
fànɡ shè xìnɡ biāo zhǔn
  • radioactive standard;radioactivity standard
  1. 低活度放射性标准样品的制备

    Preparation for radioactive standard sample with low radioactivity

  2. ~(57)Co放射性标准溶液制备及活度测量

    The preparation and measurement of activity for ~ ( 57 ) co standard solution

  3. ~(147)Pm放射性标准溶液制备

    Preparation of standard radioactive 147Pm solution

  4. 用NBS提供的环境放射性标准参考物质进行了检验。

    The results have been checked with the reference standard material for environment radioactivity provided by NBS , USA.

  5. 本文叙述了~(147)Pm的分离、纯化、溶液组成及其稳定性,发展和建立了制备~(147)Pm放射性标准溶液的方法。

    This paper describes systematically 147Pm separation , purification , solution constituents and its stability . The method for the preparation of standardized radioactive 147PM , solution with simple constituents is developed and established .

  6. 利用β放射性标准物质刻度和校准液闪计数器测量仪器,并完成3H和14C活度的精确测量。

    Graduation and calibration of surveying instrument for liquid scintillation counter by using β radioactivity certified reference material , and the accurate measurement of 3H or 14C have been finished .

  7. 河流沉积物环境放射性标准物质的研制

    Development of River Sediment Certified Reference Material for Environmental Radioactivity

  8. 研制出一种天然基质的河流沉积物环境放射性标准物质。

    A river kind of sediment Certified Reference Material ( CRM ) based on natural-matrix for environmental radioactivity has been developed .

  9. PET放射性药品标准制订和质量控制初探

    Preliminary consideration on establishment of quality standards and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals for pet

  10. 航空放射性测量标准模型及其应用

    The standard calibration pads for the airborne radiometric survey and their application

  11. 镎-237放射性活度标准溶液的研制

    Preparation of Neptunium-237 Radioactivity Reference Solution

  12. 本工作研究的目的主要是为同位素工业应用和核燃料后处理厂提供~(90)Sr-~(90)Y放射性活度标准。

    The purpose of present work is to provide the standardization of strontium-90 and yttrium-90 radioactivity for the isotopic application and for the reprocessing plant .

  13. 方法应用《放射性肿瘤诊断标准》(GBZ97&2002)和美国电离辐射生物效应委员会第5号报告(BEIRV)的方法计算病因概率(PC)。

    Method The probability of causation ( PC ) was calculated with corresponding models described in Diagnostic criteria for radiogenic neoplasms ( GBZ 97 & 2002 ) and Report V of Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations ( BEIR V ) .

  14. 疗效评价应用临床受益反应标准和WHO实体肿瘤的评价标准。毒副反应按RTOG急性放射性损伤分级标准判断。

    Therapeutic evaluation applied the standard of clinical benefit response and evaluation standard of solid tumor for WHO , the judgment of toxic side effects relied on the acute radiation injury classification .

  15. γ辐射核素放射性活度测量标准装置

    Standard apparatus for measuring activity of the γ - ray radionuclides

  16. 建筑材料中放射性物质限制标准的若干建议

    The suggests about standard of limit on radioactive substance in building materials

  17. 关于水源中放射性核素浓度标准问题

    Problems on the standards of radionuclides concentrations in water sources

  18. 放射性活度测量标准装置及其应用

    Establishment and application of standard devices for radioactivity measurement

  19. GB6763-1986建筑材料用工业废渣放射性物质限制标准

    Standard of limit on radioactive substance for industrial waste slags used in building materials

  20. 放射性疾病诊断标准的研究概况

    Study on the diagnostic criteria for radiation sickness

  21. 关于表面放射性物质污染标准的讨论

    Discussion on standards for radioactive surface contamination

  22. [方法]用半导体γ谱仪分析低比活度γ放射性样品的标准方法。

    Standard methods were used for analyzing low specific gamma radioactivity of samples by semiconductor gamma spectrometers .

  23. 高炉重矿渣具有足够的强度,变形模量大,稳定性好。其放射性符合安全标准的要求。

    The blast furnace 's heavy slag has sufficient strength , bigger deformation modulus and good stability , its radiation accords fully with the requirements of safety standards .

  24. 测定值与国标测定值以及标准物质推荐值一致。该方法快速、简便、准确。环境放射性核素分析用标准参考物质HGHR-781的研制

    Compared with the national standard method , the developed method is rapid , simple and accurate , and was used to the determination of heavy metals in standard reference material with satisfactory results . PREPARATION OF STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIAL HGHR-781 APPLICABLE TO ANALYSIS OF RADIONUCLIDES IN ENVIRONMENT

  25. γ放射性核素活度测量标准

    Standard A substandard for activity measurements of y ray emitting nuclides

  26. β放射性测量比对及其标准

    Comparison and standard for measurement of beta radioactivity

  27. 放射性勘查γ计量标准量值传递方法的研究

    The research on technique for standard dissemination of a value of a quantity in radioactive gamma ray survey

  28. 方法依据有关放射性豁免的现有标准和其他资料。

    Methods It was done in accordance of the standards and other information on hand about exemptions of radioactivity .

  29. 结果表明,其物理性质、化学性质及生物学性质均符合国家制定的放射性药物的质量标准;

    The results indicate that its physical , chemical and biological aspects are in accordance with radiopharmaceutical quality control standard made by our country .

  30. 这个不受欢迎的发现促使首相菅直人发布了新的关于海产品放射性水平安全的标准。

    The unwelcome discovery prompted Naoto Kan , the prime minister , to issue a new safety standard for levels of radioactivity in marine products .