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chēng zi
  • Brace;chapelet
撑子[chēng zi]
  1. 去找个胸甲撑子快去!

    Go find the breastplate stretcher now !

  2. 你会感受到一个撑子(扩张器),它可以保持你的眼睛睁开。

    You will be aware of a support ( speculum ), which helps to hold your eye open .

  3. (书架或桌子上)放在一排书后面让它们直立的撑子。

    A support placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright ( on a shelf or table ) .

  4. 在撑子和心子上刻着基路伯,狮子,和棕树,周围有璎珞。

    He engraved cherubim , lions and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and on the panels , in every available space , with wreaths all around .