
kònɡ zhì quán
  • control power;power/right of control
  1. 两位领导人正在争夺政府控制权。

    The two leaders are battling for control of the government .

  2. 他被迫放弃对公司的控制权。

    He was forced to relinquish control of the company .

  3. 这一政党重新获得了这个地区的控制权。

    The party has regained control of the region .

  4. 该党期待着在下次选举中获得对地方议会的控制权。

    The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election .

  5. 为取得对公司的控制权,他正同对手进行一场激烈的斗争。

    He is engaged in a bitter struggle with his rival to get control of the company .

  6. 这次改组涉及龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。

    The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company

  7. 俄国人必须俯冲轰炸那些城市才能重新获得控制权。

    The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control .

  8. 这场由来已久的对控制权的争夺已经引发了无数流血的战争。

    This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars .

  9. 他们担心极端分子可能会取得控制权。

    They worry that extremists might gain control .

  10. 在69岁时他仍一如既往地牢牢掌握着公司的控制权。

    At 69 he is as firmly in the driving seat of the company as ever .

  11. 他可能会放弃控制权。

    He may yield control

  12. 昨天机场升起了联合国的旗帜,表明控制权已移交给联合国了。

    The UN flag was raised at the airport yesterday to signify that control had passed into its hands .

  13. 没有人对人们的思想有绝对的控制权。

    No one has the empire over the minds of men .

  14. 哪一方将获得控制权?

    Which side will get the mastery ?

  15. 线上系统或许能让我的生活轻松很多,但是我觉得好像自己不再有控制权。课上讨论才是我的专业专业知识最能带给学生益处的地方。

    The online systems may make my life a lot easier but I feel like I 'm giving up control .

  16. 有人在这个委员会的组成上搞了鬼,以使多数党取得相当多的控制权

    The memberships of this committee are stacked to give the majority party substantial control .

  17. 所有权与控制权分离:NBA球队的产权制度分析

    Separating Control Right from Ownership : An Institutional Analysis for NBA Teams

  18. 这之后,控制权再交回给SPE。

    After that , control is returned to the SPE .

  19. 更有趣的是,如果一个攻击者攻入了Web服务器并成为root,攻击者不会获得整个系统的控制权&如果有一个好的安全策略的话。

    More interestingly , if an attacker breaks into the Web server and becomes root , the attacker won 't gain control over the whole system & given a good security policy .

  20. SPV享有对贷款资产的控制权;

    SPV has the controlling power of the debt assets ;

  21. 再次,从家族企业控制权取得途径来看,通过IPO直接上市的家族企业会计透明度比间接上市的家族企业会计透明度要高。

    Thirdly , from the way of obtaining the control right , the family business listed directly through the IPO are more transparent than the family enterprises listed indirectly .

  22. Chesapeake将保留经营控制权。

    Chesapeake will retain operational control .

  23. tvb观察人士同时表示,方逸华可能不希望很快放弃对tvb的控制权。

    TVB watchers also say MS Fong may not want to relinquish control of TVB soon .

  24. 在收购AIG旗下的飞机租赁公司之后,一个中国企业财团将获得1000多架飞机的控制权。

    With the deal for AIG 's aircraft leasing unit , a group of Chinese companies will gain control of a network of more than 1,000 aircraft .

  25. 此外,代理可以过滤HTTP头部、cookies和mime类型,从而提供一定程度的站点控制权,这些站点可通过基于浏览器的客户机访问。

    Additionally , the proxy can filter on HTTP headers , cookies , and mime-types to provide a level of control over the sites that a browser-based client can access .

  26. 如上市公司经理人激励的两难问题、上市公司股权融资偏好之谜、上市公司资本过度利用问题、上市公司控制权转移的补偿机制问题、上市公司MBO之谜等等。

    The riddle of equity financing preference of listed companies ; the capital overuse of listed companies ; the problem of compensation mechanism of control right transfer of listed companies and the riddle of MBO of listed companies etc.

  27. 国内MBO应该表述为以管理层为主的、与股权激励相联系的通过融资对目标公司部分股权进行收购并意在获取公司实际控制权的收购行为。

    The MBO in China can be defined as the buyout process carried out by managers . It is related with the shareholding inspiration and aims at obtaining the control of the target enterprise by means of financing .

  28. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  29. 本文以民营企业DQL化工为样本,研究了家族企业控制权转移对经营绩效的影响。

    In this paper , we study the transfer of control over the family business impact on business performance basing on DQL Chemical Company .

  30. 麦当劳正在和企业家维克拉姆•巴克希(VikramBakshi)争夺双方过去建立的合资企业ConnaughtPlazaRestaurants的控制权。该企业拥有并经营印度北部和东部共185家麦当劳餐厅。

    McDonald 's is fighting entrepreneur Vikram Bakshi for control of Connaught Plaza Restaurants , their erstwhile joint venture , which owns and operates 185 McDonald 's restaurants in north and east India .