
Yemen expert Stephen Steinbeiser of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies in Sana'a says that he expected the president 's promise of reform to appease young people and opposition parties , but that students appear unwilling to accept his offer : President Ali Abdullah Saleh speaks during a media conference in Sanaa , Yemen , February 21 , 2011
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He puts his administration at risk if he doesn 't come through on these promises for reform .
It could adjust its exchange rate quickly to restore competitiveness and , once it had fulfilled all reform commitments , could fully rejoin the eurozone .
America will be judged by its actions , not by its promises , and Obama 's ambitious promises of change will make that judgment even harsher .
At the time , however , he questioned the new leadership 's commitment to delivering the reforms in time to be of real use to the fragile global economy .
The new mechanism would allow the US to discuss with China how and when it implemented promised reforms to rebalance its economy , including moving towards a more flexible currency .
It was the most explicit call by Paris for relief for Athens , which has informally suggested that it be given an extra two years to meet its reform commitments .
In a televised debate on Saturday , Mrs Clinton raised her voice and jabbed her finger as she declared : I 'm not just running on a promise of change .
Yet Chinese officials admit they have been disappointed countless times in the past by North Korean promises to reform and some analysts expect vested interests in the military and elsewhere to smother any renewed reform push .
But to achieve this , the regulator will have to eliminate restrictions on how much equity Russian companies can sell abroad , a reform that was promised more than a year ago but has yet to be enacted .
He tried to pacify the protesters with promises of reform .
The party has beentrying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform .
The new leaders express the same commitment to reform , but have a more left-wing agenda .
He also doubts recent pledges by President Bashar al Assad to reform the system in Syria .
Whether through dialogue , negotiation or dispute settlement , China must be held to its commitments to reform .
We will have done ourselves no favours if what is billed as " comprehensive regulatory reform " over-promises and under-delivers .
REPORTER : Battles between Greece and the E.U. continue to up in Brussels , with creditors questioning Greece 's commitment to economic reforms .
When I became president with a commitment to reform health care , Hillary was a natural to head the health care task force .
A serious growth agenda should also involve a joint commitment to productivity-boosting reforms .
Woo voters with promises of tax reform
The United States dismissed a promise this week by the Syrian President to permit reforms .
It 's time to make a historic commitment to education & a real commitment that will require new resources and new reforms .
This reward for genuine commitment to austerity and structural reform will hopefully prevent relations with Europe from becoming as poisoned as in some other countries .
But this would result in deep disappointment at the failed reforms and broken promises that will surely follow – just as they did in Ukraine in the aftermath of the Orange Revolution .
After several months during which the industry outperformed most other sectors because of its relatively recession-proof sales , the mood switched as Mr Obama made clear he would pursue his campaign pledges for healthcare reform .
As for the commitment variables , we do a more detailed analysis to further explore the impact of consideration .
This might be achieved by agreeing to security reforms under American guidance and committing to a more genuine dialogue with the Kurds .
Although China 's central bank has said repeatedly it supports financial innovation , how it tries to regulate the Internet firms is being watched as an indicator of Beijing 's commitment to overhauling state-run enterprises .
Speaking on the Senate floor , Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said members of his party would demand that any plan aimed at helping the industry include a firm commitment to significant and fundamental reform .