
  • 网络recommender system;Recommendation System;recommender
  1. Web推荐系统能为用户提供有针对性的个性化服务。

    Web recommender system can provide different users with different services .

  2. 应用语义网构建Web服务推荐系统

    Buiding a Web Service Recommender System Based on the Semantic Web

  3. 基于Web日志和缓存数据挖掘的个性化推荐系统

    Personalization Recommendation System Based on Web Log & Cache Data Mining

  4. 基于Web日志和商品分类的协同过滤推荐系统

    Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System Based on Web Log and Commodities Classification

  5. 在传统Web推荐系统的基础上引入了反馈机制。

    This paper adds a feedback mechanism into Web recommendation system ;

  6. 基于Web日志挖掘的自适应网站推荐系统框架研究

    The Research on Self-adaptive Websites Recommendation System Framework Based-on Web Log Mining

  7. 设计并实现基于Web日志挖掘的个性化推荐系统原型。

    Design and implement a web log based personalized prototype recommendation system .

  8. 基于Web日志的因特网协作推荐系统的研究

    Research on the Web Log Based Internet Collaborative Recommendation System

  9. 复杂分布式Web系统推荐系统问题。

    Web recommendation system of complex distributed systems problems .

  10. 基于模糊兴趣集和智能Agent的推荐系统模型研究

    Model of recommender system based on fuzzy interest set and intelligence agent

  11. 在基于人工免疫增量的聚类算法基础上,设计了基于Web挖掘的电子商务推荐系统模型。

    Based on artificial immune incremental clustering algorithm , designed the Web-based E-Commerce recommendation system model .

  12. 基于Agent的个性化推荐系统的研究

    Research on Agent-Based Personalized Recommendation System

  13. 在基于Web使用挖掘的推荐系统中,仅采用关联规则挖掘技术的Web推荐系统在预测用户未来浏览模式时很难取得令人满意的结果。

    In the personalized recommendation systems , the resulting association patterns do not perform well in predicting future browsing patterns .

  14. 本文使用多准则排序作为替代,描述了一种基于多Agent技术的推荐系统。

    Using multi-criteria ratings instead , this paper describes a novel recommender system relying on the multi-agent technique .

  15. 随着Web信息量的快速增长,个性化的Web信息推荐系统扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    As fast growing of Web information , personal Web recommendation system would play more and more im - portant role .

  16. Web个性化推荐系统根据用户的浏览模式预测用户需求,并向他们提供个性化的推荐服务。

    Web personalized recommender systems anticipate the needs of web users and provide them with recommendations according to their navigation patterns .

  17. 因而基于投票机制的Web个性化推荐系统以及技术的实现成为研究者热点关注的方向。

    So , the implementation of web PRSs based on voting mechanism and technologies , is becoming a hot topic for researchers .

  18. 探讨了电子商务、电子商务推荐系统与个性化服务、电子商务中进行Web挖掘的数据源、获取的知识模式以及Web挖掘在电子商务活动中的应用;

    Especially we analyze E-Commerce , including its personalized recommendation system , its data sources , its related technologies and its application fields .

  19. 基于社区驱动与Web数据挖掘的个性化e-learning解决方案推荐系统研究

    Research of Personalized E-learning Solution Recommending System Based on Community Driving and Web Data Mining

  20. 集成AHP和数据挖掘的个性推荐系统研究

    Research on Recommendation System Combining AHP and Data Mining

  21. 基于组件式GIS技术开发了精准农业变量施肥处方推荐系统。

    Based on the technology of ComGIS , the recommend system for variable-rate fertilization in precision agriculture was developed .

  22. 基于Multi-agent的个人电脑客户定制服务推荐系统

    Intelligent Recommendations System of Made-to-order PC Based on Multi-agent

  23. 文本聚类是Web文本挖掘中的一个非常重要的技术,它已经被广泛地应用于信息管理、搜索引擎、推荐系统等多个领域。

    Text clustering , which is known as the significant technique of Web text mining , has been applied in Information Management , Search Engine .

  24. 基于网络的智能系统研究是WEB挖掘和网上智能的重要研究方向,而智能推荐系统(IntelligentRecommendationSystem)又是网上智能系统的典型应用。

    Web-based intelligent system is an important aspect of DM and WI . Intelligent Recommendation System is a kind of typical web-based intelligent application system .

  25. 个性化Web推荐系统是利用用户的浏览行为定制符合用户结构和内容的过程。

    The personal Web recommendation system is the process to use the user 's browsing behaviors to work out the structures and contents in coincidence with the users .

  26. 个性化推荐系统(RecommenderSystem)作为一种信息过滤的重要手段,是当前解决信息超载问题的非常有潜力的方法。

    The personalized recommender system as a important information filtration mean is a potential method to solve the problem of information overload currently .

  27. 基于E-Learning的社区监控及个性化推荐系统的实现

    Realization and Research on Community Monitoring & Personalized Recommendation System Based on E-Learning

  28. 设计了一种基于Agent元搜索引擎的个性化推荐系统的框架,包含人机交互、用户兴趣学习、系统数据管理、信息搜索、多Agent协同等功能。

    This framework mainly contained the functions of human-computer interaction , user interest learning , system data management , information search , agent collaboration and so on .

  29. 利用Web日志文件采用网页被用户选择的频率作为权重值,实现了个性化推荐系统的算法。

    By using Web log file , making use of the Web page frequency which is visited by users as its weight , the algorithm is implemented in the personalization recommendation .

  30. 对于那些想找找有什么书可以看的人,Oyster的推荐系统还是不错的。

    For those looking to discover a Book spontaneously , oyster will do just fine .