
  1. 根据西方区域经济学的产业结构理论,选择区域主导产业一般要遵循三条基准:收入弹性基准、生产率上升基准、关联度基准。

    According to industrial theory of west regional economics , the selection of regional leading industry usually obey three criterions : demand income elastic criterion .

  2. 定性基准包括主导部门分析法基准、产业关联基准、收入弹性基准和生产率上升基准、比较优势基准等。

    The qualitative datum includes the leading department analytic method datum , the industrial connection datum , the income elastic datum and the productivity rising datum , the comparison superiority datum and so on .

  3. 区域主导产业的选择要从需求收入弹性等四个基准进行定量分析,还要考虑区域经济发展所处的阶段等六个约束条件,同时还要遵循紧扣主导产业选择目的等五个基本原则。

    Choosing regional leading industry should analyze the industries by four norms such as Norm of Demand 's Income Elasticity etc.