- nappe structure

A TM image analysis for nappe structure pattern in northern region of Jiangxi Province
Four image discriminant marks of the nappe structure on the TM picture in northern part of Jiangxi Provinces are , first of all , discussed .
The backbone fault of the nappe tectonic was not F.2 , but within the anhydrite member underlaid the nappe , and the anhydrock was an ideal lubricating layer ;
During the third folding stage , the middle part ( B ) was deformed , there were parallel folds and similar folds , locally with cleavages , and also reverse ductile shear zones and reverse-nappe structures .
General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS ) puts the axe in the helve . nappe structure , flysch deposit , Hercynian massif in the Helve-tides ;
The result shows that the trend of nappe structure is approximately parallel with axis of folds in the coal field , trending NE along the formation strike .
By comprehensive study , Wudang Mountain tenacity nappe tectonics has been pointed out at the first time . Its geometrical pattern is a giant " AB " type of fold .
Then , on the basis of careful interpretation and analysis of a TM digital mosaic image in the . area , a regional distribution pattern of the nappe structure is further proposed .
Migration results of the SEG foothills overthrust model synthetic data shows that this approach is in high imaging accuracy .
They underwent polyphase structural deformation , giving rise to well developed recumbent folds , ductile shear zones and nappe structures .
A N-S trending thrust and nappe belt was developed along the western margin of the Ordos basin , resulting from eastward extrusion of the Alashan and Longxi blocks .
In the Yanshanian period , with continuous NW-directed propagation of the front of the southeastern Guangxi thrust nappe structure , the Jurassic-Cretaceous foreland basin also migrated continuously in a NW direction .
The unique arcuate thrust-nappe structures in Xuzhou-Suzhou area suggested a sinistral displacement about 350 km of the synorogenic fault zone .
The paper introduced the prestack depth migration from relief surface based on implicit wide-angle finite-difference one-way propagation operator and used SEG piedmont nappe structure model for test .
The southern Ningxia ′ s arciform structure zone , extending 150 ~ 300km , consists of four great arcuate thrust nappe structural belts with a convex toward the northeast .
The Tianhushan coalmine area is situated at the east strip of the southwestern Fujian depression , nappe structures are quite developed , especially the F31 and F1 nappes have stood out .
The nappe structures , which generated in the middle late period of Yanshan movement between J 3t and K 1d , cut down and superimposed on the slide stacking structure system created in the early F 1.The regularities of structural development have important significance for the coal exploration .
Results Large thrust nappe structure was developed along ZW1 seismic survey line , and it was formed during Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous .
This article studies a logarithm stretching DMO method in the time domain to accelerate the computational speed as well as improve the image quality . It also covers the processing of physical model and real data using the logarithm stretching DMO algorithms .
Mainly based on seismic profile L_ ( 14 ) and L_ ( 55 ), the authors discuss the texture , mode , formation time , thrusting distance and oil and gas prospects of the northern sector of thrusting nappe structure of Longmen Mountains .
An overthrust tectonic in southwest Fujian and its mechanism of formation
Mechanical analysis of finite deformation of decollement level in nappe structure
The stepped thrusts and associated folds are characteristics of nappes .
Geological features of Dexing nappe structure and its relation with metallogenesis
Characteristic analysis of thrust and nappe tectonics in wudang , guiyang
A study on the thrust nappe structure in Lancang region
Strike-slipe shearing and torsion and nappe structure controlling rocks and ores ;
Nappe structure , flysch deposit , Hercynian massif in the Helve-tides ;
On style of the THRUST-NAPPES in West Hill coal field of Beijing
Post-Miocene Imbricate Thrust Structures in Middle Qiangtang , Western China