
  • 网络tribological principle;tribology principle
  1. 磨损自补偿的摩擦学原理

    Tribological Principle of Wear - Self - Compensation

  2. 基于摩擦学原理和接触力学理论,提出了可在牙轮钻头滑动轴承中采用变曲率结构。

    Based on the tribological principle and the theory of contact mechanics , it is feasible to adopt curvature changing structure in the Rock bit journal bearing system .

  3. 为了解决NOMEX蜂窝芯高速铣削加工过程中固持可靠性差和加工效率低以及加工表面质量差的问题,提出一种新的基于强磁场和摩擦学原理的蜂窝芯高速加工固持方法。

    To solve the problems of fixturing reliability , low machining efficiency and machining surface integrity , a new fixturing method of NOMEX honeycomb machining , based on the strong magnetic and principle of friction , was presented .

  4. 从摩擦学原理,对MP-I型金属-塑料复合自润滑轴承的摩擦学特性、预测使用寿命以及在应用中遇到的基本问题进行了研究,给工程技术人员在机械设计中如何正确选择MP-I轴承提供了依据。

    We studied the tribological , properties , predicted service life and the problems in use of the self-lubricating bearings made by MP - I metal-plastics composite . And these are good referrences for choosing MP-1 bearings in engineering design .

  5. 用摩擦学原理分析建筑机械液压系统的爬行

    Analyze Hydraulic System 's Creep of Construction Machinery by Use of Tribology Principle

  6. 方法根据摩擦学原理,对临床实际情况合理地简化、模拟,设计一种摩擦系数的测试方法。

    Methods Based on some tribophysics principles , the actual condition of clinic was simplified and simulated .

  7. 介绍了基于磁场与摩擦学原理的纸基蜂窝零件固持方法。

    The paper honeycomb fixture based on the magnetic field and tribology theory is introduced in a nutshell .

  8. 依据流体节流与摩擦学原理对风能致热效应进行了研究分析与实验。

    The effect of conversion of wind energy to heat energy on the theory of flow throttle and friction was analyzed and experimentally researched .

  9. 根据摩擦学原理,采用动态磨损模拟试验和表面微观分析研究的方法和技术,对气门动态磨损特性进行了系统的试验研究。

    The wear properties of valve are systemically investigated by using dynamic simulation testing and surface microscopic analysis techniques based on principle of tribology .

  10. 本文应用摩擦学原理分析刀具磨损的特点、形式、原因和规律,并提出改善刀具磨损的途径。

    This paper analyse the characteristics , types , reasons and laws of tool wear by principles of tribology and point the direction to improve tool wear .

  11. 为了克服这三种固持方法的不足之处,本课题组提出一种基于磁场和摩擦学原理的纸基蜂窝零件的固持理论。

    In order to overcome the shortcoming of current method , a new method based on magnetic and friction force is proposed to clamp the paper honeycomb .

  12. 运用摩擦学原理提出了轮胎磨损的分类形式,为正确预测正常工作条件下的轮胎磨损率提供了必要的基础知识。

    The wear classifications are presented based on the principle of Tribology , which provide the fundamental knowledge for correctly predicting tire wear rate at normal service conditions .

  13. 本文介绍了金属材料的硬度与磨损之间的关系,提出了一个重要问题,即在机械设计中如何根据摩擦学原理选择金属材料的硬度。

    This paper introduces the relationship between hardness and wear of metal materials , and a important problem is put forward , how select hardness of metal materials by tribology principle in machine design .

  14. 运用摩擦学原理膜厚计算公式,计算并分析了多齿差摆线齿轮传动时润滑油膜厚度,并讨论了齿轮设计参数对润滑油膜厚度的影响。

    On basis of tribological principles of the film thickness formula , the film thickness is calculate in differential gear and lubricant , the gear design parameters on the impact of lubricant film thickness are analyzed .

  15. 特别探讨了载荷、转速对微晶玻璃摩擦磨损性能的影响,应用现代表面测试技术和摩擦学原理分析了该材料的磨损机理。

    Tribological characteristics of the glass-ceramic was evaluated , especially in the effects of load , sliding speed on friction and wear performance . The wear mechanism was analyzed by the technology of surface micro-analysis and principles of tribology .

  16. 作者从润滑角度出发,针对往复式运动滑块运动特点,结合摩擦学原理,设计了一种三角形滑块,并进行了理论计算,得出了油膜厚度方程和油膜压力方程。

    From the lubrication and aimed at the moving features of reciprocating slider and combined with tribology , a trigonal slider is designed by author and the equation of oil film thickness and oil film pressure are given based on the calculation .

  17. 针对大型矿山挖掘机斗齿磨损失效现象,运用摩擦学原理,分析了失效原因,提出了通过改进设计、合理选材和表面处理等抗磨措施。

    Aimed at the wear phenomena of bucket teeth for great type mine excavators , the failure causes were analyzed based on tribology principle , some anti-wear measures were presented , such as improving the design , selecting materials rationally and surface disposal .

  18. 然后,基于弹塑性变形理论和摩擦学原理建立了表征珩磨加工过程中材料去除机理的数学物理模型,导出的材料去除率方程表明材料去除率与珩磨油石中的有效磨粒数成正比关系。

    Besides , based on the theory of elasto-plasticity and tribology , the paper establishes a theoretical model to predict material removal rate in honing process . The model clearly shows that material removal rate is proportional with the number of the active particles in the surface of honing stone .

  19. 根据摩擦学的原理,分析了煤矿耙斗装载机磨损的种类和形式,找出了磨损的规律以及影响的因素和解决的方法。

    According to friction theory , the paper analyses wearing type of scraping loader in coal mine , finds wearing rules , affecting factor and resolvent .

  20. 本文介绍了机械液压系统的爬行问题,运用摩擦学的原理,论述了产生爬行的原因,进行了理论分析,最后,提出了消除爬行的主要措施。

    This paper recommended problem of mechanical hydraulic system creep , discussed the Causes of resulting in creep , theoretical analysis be done by principles of tribology , and finally , to point out the main way to eliminate creep .

  21. 阐述了水压传动的技术特点、优越性和需要解决的关键技术,包括新型工程材料、摩擦学、机械原理、液压传动和相关基本设计理论等方面知识的综合应用。

    Water hydraulics operating with pure water such as fresh or seawater instead of mineral oil as pressure medium in hydraulic systems is a developing new technology of hydraulics in the world .