
  • 网络Adoption of children;adopted child
  1. 她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。

    She produced a TV series about adopted children .

  2. 调查人员已经发现了证明她对强制收养儿童事件负有责任的文件。

    Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children

  3. 他们正在讨论可供收养儿童之缺乏的问题。

    They are discussing about the shortage of children available for adoption .

  4. 收养儿童的父亲或母亲

    Person who have adopt a child

  5. 法国政府就同性婚姻合法化以及同性家庭收养儿童的法案进行审议。

    The French government is taking up a controversial bill to legalize same-sex marriage and adoption .

  6. 当时,桑达斯基管理着一个收养儿童的慈善机构,并且在这个足球队的练习中心进行活动。

    At the time , Sandusky was running a charity for foster children with activities at the football team 's practice center .

  7. 犹他州最高法院暂停了所有同性夫妻收养儿童的案件,州法官要决定这些领养是否合法。

    The Utah Supreme Court has halted all same sex adoption cases until state justices can determine whether those adoptions are legal .

  8. 周日,支持同性婚姻及同性家庭收养儿童的125000名民众走上巴黎街头,这比该法案预计约340000名反对者的数量要少得多,两周前,这34万名反对者曾游行抗议。

    About 125000 supporters of same-sex marriage and adoption took to the streets of Paris Sunday , far less than the estimated 340000 opponents of the measure that turned out to protest two weeks ago .

  9. 马描述了收养中国儿童的黑暗面,她的社会批评不像狄更斯的那么充满活力和感情,更像德莱塞(Dreiser)无情的现实主义。

    Ma writes about the darker side of Chinese adoption , her social commentary less jaunty and sentimental than Dickens , more like Dreiser in its harsh realism .

  10. 通常,被收养的儿童对于他们的亲生父母有着不同的感受。

    Naturally , adopted children have different feelings about their birth parents .

  11. 愿意收养残疾儿童的人们。

    People willing to adopt handicapped children .

  12. 然而,许多被收养的儿童或被收养者对于他们亲生父母的信息知之甚少。

    However , many adopted children or adoptees have very little information about their biological parents .

  13. 由于发达国家生育下降,可供收养的儿童减少,国际收养逐渐发展为主动收养主导的收养运动。

    As fertility declining in developed countries , fewer children is available for adoption , international adoption has gradually developed into a voluntary adoption .

  14. 国家对收养中国儿童的收养人有着严格的要求,包括结婚2年以上,夫妻不能超重等。

    Strict requirements for prospective adopters of Chinese children include proof of marriage for at least two years and that thecouple show they aren 't overweight .

  15. 关于在跨国收养方面保护儿童和进行合作的海牙公约

    Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption

  16. 论跨国收养关系中儿童最大利益原则及其在中国的适用

    The Application of the Principle of the Best Interests of the Child in the Relationship of the Intercountry Adoption

  17. 尽量把空闲时间花在一些不准吸烟的场所,如动物收养所或儿童医院。

    Try committing more free time someplace where smoking is prohibited , such as an animal shelter or a children 's hospital .

  18. 甚至有一项针对被白人收养的亚裔儿童进行的研究也显示出他们的智商成绩比较高。

    There 's even a study of Asian children adopted and raised by white parents which shows that they , too , have higher IQ scores .

  19. 上周一名美国母亲家里收养的俄罗斯儿童的死亡加剧了两国间的紧张关系。

    Last week 's death of a Russian child , in the house of his adoptive American mother , has added to the strain on bilateral relations .

  20. 《跨国收养方面保护儿童及合作公约》建立了收养国与原住国合作的新机制。中国参加了公约的制定并在最后文件上签了字。

    The tasty for the protection of children and cooperation in terms of transnational adoption has established a new mechanism for the cooperation between the adopter 's country and the adoptee 's one China participated in the formulation of this treaty and signed its name to the document .

  21. 有消息称,影星SandraBullock也是因为老公偷腥后婚姻破裂,离婚后收养了新奥尔良的儿童当单身妈妈的。

    The Hollywood star divorced her cheating husband Jesse James but still continued the process of adopting a baby boy from New Orleans as a single mother .

  22. 然而,人们对收养需要特殊照料儿童的等待却很短,在找到合适家庭之前,人们需要进行一番费时,费钱的选择工作,并能够证明收养是符合道德的。

    While the waiting list for special-needs children is much shorter , it is often a longer , more costly process of selection and screening before a suitable family is found - assuming the adoption program is ethical .

  23. 本部纪录片深入保加利亚儿童收养院,对弃儿在儿童收养院的生活进行了长达九个月的观察,揭露了保加利亚儿童收养院里令人震惊的工作过程:很多收养院的儿童每天只能呆坐在房间里,前后摇晃身体度日。

    Recording numerous children over a nine month period , we are offered a unique insight into the appalling inner workings of a Bulgarian orphanage .

  24. 一名德国男子声称,当年被判入狱是“冤枉”的,现在他要利用德国收养法的漏洞合法收养1000名外国儿童,以此报复社会。

    A German man is exploiting a loophole in the law to become the legal father of1,000 foreign children so they can claim German passports .

  25. 另外,本文还创造性地提出了在实务中对优化我国涉外收养制度的建议:首先,建立准收养人与待收养儿童的综合推荐系统;其次,为特需儿童在收养大国设置收养站。

    In addition , this paper creatively put forward the Suggestions to optimize our overseas-adoption system in practice : first , establish the adopter and children awaiting adoption of comprehensive recommendation system ; Second , set adopted for realizing the children to be adopted in the power station .

  26. 该声明还称,中国的“传统道德和习俗”认为同性恋是违背社会公德的行为,中国的收养法则规定,收养不能违背社会公德,故外国同性恋者不能收养中国儿童。

    The statement also says that China 's " traditional morality and customs " consider homosexuality an act against social norms and that since China 's Adoption Law has a principle that an adoption should not go against social morality , foreign same-sex couples cannot adopt children in China .