
  • 网络shrinkage formula
  1. 首次根据线性徐变和迭加原理,采用ACI规范推荐的徐变和收缩计算公式,提出了钢筋混凝土轴压构件分批加载的变形计算简化方法。

    Based on linear creep and superposition principle , adopting creep and shrinkage formula in ACI code , a new method to calculate displacement of axial-compress reinforced concrete member under multi-grade loading is first established .

  2. 根据洛仑兹变换从不同角度推出时间膨胀及长度收缩的公式。

    According to Lorentz transformation , we deduce the formulas of time expansion and length contraction by different ways .

  3. 然后,给出考虑配筋影响的收缩计算公式,通过素混凝土梁和钢筋混凝土梁的试验值,验证文献所给的配筋影响系数是否可取。

    Then , the formula is given considering the reinforcement of the contraction . Through the plain concrete beams and reinforced concrete beam test value to verify that the reinforcement of the literature of the validity coefficient .

  4. 此外将本文所给收缩应变计算公式与ACI收缩公式、Trost收缩公式、中国建筑科学研究院收缩公式、王铁梦收缩公式进行分析比较,证明本文所给公式更适用于商品混凝土。

    Besides , the comparing and analyzing were proceeded both computing formula given by this paper and ACI formula , Trost formula , the Building Research Council of China formula and Wang Tie-meng formula , though which prove that the formula given by this paper was true of merchandise concrete .

  5. 抛物线形渠道收缩水深简捷计算公式

    A formula for quickly calculating water depth at vena contraction in parabola form channel

  6. 混凝土温度收缩应力基本公式推导过程值得商榷

    Errors in Deduction of Contracting Stress Formula of Concrete Structures due to Temperature Decrease

  7. 推导了两种典型双向曲度板和扭曲板的整体成形所需局部收缩量的计算公式。

    Calculation formulae of local contraction amount of integral forming for two typical two-way curved plate and complicated curved plate are deduced .

  8. 矩形收缩断面水深三角公式本文给出矩形扩散消力池水力计算图解,本图解可用来(1)计算泄水建筑物下游收缩断面水深。

    THE CIRCULAR FUNCTION FORMULA OF WATER DEPTH OF RECTANGULAR VENA CONTRACTA This paper presents a diagram for hydraulic calculation of rectangular expanding stilling basin .

  9. 经过工程实践表明,大体积混凝土温度收缩应力计算公式是符合实际的,本文阐述的防止大体积混凝土温度裂缝的五项技术措施是行之有效的。

    Through project practice and many examinations , it is proved again that the temperature stress calculate formula provided in the text is fit for the fact , it is proved again that five technique measures to prevent the temperature crack of mass concrete provided in the text is useful .

  10. 建立了桩基地下室砼墙温度收缩应力计算的力学模型,推导了温度收缩应力计算公式,并考虑了土对砼底板约束作用的简化计算方法。

    Mechanical model is suggested and computation formulations are developed based on the temperature variations in the basement concrete wall with pile foundation . Furthermore , the simplified calculation method is investigated , of which the constrained force of soil body applied on the concrete soleplate is considered .