
jiē guǎn
  • take over;adapter;take over control;take over the charge(control) of;gas fitting
接管 [jiē guǎn]
  • [take over the charge(control) of] 接收并管理

  • 接管帐务

  • 接管工厂

接管[jiē guǎn]
  1. 当行政权力退出之后,市民社会和市场有能力接管了,我国行政机构就可以跳出精简膨胀再精简再膨胀的怪圈。

    After political power withdrawal , the civil society and the market had ability to take over control ; our country administrative machinery might jump out " the simplification - inflation - simplified again - inflates again " the strange circle .

  2. 一家英国报纸称,英国航空公司计划接管环球航空公司。

    A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways .

  3. 最高理事会决定重新接管对国家新闻机构的控制。

    The Supreme Council resolved to resume control over the national press .

  4. 公司被接管必然意味着更多人要失业。

    The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses .

  5. 政变上台的军政府接管了这个国家。

    A military junta took control of the country .

  6. 父亲死后他就接管了家族企业。

    He took charge of the family business following his father 's death .

  7. 接管后,利润突然大幅度降低。

    Profits fell sharply following the takeover .

  8. 军队在5月1号又接管了另一长条领土。

    On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory

  9. 马德里议会大厦被国民警卫队接管了。

    The parliament in Madrid was taken over by civil guards .

  10. 比利时人依照国际联盟的授权接管了卢旺达。

    The Belgians took over Rwanda under a League of Nations mandate

  11. 汉森按协商出价3.51亿英镑接管该公司。

    Hanson made an agreed takeover bid of £ 351 million .

  12. 我希望议会能很快接管国民医疗保健系统。

    I hope that Parliament will soon take the NHS in hand

  13. 他去一些目前由联合国接管的争议地区巡视了一番。

    He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control .

  14. 发生了类似军事接管的事件。

    There 's been a military takeover of some kind .

  15. 几年前,巴克里尔接管了该公司。

    A few years ago Bacryl took charge of the company

  16. 昨天围绕接管展开的争论在电视业仍然有巨大的反响。

    The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry

  17. 一位新的监狱长接管了这所监狱。

    A new warden took over the prison .

  18. 他的公司去年3月接管了公园的绿化和日常维护工作。

    His firm took over the planting and general maintenance of the park last March .

  19. 当局要想哄骗经营状况良好的银行接管小银行是越来越难了。

    It is becoming harder for the authorities to sucker healthy banks into taking over smaller ones .

  20. 他们声明一旦发生军事接管,他们只会采取非暴力抵抗。

    They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover .

  21. 高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。

    The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court 's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status .

  22. 遵照已故父亲的遗嘱,他有权接管所有的企业。

    Following his late father 's will , he was given the right to take over all businesses .

  23. 格林先生退休后,由他的儿子接管他的生意。

    When Mr. Green retired , his son took over the business from him .

  24. 英国政府接管铁路是在1948年吗?

    Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain ?

  25. 在他接管之前,那个部门简直一团糟。

    The Department was in utter chaos until he took charge .

  26. 他们决定接管机场。

    They concluded to take over the airport .

  27. 当我父亲接管一家处境困难的公司并试图重振业务时,他确实碰到了棘手的问题。

    My father opened a real can of worms when he took over the ailing company and tried to get it doing business .

  28. 该政策为商务部接管太空交通管理奠定了基础。

    This policy sets the stage for the Department of Commerce to take over the management of traffic in space .

  29. 卡罗说:"政府接管无人驾驶汽车并将其视为公共物品的想法在这里绝对行不通。"。

    " The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here , " says Calo .

  30. "我马上接管!"

    I will take it over right away !