
zhī bù
  • branch
支部 [zhī bù]
  • [branch] 某些党派、团体的基层组织

支部[zhī bù]
  1. 论新时期大学生党支部建设的创新

    Discussion on Party Branch construction of college students in new era

  2. 加强高校退休党支部建设的实践

    Ideas and Practice of the Construction for Retirement Party Branch in Universities

  3. 于下颌骨升支部制造约0.5cm×0.5cm的骨缺损。

    Bone defects approximately 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm was produced on the mandible ramus .

  4. 年级:系学生支部书记。

    Senior year : Party secretary of the department student branch .

  5. 然而,拥有党支部的外资跨国公司仍然相对较少。

    Relatively few foreign multinationals , however , have party committees .

  6. 人的全面发展观与学生党支部建设

    Standpoint of Human Full Development and Building of Students Party Department

  7. 高校团支部文化建设中的不利因素及应对措施

    Unfavorable Factors in the Construction of College League Branches and Countermeasures

  8. 高校师生一体的党支部工作模式研究

    Working Mode of Party Branches of Teachers and Students in Colleges

  9. 高校学生党支部规范化、制度化建设探讨

    Standardization and Systematization of Students ′ Party Branch in Colleges and Universities

  10. 芝加哥支部今年正招收新会员。

    The Chicago chapter is admitting new members this year .

  11. 推行科学管理抓好支部工作

    Pursue Scientific Management and Do Well the Work of the Party Branch

  12. 五是提高村党支部的执政能力;

    The fifth is strengthening the managing ability of the Party Branch ;

  13. 高职高专院校学生党支部组织生活实效性研究

    The Study of the Effectiveness of Organizational Life Branch Students

  14. 论加强高校学生党支部的建设

    Discussed on Strengthening the Construction of Students ' Party Branches in Colleges

  15. 这支部队长驱直入,攻下了许多敌军军营。

    The army fought its way down and captured many enemy camps .

  16. 新形势下高校职工党支部工作机制创新理论研究

    Research on Working Mechanism Innovation in University Faculty Party Branch

  17. 关于加强高校班级党支部建设的思考

    Consideration on Strengthening the Construction of Party Branches in Classes in Colleges

  18. 论高校学生党支部建设的问题与对策

    On Problem and Counter-measures of the Party Branch 's Construction in Colleges

  19. 增强基层党支部吸引力、凝聚力;

    To enhance the appeal and cohesion of party branches ;

  20. 关于建立班级党支部目标管理的研究

    The Research on Objective Management of Party Branch in Class

  21. 新时期如何发挥高校党支部桥梁纽带作用的思考

    On the Function of College Party Branches as a Bridge

  22. 加强和改进高校党支部建设简论

    On Strengthening and Improving the Party Branch Construction in Colleges and Universities

  23. 怎样当好党支部书记

    How to be a Good Secretary of the Party Branch

  24. 加强新时期农村党支部建设的思考

    On Building the Rural Branches of the CPC in the New Period

  25. 以村支部为组织依托打造农村信用环境;

    Build rural credit environment counting on village Party branches ;

  26. 村党支部通过村民会议实现决策和监督职能;

    The village Party branch makes decision and supervises through villager assembly ;

  27. 实际上,我就要去纽约支部了。

    Actually , I have been transferred to the New York branch .

  28. 三年级:本班团支部书记。

    Junior year : League secretary of the clrear end .

  29. 高校学生党支部设置模式探讨

    A Probe into the Pattern of University Student Party Branch

  30. 他不仅当选为班长,还当选为团支部书记。

    He was elected not only monitor but also League branch secretary .