
shōu shù
  • collect;pack;bring together;bring to a close
收束 [shōu shù]
  • (1) [bring to a close]∶结束;收尾

  • 写到这里,我的信也该收束了

  • (2) [bring together]∶收拢约束

  • 收束心思

  • (3) [pack]∶收拾

  • 收束行装

收束[shōu shù]
  1. 写到这里,我的信也该收束了。

    I think I should wind up this letter .

  2. 这位女士的穿着最先出现在伊丽莎白女王的晚期肖像中,这个时间大约是1580年,之后这种款式在整个James的王朝都甚为流行。紧身胸衣非常的长,同时又非常收束。

    This lady shows the dress which first appeared in the later portraits of Queen Elizabeth about 1580 and remained fashionable in the reign of James I. The bodice is very long , pointed and stiff .

  3. 腰部收束起来的裙子。

    A skirt whose fabric is drawn together around the waist .

  4. 所有的笙歌琴音收束于一个指势。

    All the Shengge Qinyin choke on a mean potential .

  5. 收束法是喉式呼吸的基本组成部分。

    Bandhas are essential components of the ujjayi breathing technique .

  6. ◇向内收束,才会知道自己起心动念有多少。

    Turn inwards , and you will realize how many thoughts arise within .

  7. 最后,下巴往下靠近胸部,然后回收到收颔收束法。

    Finally , the chin drops to the chest and draws back into jhalandara bandha .

  8. 一种是把带电原子收束在一个圆环状的磁场内的托卡马克热核反应装置。

    One is the tokamak design , trapping the charged atoms within a doughnut-shape magnetic field .

  9. 每个收束法是一把锁,意思是要关住体内的某个部分。

    Each bandha is a lock , meaning a closing off of part of the interior body .

  10. 他在文末又强调了要通过使用度量标准来将复查过程变得更具客观性、关注点更集中的重要性,以此作为全文的收束。

    He concludes by emphasizing that using metrics to help drive reviews brings greater objectivity and focus to the review process .

  11. 学习运用收束法来支持身体准线并增强僵硬部位的柔韧度。

    Learning how to use the bandha ( muscle lock ) to support the body alignment and increases the flexibility of the stiff part .

  12. 由于腰大肌可以自由的在两端与骨头连接处收束或释放所以它可以对身体结构的不平衡用许多不同方式来修正。

    Since the psoas can contract and release independently at any of its joint attachments , it can compensate for structural imbalances in many ways .

  13. 会阴收束作用在身体的根部,在内部锁着生命力能量,供腹部收束引导能量通过肚脐上升。

    Mula bandha operates at the root of the body to seal in prana internally for uddiyana bandha to direct the prana upwards through the nadis .

  14. ◇身体的反应就是现象界的种种,一体接纳了,不做分别,向内收束,自然归中。

    The bodily reactions are the myriad material realm ; accept it all , do not differentiate ; turn inwards , and naturally return to center .

  15. 此期既是明词的收束,又是清词的开端,呈现出老树著新花的复兴局面。

    Ming ci Bandha , it is clear the beginning of the ci , showing old trees with new flowers , the revival of the situation .

  16. 先将身体向前卷曲调练习收腹收束法,然后双手放在臀部直立起来。

    Start the practice with your torso rounded forward , perform Uddiyana Bandha , and then stand upright , with your hands on your hips ( Iyengar ) .