
  • Thirty years of reform and opening up;thirty years of the reform and opening-up
  1. 在对跨国直接投资理论分析的基础上,选取改革开放三十年来我国利用跨国直接投资流量与我国GDP的经济数据组成时间序列数据。

    Granger causality and co-integration test are employed to analyze the time series data formed by the thirty-year GDPs data on flow and the annual FDI data after Chinas reform and opening up .

  2. 改革开放三十年,中国的面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化,GDP迅速增长,综合国力迅猛提升,中国得到了世界各国的尊重与认可。

    Our Reform and opening has lasted more than three decades , China has undergone earth-shaking changes , GDP growing rapidly , and the comprehensive national strength being rapidly improved , China has got the respect and recognition from other nations .

  3. 我看改革开放三十年当代中国知识青年

    Viewing China knowledge youth from the reform and open 30 years

  4. 今年是改革开放三十年。

    This year is the 30 years of reform and opening up .

  5. 改革开放三十年来中国居民消费率偏低的原因分析

    Analyzing Causes of Low Consumption Rate of Chinese Residents since Economic Reform

  6. 改革开放三十年上海外国人证件管理的变化

    Study on Great Changes of the Management of Credentials for Foreigners in Shanghai

  7. 改革开放三十年农村职业教育研究综述

    Review in the Research on Rural Vocational Education during the Last 30 Years

  8. 改革开放三十年来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了举世瞩目的成绩。

    After three decades of reform and opening up , China made remarkable achievements .

  9. 改革开放三十年,深圳市卫生事业取得了巨的成就。

    OBJECTIVE To carry out the reform of distribution policy of Shenzhen Health Bureau .

  10. 我国染料工业改革开放三十年回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of China Dyestuff Industry for 30 Years of Reform and Opening

  11. 改革开放三十年蒙古比较文学研究的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect on Mongolian Comparative Literature Studies

  12. 对清远地区改革开放三十年的回眸与剖析

    Review and Analysis on the Reform and Opening-up of Qingyuan Region over Three Decades

  13. 改革开放三十年中国房地产业政策演变与经济绩效分析

    Policy evolution and economic performance of Chinese real estate industry since Chinese reform and opening-up

  14. 湖南茶业改革开放三十年回顾与思考

    Review and Reflection on the 30 years Open up and Reform of Hunan Tea Industry

  15. 改革开放三十年陕西吸引外商投资成果述评

    On the Achievements of Shaanxi Province 's FDI in 30 Years of Reform and Opening

  16. 经过改革开放三十年,大连市获得了长足的发展。

    After 30 years of reform and opening up , Dalian has developed a lot .

  17. 论广西文学改革开放三十年新传统的构建

    On the Building of a New Tradition of Guangxi Literature During Three decades'Reform and Opening-up

  18. 改革开放三十年我国医院管理的回顾与思考浅谈医院管理中的医疗安全管理理念

    Review and thoughts on hospital management in China since the adoption of reform and opening

  19. 改革开放三十年高校党建的历史回顾

    Historical Review of Thirty-year Party Construction in Chinese Higher Education Since the Reform and Opening-up

  20. 改革开放三十年中国信息安全管理的发展

    Study on Development of China 's Information Security Management in 30 Years ' Reform and Opening

  21. 改革开放三十年苏州市高职院校田径教学的历史回顾、现状与展望

    Studies on Track and Field Teaching of Suzhou Institutes Since 30 Years of Reform and Opening

  22. 改革开放三十年来的国俗新词语英译探微

    On translation of new Chinese Culture-bound terms in the three decades since reform and opening up

  23. 改革开放三十年,中国的经济经历了高速的发展。

    Chinese economy has undergone the rapid development after thirty years of reform and opening up .

  24. 改革开放三十年我国体育法治建设的回顾与展望

    Retrospection Prospect About The Legislation For China 's Physical Education Since Opening Reforming Thirty Years Ago

  25. 改革开放三十年我国大学理念的转变与发展

    The Change and Development of the Idea of University during the Reform and Opening 30 Years

  26. 改革开放三十年我国农村劳动力转移的特征及趋势分析

    Analysis of Chinese Rural Labor 's Transfer Characteristics and Trend since Reforming and Opening to the World

  27. 改革开放三十年中国婚姻立法之嬗变

    The Evolution of Chinese Marriage Law during the Period of Thirty Years ' Reform and Opening up

  28. 经过改革开放三十年,我国的社会面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    After 30 years reform and open policy , our country social appearance has had the huge change .

  29. 改革开放三十年,我国进入了建设和谐社会的重要时期。

    The reform and open policy have implemented for 30 years , our country is constructing harmonious society .

  30. 改革开放三十年,我国国民经济发展取得了辉煌的成绩。

    After the reform of thirty years , great achievement has occurred on the development of national economic .