
  • 网络cheque
  1. 在香港的支票结算服务,只为以港币或美元发出的支票而设。

    Cheque clearing facilities are available in Hong kong , only for cheques drawn in Hong Kong dollars or United States dollars .

  2. 透过采用新系统,我们相信参与支票结算的各有关方面均可长远获益,其中包括减少经营成本及提高结算效率。

    It is recognised that all parties involved in cheque processing are expected to reap long-term benefits from the new system including reduced operational costs and improved processing efficiency .

  3. 如是离线付款,是否有需要待至支票结算后,才下载印花证明书?

    For offline payment , do I need to wait for clearance of the cheque before I can download the stamp certificate ?

  4. 银行直接转帐的概念是在1967年由支票结算银行和苏格兰银行采纳的,用于描述他们建立的信贷转帐和新引进的直接转帐系统。

    The term'Bank Giro'was adopted by the Clearing banks and Scottish banks in1967 to describe their established credit transfer and their newly introduced direct debiting system .

  5. 第三阶段将于年底前推出,其范围包括提供美元支票结算,以及为结算美元债券提供所需的即时支付结算系统与债务工具中央结算系统之间的联系。

    The third phase , covering US dollar paper cheque clearing and the RTGS interface with the central Moneymarkets unit for settling US dollar denominated debt securities , will be launched before christmas .

  6. 兹附上支票一张结算贵方5月30日的发票。

    Please find enclosed a cheque in settlement of your invoice dated may30th .

  7. 请注意除非支票已获得结算,否则新设立帐户将不能使用。

    Please note that the new account will not be activated until the cheque has cleared .

  8. (票据交换所内的)支票交换,结算,清算.清把支票开给中国银行。

    Clearing of cheques at a clearing-house ( clear ) Please make out your checks to the Bank of China .

  9. 您可以通过您在花旗银行的人民币结算帐户开立支票,供同城结算使用。

    You may issue checks in RMB from your RMB settlement account for intra-city transactions .