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  • 网络You county
  1. 湖南省攸县黄、兰矿区构造体系对龙潭组的控制作用

    Control Action of Huang-Lan Mining Area Tectonic System to Longtan Group in You County , Hunan Province

  2. 第三部分为湖南攸县新市镇村帐镇代理的现状与存在的问题透析。

    The third part of Hunan You County town " village off the town agent " status and problems of dialysis .

  3. 湖南省攸县5岁以下儿童腹泻病监测研究

    Surveillance of Diarrhea in Children Aged under Five in Youxian County , Hunan

  4. 攸县浊江源头考

    Investigations on the Source of the Zhuo River in You County of Hunan Province

  5. 攸县双季超级杂交稻大面积示范高产栽培技术

    High-yielding Cultural Techniques for Double-cropping Super Hybrid Rice in Large-scale Demonstration at Youxian , Hunan

  6. 两型社会背景下攸县县域经济发展研究

    Study on the Economic Development of YouXian County under the " Two-oriented Society " Background

  7. 其次,从自然、社会经济、土地利用三大方面介绍攸县发展概况。

    Secondly , the paper from the natural , socio-economic , land use of the three aspects introduced Youxian development overview .

  8. 农民工的职业分化与子女教育&以湖南攸县为例

    A Study of Migrant Workers ' Occupational Diversification and Their Children 's Education & Taking Youxian Hunan Provence as an Example

  9. 本着因地制宜,传承文化的设计理念,设计株洲攸县灵龟峰综合公园。

    The design of Linggui Feng park in youxian , zhuzhou is based on the concepts of " proper measures to local conditions " and cultural continuity .

  10. 安化、浏阳、桃江、攸县四地129个菌株在72%相似水平下,分成4个谱系,24个单元型。

    At 72 % similarity level , the 129 isolates which come from Anhua , Liuyang , Taojiang and You xian were grouped into 4 lineages , which were composed of 24 haplotypes .

  11. 第五部分在借鉴澳大利亚就业服务网络和湖南攸县的哥经验的基础之上,提出了构建我国农民工就业服务网络的对策。

    The fifth part proposes three solutions to build a network of services of migrant workers on the basis of the employment services network in Australia and the experience of Taxi driver of Youxian in Hunan .