
  • 网络scaffolding;the scaffolding instruction;Scaffolding Teaching
  1. 建构主义教学理论(constructive)是西方教育心理学中较新的教学理论,它的主要教学模式有:支架式教学(scaffoldinginstruction)模式,其中包括:搭建支架、进入情景、独立探索、协作学习;

    Constructivism is the new education theory in the west education psychology . The main education model have the Scaffolding Instruction model , it include : construct trestle 、 enter sight 、 independent probe and cooperation study ;

  2. 结合《计算机信息技术基础》问题解决型CAI课件的实例,介绍了如何进行基于建构主义学习理论的抛锚式教学策略和支架式教学策略的设计。

    Based on the case study of problem-solving CAI Courseware 《 Foundation of Computer and Information Technology 》, it has been shown how to design the strategies of Anchored Instruction and Scaffolding Instruction based on Constructivist theory of learning .

  3. 支架式教学应重视脚手架的搭建

    Importance Attached to Construction of Falsework in Bracket - Type Teaching

  4. 支架式教学在平面设计课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Scaffolding Instruction in Graphic Design Course Teaching

  5. 支架式教学法与高职英语教学设计

    Scaffolding Instruction and English Instructional Design in Higher Vocational Education

  6. 支架式教学法探究紧支小波的研究

    Exploring " Branch Teaching Method " Research on the compactly supported wavelets

  7. 支架式教学法在英语专业翻译技能教学中的应用初探

    On Scaffolding Teaching Mode in Training of Translation Skills for English Majors

  8. 教与学的有效互动&简析支架式教学

    Scaffolding Approach : An Effective Interaction between Teaching and Learning

  9. 大学英语支架式教学实证研究

    Demonstrating Research on Bracket teaching Mode in College English Teaching

  10. 支架式教学法在高校健美操专项课中应用效果的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of Scaffolding Teaching in Aerobics Course

  11. 化学支架式教学中搭建脚手架的策略研究

    Research on Strategies of Erecting Scaffold in Chemistry Teaching

  12. 支架式教学方法在计算机程序设计课中的应用研究

    Implementation Study on Scaffolding Instruction in VB Experimental Teaching

  13. 但在中国关于支架式教学的相关应用性研究还很少。

    However , there are still few empirical studies about scaffolding teaching in China .

  14. 支架式教学可以在哪些方面更为有效地提高学生的写作能力?

    In which aspects can scaffolding instruction more efficiently improve students ' writing proficiency ?

  15. 支架式教学概念对学生课堂英语互动学习的效用研究

    A Study on the Effects of Scaffolding Concept to Students Classroom Interaction in Learning English

  16. 网络型支架式教学评价

    Evaluation of Scaffolding Instruction with Network

  17. 目前开发出来的、比较成熟的教学模式有支架式教学模式、抛锚式教学模式和随机进入教学模式三种。

    Maturely developed teaching instructions are Scaffolding Instruction , Anchored Instruction , and Random Access Instruction .

  18. 支架式教学法探究

    Exploring " Branch Teaching Method "

  19. 实验结束后,学生对支架式教学的态度如何?

    After the experiment , what is the students ' attitude towards scaffolding instruction ? 3 .

  20. 之后提出本文的理论依据&教学大纲和支架式教学法。

    Then the theoretical basis of this paper & teaching outline and Scaffolding instruction was put forward .

  21. 其中支架式教学强调根据最临近发展区建立概念框架,鼓励独立探索、协作学习和效果评价。

    Scaffolding Instruction emphasizes setting conceptual framework , encourages independent exploration , co-operative learning and effect assessment .

  22. 文章从理论教学中存在的问题出发,阐述支架式教学法及其工作流程,讨论此教学方法在应用中的技巧,最后以一个教学实例阐述此教学法的实际应用。

    In this paper , we also show the teaching instance of the teaching method in practical application .

  23. 支架式教学可以很好地解释在自主性大学英语教学模式下,教师应该承担的职责。

    " Scaffolding instruction " can make clear the teacher 's duties in this teaching mode very well .

  24. 其主要教学模式有:支架式教学模式、抛锚式教学模式和随机进入式教学模式。

    The main constructivism teaching models are Scaffolding Instruction model , Anchored Instruction model and Random Access Instruction model .

  25. 支架式教学模式下高中化学课堂教学设计与实践

    Design and Practice of the Chemistry Teaching in the High School Based on the Patterns of the Scaffolding Teaching

  26. 最后,本文设计了具体的支架式教学案例,并进行初步的教学实验。

    Finally , the article gives the specific scaffolding teaching case , and carries on a preliminary experiment teaching .

  27. 本文结合支架式教学的特点,探索提高外语写作教学效果的新途径。

    The present article is to explore a new way for a better effect in the teaching of foreign language writing .

  28. 作者希望本研究结果能够为支架式教学在中国的进一步研究提供一定的参考。

    The author hopes that the result of this study can supply some reference for future study on scaffolding teaching in China .

  29. 本文将从课程内容、教学设计、技术设计这三个维度对网络型支架式教学进行评价。

    This paper will give the evaluation of scaffolding instruction with network from the curriculum , instructional design , technical design three-dimensional .

  30. 在建构主义的教学模式下,目前已开发出的教学方法主要有以下几种:支架式教学、抛锚式教学和随机进入教学。

    It has formed its own models for teaching , among which there are Scaffolding Instruction , Anchored Instruction and Random Access Instruction .