
wò shǒu lǐ
  • shaking hands to show courtesy
  1. 在与外国友人相见时,他们有时也行握手礼。

    Meet with foreign friends , they are also sometimes OK handshake ceremony .

  2. 当女性接吻之际,常使我想起职业拳师们的握手礼。

    When women kiss , it always remind me of prize fighter shaking hand .

  3. 当被介绍给别人时,英国人通常握手为礼。

    On being introduced to somebody , a British person often shakes hands .

  4. 除表示特别亲热才施握手告辞礼,但必须注意从目上转向目下,由女方首先向男方伸手。

    In addition to the special intimacy that only Shi shook hands goodbye ceremony , but must pay attention to the shift from the mesh heads , from the first to the man asking for the woman .

  5. 尽管在西方握手的见面礼非常普遍,但在中国这样做的人还不是很多,更不用说见面和道别时的拥抱和亲吻了。

    They rarely greet people with a handshake , though it is very popular among foreigners , say nothing of embracing or kissing when greeting or saying good-bye .

  6. 英格丽德和公爵夫人握了握手并行了屈膝礼。

    Ingrid shook the Duchess 's hand and curtsied .

  7. 此外,调查显示,与北爱尔兰人相比,伦敦人更在意吻面还是握手这个问题。在北爱尔兰,上班族们最常用的是握手礼。

    Londoners were most likely to be concerned about the issue , compared with workers in Northern Ireland , where most always went for a handshake , according to the research by the recruitment firm .

  8. 1/5的人认为握手过于正式,而42%的人说他们只有在商务场合才会行握手礼。

    One in five feel shaking hands is too formal , while 42 per cent said they would only do it in a business context .