
  • 网络Search Marketing;Search Engine Marketing
  1. 第四章介绍小微企业搜索营销的效果的评估和提升,指导小微企业搜索营销效果评估并学会运用相关工具。

    The next chapter guidance small and micro-enterprise search marketing effectiveness learn to use tools .

  2. 不过,采纳这种策略的广告商,并非不受更为宽泛的有效搜索营销法则的制约。

    Yet advertisers who adopt this strategy are not immune from the broader laws of effective search marketing .

  3. 因此对于电子商务企业的搜索营销进行研究是非常必要的。

    Therefore , the research for search engine in e-commerce is necessary .

  4. 目前尚不清楚微软网站在中国吸引的流量,是否足以维持独立的付费搜索营销业务。

    It is unclear whether the traffic attracted by Microsoft 's websites in China could justify the maintenance of an independent paid search marketing operation .

  5. 最后是第五章总结与展望,总结小微企业的搜索营销大有可为并预判未来的深入研究方向。

    Finally , Chapter V Summary and Outlook promising in-depth study and to predict the future direction , summed up the small micro-enterprise search marketing .

  6. 无论从宏观角度还是从行业角度来看,搜索营销这一新的营销模式对于那些依靠网络来发展的电子商务企业将意味着巨大的商机。

    From macro point of view or from the industry perspective , the search marketing means grate business opportunities to those who rely on e-commerce business .

  7. 所以,如果其中有些话太直接,也请原谅,我只是希望能将他们的观念转变过来,更好地进行付费搜索营销。

    So please forgive me if some of these are rather obvious , but my hope is that I can convert some search sinners into saviors .

  8. 搜索营销在美国已经成为一个庞大的产业,这个产业的基础是大量具有强大购买力的网民。

    Search engine marketing in the United States has become a promising industry , which is based on a large number of Internet users with strong purchasing power .

  9. 要了解有关,我是多么-立方体设计的搜索营销活动可以帮助您的网站达到顶级搜索引擎的位置,立即联系我们今天的代表之一。

    To learn more about , how I-cubes Design 's search marketing campaigns can help your website achieve top search engine positions immediately , contact one of our representatives today .

  10. 第三章论文的重点部分,介绍小微企业搜索营销策略和方法研究,全面介绍适合小微企业的搜索营销的具体方法和操作。

    The third chapter of the study on a small micro-enterprise search marketing strategies and methods of research , comprehensive introduction to the specific methods and operations of the Search Marketing suitable for small and micro enterprises .

  11. 搜索营销的复杂程度一直在提高,同时入门的成本也在升高不仅是因为更高的技术成本,以及管理在线活动所需的外界专业协助。

    While the level of sophistication in search marketing has been going up , the cost of entry has also been rising and not just because of the higher costs for the technology and outside professional help needed to manage online campaigns .

  12. SEM即是搜索引擎营销。

    SEM is search engine marketing .

  13. SEM(搜索引擎营销)是网站推广的其中一种手段。

    SEM ( search engine marketing ) is a website to promote one of the means .

  14. SEO是一种搜索引擎营销指导思想,而不仅仅是对针对搜索引擎的排名情况。

    SEO is a search engine marketing , guiding ideology , not just for search engine rankings .

  15. 汽车数字营销包括网络广告、营销网站、搜索引擎营销、Email营销、无线营销、博客、社会性网络等形式。

    The application of Digital Marketing in auto industry includes Internet advertising , marketing websites , search engine marketing , Email marketing , wireless marketing , blog , social networking and other forms .

  16. seobythesea搜索引擎营销顾问比尔史劳斯基(billslawski)表示,上述谷歌技术可能会削弱新数字媒体公司的竞争力。

    Bill slawski , search engine marketing consultant at SEO by the sea , said the Google technology could undercut offerings by new digital media companies .

  17. 本文的核心论点是:搜索引擎营销(SEM)其实就是基于关键词搜索的目标客户推广,是目前最有效,针对性最强的网络营销方式。

    This article core argument is : at present , the search engine marketing ( SEM ) actually is based on the keyword search goal customer promotion , is most effective , the pointed strongest network marketing method .

  18. 随着淘宝的关键词广告平台的功能越来越复杂,广告主业务的变化和数量的增加,由第三方服务公司提供广告主SEM(搜索引擎营销)解决方案的业务模式应运而生。

    With the Taobao keyword advertising platform more and more complicated , business changes and the increasing number of advertisers , SEM ( search engine marketing ) business model solutions provided by third-party service companies came into being .

  19. 搜索引擎营销的每一个环节都与传统营销理论紧密相联。

    Each Search Engine marketing is closed linked with traditional marketing theory .

  20. 中国点击网搜索引擎营销效果评价研究

    Study on Appraisal of Search Engine Marketing Performance of China Click Website

  21. 越来越多的在线零售商正在将其营销重点转向搜索引擎营销。

    More and more online retailers are shifting their marketing spending to search engine marketing .

  22. 搜索引擎营销模式的分析及其发展趋势

    Marketing of search engine and its tendency

  23. 图书出版的搜索引擎营销策略

    Search Engine Marketing for Book Publishing

  24. 这里有三件事请记住,当考虑到你对本地搜索的营销策略。

    Here are three things to keep in mind when considering your local search marketing strategy .

  25. 本文也各自分析了这两类企业在运用搜索引擎营销时的特点和发展方向。

    This paper also analyzed the characteristics and development direction in the course of using SEM respectively .

  26. 针对客户内在的需求的定向营销,就是搜索引擎营销最大的竞争优势。

    Sells in view of the customer intrinsic demand directional marketing , is the SEM biggest competition superiority .

  27. 围绕上述论点,本文从以下四个主要方面展开了论述:1、从搜索引擎营销的概念看,搜索引擎营销本质上就是通过搜索引擎来达到营销的目的。

    Looks from the SEM concept , in the SEM essence is through search engine achieves the marketing goal .

  28. 他在上海创建了达闻营销,这是中国搜索引擎营销行业的先驱,T。

    Prior to co-founding Darwin Marketing , a Shanghai based pioneer in China 's search engine marketing industry , T.

  29. 其中,国内的文献主要从搜索引擎营销策略、搜索引擎营销评估以及企业应用现状的角度进行研究。

    The research angle of domestic literature is mostly search engine marketing strategies and the measurement of search engine marketing .

  30. 你需要一个公司,这是积极的参与者,在搜索引擎营销战役,而不仅仅是一个信息采集。

    You need a company that is actively participant in your search engine marketing campaign , not just an information gatherer .