
mó ěr dìnɡ lǜ
  • Moore's Law
  1. 科技变得更加先进,现在进行DNA排序的速度已经达到了摩尔定律的五倍。

    The technologies got better , and now DNA sequencing is proceeding at a pace five times that of Moore 's Law .

  2. Endy博士十分喜欢生物砖这个主意,因为这样合成生物学家有标准化组件可以利用,而标准化组件正是电子工程师由于有摩尔定律的作用而享受的优势之一。

    Dr Endy likes BioBricks because they promise the synthetic biologist the standardised set of parts that has been one of the advantages enjoyed by the electronic engineers behind Moore 's law .

  3. 回顾IC的发展过程,说明摩尔定律预测的正确性。

    Tracing IC development , the paper describes validity of the forecast by Moore 's law .

  4. 过去几十年中,我们一直生活在摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)当中。根据该定律,处理器中的晶体管数量每两年会翻一番,而这也说明了技术进步的稳定性。

    For decades , we lived within Moore 's Law , which predicted that the number of transistors packed into a processor would double every two years , providing a steady gallop of technology improvement .

  5. 由于半导体行业受到摩尔定律(Moore'slaw)的启发,让计算机芯片变得更小、更强大、无所不在,人们认为,科技与竞争或许也能对光生伏打电池施以同样的魔法。

    As the semiconductor industry was inspired by Moore 's law to make computer chips tiny , powerful and ubiquitous , it 's thought that technology and competition might work a similar magic for photovoltaic cells .

  6. 在这篇文章中,他摒弃了一直误导着人们的观念,那就是摩尔定律将继续促进越来越高的CPU时钟速率。

    In it , he tore apart the misplaced belief that Moore 's Law would continue to unleash higher and higher CPU clock speeds .

  7. 由于摩尔定律(Moore'sLaw)不可阻挡的前进步伐为计算能力带来了指数式增长,深蓝在人机大战中最终大获全胜几乎是定局——这只是个时间问题。

    Thanks to the inexorable advance of Moore 's law - bringing exponential increases in computing capacity - it was almost inevitable that Deep Blue would crush the human competition in the end : it was just a matter of time .

  8. 根据摩尔定律,高速高密度印刷电路板(PCB)的设计变得越来越复杂。

    According to the Moore 's law , it becomes more and more complex to design high-speed and high-density Printed Circuit Board ( PCB ) .

  9. Michael(SenchaTouch):发生的最大事情就是摩尔定律继续地快速推进,携其余威继续丰富处理器的能力。

    Michael ( Sencha Touch ): The biggest thing that 's happened is that Moore 's law has continued apace , bringing its continuing bounty of processor power .

  10. 有趣的是AMD的制程发展规律也与摩尔定律相契合,他们总是会在Intel推出新制程技术的同年晚些时候推出自己的新制程技术。

    AMD has also stayed on track with Moore 's law for the past tech nodes , introducing new processes during the same year but usually later than Intel .

  11. 随着半导体技术的飞速发展,作为硅基集成电路核心器件的MOSFET的特征尺寸正以摩尔定律的速度缩小。

    With the rapid development of semiconductor , feature size of MOSFET as the key part of inte - grated circuits is scaling down at a speed of Moore law .

  12. 在主持当晚的活动时,英特尔首席执行官科再奇(BrianKrzanich)对摩尔定律对我们的影响行了总结。

    In introducing the evening , Intel 's C.E.O. , Brian Krzanich summarized where Moore 's Law has taken us .

  13. 第二章是相关理论及定律,主要包括新经济增长理论、技术长波理论、ICT投资理论和以摩尔定律为代表的信息规则;

    The second chapter is about some related theories and laws including the theory of the new economy growth , the theory of technology wave , the theory of ICT investment as well as the information rules .

  14. 在摩尔定律诞生50周年之际,我在旧金山探索博物馆(Exploratorium)采访了现已86岁高龄的摩尔。那是一场为摩尔举办的庆祝活动,由戈登与贝蒂·摩尔基金会(GordonandBettyMooreFoundation)同英特尔联合举办。

    For the 50th anniversary of Moore 's Law , I interviewed Moore , now 86 , at the Exploratorium in San Francisco , at a celebration in his honor co-hosted by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Intel .

  15. 摩尔定律直至今日依然基本准确,

    Moore 's Law has held generally true to this day ,

  16. 这是过去几百年里的摩尔定律。

    This is Moore 's Law over the last hundred years .

  17. 这类器材甚至可能贬低摩尔定律的地位。

    Such devices may relegate Moore 's Law to secondary status .

  18. 这就是摩尔定律作用下的成果。

    This is a consequence of Moore 's Law in action .

  19. 摩尔定律与半导体设备(续前)

    The Moore 's Law and Semiconductor Equipment ( Continued )

  20. 摩尔定律已经完成了其使命。

    Moore 's Law had run its course .

  21. 摩尔定律,还能走多远?

    How far will moore 's law go ?

  22. 但在这么长时间里,摩尔定律都被证明基本正确,他觉得意外吗?

    But was he surprised by how long it has been proved basically correct ?

  23. 摩尔定律的困难与前景&从摩尔第二定律谈起

    Difficulties and Prospects of Moore 's Law : Beginning with Moore 's Second Law

  24. 摩尔定律并不是第一个使用指数增长计算的模式。

    The exponential growth of computing started decades before Gordon Moore was even born .

  25. 这样的“门”深足以让摩尔定律发挥多几年的作用。

    Such a gate length would keep Moore 's law rolling for several years .

  26. 纳电子器件出现后会使摩尔定律过时吗?

    Is Moore law out of date since Nano electronic devices have been appeared ?

  27. 这不是摩尔定律。

    This is not Moore 's Law .

  28. 一位记者最近问我,摩尔定律的持续是不是不可或缺的。

    A journalist recently asked me whether the continuation of Moore 's Law was indispensable .

  29. 按照摩尔定律,每过18个月,微芯片的集成度翻一番。

    According Moore law , the integration level of the microchips doubling each 18 months .

  30. 介绍了摩尔定律及其寿命和争议。

    In this paper , the Moore 's Law , Life and controversy are introduced .