
  • 网络Receive Data;Rxd;recvfrom
  1. 下一步,您要通过使用CooperativeTarget向导来使目标portlet接收数据。

    Next , you will enable the target portlet to receive data by using the Cooperative Target wizard .

  2. MIMO有时被称作空间多样,因为它使用多空间通道传送和接收数据。

    MIMO spatial diversity is sometimes called , because it uses multiple spatial channels to send and receive data .

  3. 当一个Web页面使用Ajax时,它将异步向Web服务器发送或从其中接收数据。

    When a Web page uses Ajax , it is asynchronously sending data to and receiving data from a Web server .

  4. DNA拼接并行执行,并通过发送和接收数据包在各个拼接进程之间共享数据。

    The assembly process will execute in parallel , and during assembly process , the various assembly processes share data by sending and receive package .

  5. 建立连接之后,Ajax工具使用AES算法发送和接收数据。

    Once the connection has been established , this Ajax tool uses the AES algorithm to send and receive data .

  6. 基于组合导航技术,将陀螺仪数据与GPS接收数据进行了组合,提高了飞行控制系统导航的精度和可靠性。

    Base on combine navigation technology , it improves the precision and reliability of the flight control system by combining the data recepted from both gyro and GPS .

  7. 由于JavaScript代码接收数据,前端不会直接看到后端发来的任何调试数据。

    Since JavaScript code receives the data , the front end doesn 't directly see any debugging data sent from the back end .

  8. 连接保持在活动状态,您可以用JavaScript来写和接收数据,就像是正在用一个原始的TCP套接口一样。

    The connection is kept alive , and you can write and receive data in JavaScript , as if you were using a raw TCP socket .

  9. 传统MUSIC算法需要对接收数据的协方差矩阵进行特征值分解,在阵元多和采样拍数较多的情况下,计算复杂度高,且无法消除色噪声的影响。

    The traditional MUSIC algorithm need the eigen-decomposition of the covariance matrix , when the array elements and the snapshots are more , it has high computational complexity and cannot eliminate the effection of colored noise .

  10. SOAP协议被用于在Web服务系统中发送和接收数据,并使用XML“承载”数据,而这些XML都是用Unicode表示的。

    The SOAP protocol is used for sending and receiving data in a web services system , and it uses XML for carrying data , which is all represented in Unicode .

  11. 在Netscape接收数据时发生了一个网络错误。(网络错误XX)请重新连接。

    A network error occurred while Netscape was receiving data . ( Network Error XX ) Try connecting again .

  12. 提出了一种基于阵列接收数据阵共扼重构的宽带源DOA估计方法。

    Based on the data matrix reconstruction with conjugate data in every sub-band , a new al-gorithm is presented to estimate the DOA of wideband coherent sources .

  13. 如果所有分区都处于combo状态,都在发送和接收数据,那么不能收集统计信息。

    If all partitions are in a combo state where they are both sending and receiving data , then statistics cannot be collected .

  14. 消息流可以通过TCP/IP从MATIP应用程序接收数据消息,并通过WebSphereMQ队列提供保护。

    The message flow can receive data messages over TCP / IP from a MATIP application and secure them on a WebSphere MQ queue .

  15. 本文介绍了将接收数据共轭重排的再利用,构造相关矩阵的修正ESPRIT算法。

    This paper gives a modified ESPRIT algorithm that is based on the correlation matrix constructed by reusing the conjugate data being rearranged .

  16. 为了改善数字通信系统发射和接收数据的同步性能,保证系统工作稳定、可靠,用ISP器件实现数字相关器。

    Realizing high speed digital correlator using ISP device in order to improve the data synchronization of the digital communication system and make the system stable and reliable .

  17. 对车站电子地图的研究。实现了传统的CAD地图到车站监测系统地图的转换,讨论了接收数据在电子地图中的地图匹配问题。

    It researches the electronic map of a railway station , realizes the transformation from traditional CAD map to the map of the station monitoring system , and discusses the map matching of the receiving data in the electronic map .

  18. 由于卫星数字电视广播(DVB-S)系统接收数据量大,对实时性稳定性要求高,利用PC机实现DVB-S系统中mPEG-II全软件解码是一个挑战性的课题。

    The digital video broadcast-satellite ( DVB-S ) system is a new methodology for MPE G-II decoding .

  19. CDT通过创建发送和接收数据的伪终端(pseudo-terminal,pty)来实现通信。

    The CDT enables this communication by creating a pseudo-terminal ( pty ) that sends and receives data .

  20. 研究冲击噪声环境下的信号DOA估计问题。在对称α稳定(SαS:Symmetric-αstable)分布冲击噪声假设下,定义了一个阵列接收数据的广义分数低阶空时矩阵。

    This paper is concerned with the direction-of-arrival estimation problem in impulsive noise modeled as symmetric α - stable ( S α S ) distribution . A generalized fractional lower order spatial-temporal matrix ( FSTM ) of the array measurements is defined .

  21. 数据中转服务器由JAVA语言编写,为用户提供了一个友好的人机交互界面,其功能主要包括:接收数据、发送指令、远程设置、解析接收到的数据和自动导入数据库等。

    The data transfer server which is implemented with java language can offers a friendly human-machine interface for users . Server provides a set of functions , receiving the data , sending the order , long-distance setup , analyzing the data received and importing into the database etc.

  22. 针对在自由通讯口方式下接收数据可能遇到的一些可靠性问题,提出设置静止线定时器和接收器,并采用工程CRC校验的方法加以解决。

    In order to solve some possible existing problems of receiving datum in free communication model , the methods of setting static line timer and static line receiver and using the engineering CRC verification have been expounded .

  23. 简单的TCPSTREAM测试从netperf系统到netserver系统的数据传输时间,以此度量一个系统发送数据和另一个系统接收数据的速度。

    The simple TCP_STREAM test times the transfer of data from the netperf system to the netserver system to measure how fast one system can send data and how fast the other can receive it .

  24. 有四个系统调用可以用于从连接接收数据:read、readv、recvfrom和recvmsg。

    There are four system calls that can be used to receive data from a connection : read , readv , recvfrom , and recvmsg .

  25. 前端采用3层BP神经网络结构,以传感器接收数据为输入,以神经网络输出作为证据,后端对不同传感器的证据按D-S理论进行融合,得到待识别目标的识别概率。

    Firstly , adopt 3 layer neural networks , data of sensor as input of neural networks , output of neural networks as evidence , secondly , according to D-S theory to fuse the evidences of different sensors , finally , obtaining probability of recognition to aircraft .

  26. 针对在基站采用天线阵列的FDD-CDMA系统下,讨论利用上行链路的接收数据,通过码滤波后的数据协方差矩阵得到某一条路径的等效方向向量。

    For FDD-CDMA systems using antenna array in base station , the paper , which discussed using received data of uplink , obtained an equivalent direction vector of one path by data covariance matrix after code filtering .

  27. 低空飞行目标辐射噪声的阵列接收数据仿真

    Simulation of Array Receiving Data for Low-flying Targets Radiate Noise

  28. 从远程客户端接收数据的情况也类似。

    Similarly , on receiving data from the remote client , AFD .

  29. 进程是否尝试接收数据。

    If the process is attempting to receive data .

  30. 由接收数据的协方差矩阵估计的信号子空间。

    The estimated signal subspace of the covariance matrix for the observed signals .