
piē yóu qì
  • skimmer
  1. 撇油器的原理及性能

    Principles and Performance of Oil Skimmer

  2. 根据原有的等级和重量使用不同的撇油器。

    the grade of oil , how heavy it is , you use a different type of skimmer .

  3. Reynolds,我们现在看到的是撇油器,可以将它们放入水中,进入有浮油的区域。

    Reynolds , what we 're looking at here , these are -- these are oil skimmers so these will be ed into the water , into the pockets of oil .

  4. 比较了撇油器的各种原理、性能及操作条件。

    The paper presents the comparisons of the principles , performances and operating conditions between different skimmers .

  5. 通过使用这些水栅,石油可以被推进撇油器,然后被这个巨大的真空吸入。

    Using those booms , oil can actually be pushed into that skimmer and then it 's using this giant vacuum .

  6. 英国石油公司表示,安装到位的400个撇油器是为了尽量能够把日渐增加的泄漏石油所带来的恶果降到最低。

    A fleet of400 skimmers is in place to try to minimise the effects of increased oil loss during the operation , BP said .

  7. 分析和评价了撇油器等主要回收装置在实际操作中的性能、效率和制约因素,对将来海上溢油回收装置的发展进行了探讨。

    The performance , efficiency and controllable factors of a skimmer and some other kinds of marine oil recovery equipment are analyzed and assessed , and furthermore , the development of marine oil recovery equipment is discussed .

  8. 在OHMSETT,所有的原油都从一个浮桥渗入池中。工作人员可以测试不同的撇油器,不同的分散剂,甚至燃烧等,所有的一切都在模拟海洋环境,甚至海洋波型的安全密闭的环境下进行。

    At OHMSETT , all different types of oil are sprayed into the tank from a moving bridge . Workers can test skimmers , various dispersants , even burning , all in a safe , enclosed environment that simulates the ocean 's salinity and even its wave patterns .