
mó cā zhuānɡ
  • friction pile
  1. S2端阻力占总荷载的比例只有3.59%,桩顶沉降基本由桩身压缩引起,为摩擦桩。

    The ratio of base resistance of S2 to the total load is 3.59 % , this pile is a friction pile .

  2. 预测摩擦桩极限承载力的新方法

    New method for estimation of ultimate bearing capacity of friction pile

  3. 试验结果表明,静压PHC桩在不同地质条件下承载性状可以表现为端承摩擦桩,也可以为摩擦端承桩;

    The results show that the load transfer behaviors of injection installed PHC piles are different in different soils ;

  4. 由P-S曲线确定摩擦桩单桩的有效桩长

    Determining the valid length of friction pile from P-S curve

  5. 该文针对深长摩擦桩的桩侧摩阻力引起桩底土层的沉降不容忽视,通过对Mindlin公式进行积分,提出了一种荷载传递法的修正方法。

    In order to consider the settlement of soil underlying pile base caused by shaft resistance of deep and long frictional pile , a revised load-transfer method is introduced through integrating Mindlin 's solution in this paper .

  6. 花岗岩残积土通常作为摩擦桩的桩端持力层,其工程性状一般接近于粉质砂土(Lumb,1962)。

    As a kind of silty sand s ( Lumb , 1962 ), residual granitic soil is normally taken as the end-bearing stratum of friction piles .

  7. 城市交通荷载对摩擦桩承载力的影响

    Friction Pile Bearing Analysis of Fully Saturated Soil under Traffic Load

  8. 纯摩擦桩荷载-沉降曲线的拟合方法及其工作机理

    Method for Fitting of P-S Curve and Mechanism of Friction Pile

  9. 大直径钻孔灌注摩擦桩的静承载特性

    Bearing Properties of Large Diameter Bored Cast-in-situ Friction Piles under Static Load

  10. 摩擦桩竖向承载力计算方法研究

    Research on Computing Method for Vertical Bearing Capacity of Friction Pile Foundation

  11. 桩长对大直径摩擦桩影响的试验研究

    Test Study on Length Influence to Large Diameter Friction Piles

  12. 摩擦桩单桩轴向承载力的进一步探讨

    Fur the r Discussion on Axial Bearing Capacity of a Frictional Pile

  13. 竖向谐振荷载下摩擦桩的横向振动性能研究

    Study on transverse vibration behavior of a friction pile under vertical harmonic loads

  14. 深长摩擦桩竖向变形计算与参数分析

    Calculation and Parameters Analysis of Vertical Deformation of Deep and Long Frictional Pile

  15. 确定摩擦桩承载力的一种动测法

    A Dynamic Measurement of Bearing Capacity for Frictional Piles

  16. 断裂摩擦桩瞬态动测响应的正演模拟

    Forward Modeling of the Frictional Fracture Pile 's Transient Response Using Dynamic Test

  17. 关于摩擦桩承载力计算深度修正的探讨

    Revision of Depth in Computation of Bearing Capacity of Cast-in-place Bored Friction Pile

  18. 摩擦桩侧泥皮问题分析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment on the Pile Lateral Slurry Cake in the Friction Pile

  19. 深长摩擦桩的非局部摩擦分析

    Nonlocal friction analysis of deep and long friction pile

  20. 摩擦桩承载稳定性的概率分析方法

    Probability analysis on bearing stability of friction piles

  21. 盾构法隧道开挖对摩擦桩的影响

    Effects of Shield Tunneling on Adjacent Friction Piles

  22. 推导针对端承桩及摩擦桩两种情形。

    Two situations are considered in theoretical derivation : end-bearing piles and floating piles .

  23. 钻孔灌注混凝土摩擦桩的荷载传递和测试

    Load Transmitting and Measuring of Grouting Friction Piles

  24. 改进端承摩擦桩的一种方案

    A Method for Improving the End-support Friction Pile

  25. 钻孔灌注摩擦桩承载性质模型试验与分析

    Model test and analysis for the load property of drill hole grouting friction pile

  26. 三角形空心截面摩擦桩设计

    Design of friction piles with hollow triangular section

  27. 摩擦桩沉降变形规律及承载力确定的探讨

    Discussion on deformability due to settlement and determination of bearing capacity of friction piles

  28. 考虑径向非匀质性的层状地基中摩擦桩动力阻抗研究

    Research on the Vertical Dynamic Impedance of Floating Pile Considering Radially Inhomogeneous Layered Soil

  29. 负摩擦桩荷载传递规律

    Load transmitting rule for a negative pile foundation

  30. 地面运动下摩擦桩变形与内力分析

    Analysis of deformation and interal force of friction piles under the action of ground motion