在自然放牧条件下,18月龄西本F1公牛体重达238.62±15.26kg,比同龄的本地黄牛高52.57%;

    Under the natural grazing condition , the body weight of F_1 bulls at 18 month-old was 238.62 ± 15.26 kg , which was 52.57 % higher than that of local yellow cattle ;