
  1. 除此之外,与ECU(发动机的电子大脑)故障可能导致擦枪走火,特别是早期的汽车。

    Other than that , faults with the ECU ( the engine 's electronic brain ) can cause misfires , particularly on early cars .

  2. 我只是一个爱慕虚荣的女仆跟一位不检点的国王擦枪走火的私生子。

    Alistair : I am the son of a star-struck maid and an indiscreet man who just happened to be king .

  3. 在看似将要擦枪走火的状况持续一周后,哥伦比亚,委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔三国总统耳鬓厮磨,亮相电视。

    A week after going to the brink of war , the presidents of Colombia , Venezuela and Ecuador kissed and made up on television .

  4. 你可以根据你自己想法回答,但如果你和球队在言语上擦枪走火,选秀顺位排名你就朝垫底的方向努力吧。

    You can answer however you want , but rub teams the wrong way and you 'll be heading to the bottom of the draft .

  5. 我知道这样随时都有可能擦枪走火,我的生命会就此了结——快得我甚至不会注意到。

    I knew at any moment it could be too much , and my life could end - so quickly that I might not even notice .

  6. 军事战略家们表示,中国的防空识别区增加了东北亚发生擦枪走火的风险。这个地区的海上边界没有明确划分,而历史遗留的仇恨根深蒂固。

    Military strategists say the zone adds to the risk of an inadvertent confrontation in northeast Asia , where sea boundaries are not delineated and historic animosity runs deep .