
yǎn xīnɡ
  • occultation
掩星 [yǎn xīng]
  • [occultation] 指一个天体掩蔽另一个天体的全部

  1. GPS掩星振幅反演中的天顶补偿项

    Zenith compensation term in inversion of GPS Occultation amplitude data

  2. GPS地面台网和掩星观测结合的时变三维电离层层析

    Time-dependent 3-D computerized ionospheric tomography with ground-based GPS network and occultation observations

  3. GPS掩星振幅反演的若干问题研究

    Study on Some Problems in Atmospheric Inversion by GPS Occultation Amplitude Observations

  4. 上海天文台GPS掩星技术研究现状

    Present status of gps / leo occultation research in Shao

  5. GPS掩星探测天线相位中心的校准

    Calibrating Antenna Phase Center in GPS Radio Occultation Measurements

  6. GPS无线电掩星反演大气参数中的算法研究

    Study of Algorithms Employed in Inverting Terrestrial Atmospheric Parameters by GPS Radio Occultation

  7. 山基GPS掩星反演大气对流层折射率系统组成及其程序实现

    System and Software Performance of the Atmospheric Refractive Inversion for Mountain-based GPS Occultation

  8. 山基GPS掩星观测实验及其反演原理

    Mountain-based GPS observations of occultation and its inversion theory

  9. 空间GPS无线电掩星反演大气参数方法及其应用

    Inversion of terrestrial atmospheric parameters using SPACEBORNE GPS radio occultation and its application

  10. 对山基GPS掩星观测进行了研究。

    The mountain-based GPS radio occultation is studied .

  11. 介绍了国外、国内GPS无线电掩星技术研究进展。

    Progresses abroad and at home in GPS radio occultation technique are briefly introduced .

  12. GPS掩星数据反演中由大气折射率反演温度和气压的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Retrieving Temperature and Pressure from Atmospheric Refractivity in GPS Occultation Data Inversion

  13. 大气GPS掩星观测反演方法

    Atmospheric inversion methods of GPS radio occultation

  14. GPS掩星技术和电离层反演

    GPS occultation technique and ionospheric inversion

  15. GPS无线电掩星数据处理系统

    GPS radio occultation data processing system

  16. GPS无线电掩星监测地球大气技术中的一种长时间序列地面测点方法

    Long sequential method of grazing points in GPS occultation technique of monitoring of the earth atmosphere

  17. 卫星圆轨道假设对GPS无线电掩星反演地球大气参数的影响

    The effect of circular satellite orbit assumption on inverting earth 's atmospheric parameters by GPS Radio Occultation

  18. 最后讨论了GPS掩星技术应用于地震前兆监测的机理和前景。

    Finally , the mechanism and prospect for using GPS occultation to monitor seismic precursor are discussed .

  19. 独立发展了上海天文台的GPS掩星振幅反演软件系统。

    A processing software construction of amplitude inversion by GPS occultation is independently developed in Shanghai Astronomical Observatory .

  20. 对GPS无线电掩星技术反演地球大气参数方法中的若干问题进行了较为全面的分析和研究。

    Some problems are solved or thorough explored in sensing Earth 's atmosphere via GPS radio occultation methodology .

  21. 电离层GPS掩星观测改正TEC反演方法

    A calibrated TEC method for inversion of ionospheric GPS occultation data

  22. 菲涅耳衍射反演是GPS掩星技术中基于物理光学原理的新的反演方法。

    The Fresnel inversion based on the principle of wave optics is a new method to retrieve atmospheric profiles .

  23. LEO卫星轨道参数对GPS掩星数量和分布的影响

    Effect of LEO Satellite 's Orbit Parameter on GPS Occultation Event 's Number and Distribution

  24. 介绍了利用GPS掩星反演地球中性大气参数的原理。

    The theory and the procedure of inversion of Earth ′ s neutral atmospheric parameters with GPS occultation are briefly introduced .

  25. 通过介绍GPS在大气探测中的应用,引入了一种新的研究大气模型的方法&无线电掩星技术。

    This paper introduces radio occultation technology - a new method for study of atmospheric model through introducing GPS application in atmospheric exploration .

  26. 研究结果表明,深入开展GPS掩星技术振幅反演的研究是一个值得注意的课题。

    From the results in our study we believe that amplitude inversion is a noticeable research field in GPS / LEO occultation technique .

  27. 福建省震前地基GPSTEC与掩星电子密度研究

    Research on Ground-Based GPS TEC and Occultation Electron Density of Ionosphere before Earthquakes in Fujian Province

  28. 掩星观测中电离层延迟对LEO卫星轨道误差的响应

    Response of ionospheric phase delay to LEO ′ s orbit biases in radio occultation methodology

  29. 讲述了无线电掩星观测技术的发展现状,以及开展GPS气象学的科学意义和在国防建设、国民经济中的应用价值。

    Describe the significance , history and development of this technique , and values on the GPS meteorology using for defence construction and national economy .

  30. GNSS掩星探测大气算法及误差分析

    Algorithm and Error Analysis of GNSS Occultation Measurements of the Atmosphere