
tàn shāng
  • flaw detection;crack detection;detection of defects;fault localization
探伤 [tàn shāng]
  • [crack detection] 探测金属材料或部件内部的裂纹或缺陷。一般用磁性、射线、超声波等仪器装置

探伤[tàn shāng]
  1. UG75/5.3-M3锅炉鳍式水冷壁管排焊接接头两侧布置有保温销钉,从而对X射线探伤产生了影响,文章重点探讨销钉如何布置才不会对探伤产生影响。

    UG75 / 5.3-M3 boiler 's wate wall 's welded joint fixes up side pin , and this influence X ray flaw detection , the paper makes a probe on how to fix up the pin 's position .

  2. 超声波探伤技术是超声波特性与现代电子技术以及微电脑技术相结合的产物。

    Ultrasonic flaw detection technology combines the characteristic of ultrasonic with modern electronic technology as well as microcomputer technology .

  3. 工业探伤X射线屏蔽防护审核计算法

    Inspecting computation for shielding requirement in industrial X - ray radiography

  4. PLC控制系统在钢管自动超声探伤系统的应用

    Application of Control System on Automatic UT System for Steel Pipe

  5. 常规X射线探伤机升级改造方法

    Research on Technique of Upgrading Conventional X-ray Detector and Reconstructing

  6. 管内自动爬行X射线焊缝探伤机

    Auto - crawling X - ray Welding Seam Detector Machine of Pipeline

  7. 对GB16749&1997标准附录B不锈钢薄板射线探伤分级的修改建议

    Amending Advice to the Appendix B of GB16749 1997 Classification of Radial Examination to Stainless Steel Sheet

  8. X射线实时成像系统在锅炉压力容器管材探伤中的应用

    Application of X-ray Real Time Imaging System in Boiler and Pressure Vessel Tube NDT

  9. 角焊缝X射线探伤方法探讨

    Discussion on radiographic inspection of fillet welds

  10. 智能型X射线探伤仪的研制

    Development of an Intelligent X-Ray Flaw Detector

  11. 基于FPGA的便携式超声波探伤仪设计

    Design of portable ultrasonic flaw detector based on FPGA

  12. 对修复后的叶片进行X射线探伤,结果未发现裂纹和其它焊接缺陷。

    The results showed there was no crack or any other welding defects by X-ray detection .

  13. 移动式X射线探伤防护车

    Mobile Preventer for X Radiographic Testing

  14. 介绍了工业CT在铸件的缺陷探伤、壁厚测量以及铸造工艺控制中的应用。

    The industrial computed tomography applications for casting flaw detection , wall thickness measurements and procedures controlling are introduced .

  15. 认识到建立固体火箭发动机燃烧室X射线探伤像质计标准势在必行。

    It was considered that the establishment of radiographic IQI standard for solid rocket motor chamber was necessary .

  16. 工业X射线探伤机泄漏辐射调查与不合格产品的改进措施

    Investigation of the radiation leakage from X ray flaw detectors and the improvement measures for the unqualified products

  17. 点焊缝焊控制技术评述T、K、Y管书点焊缝超声波探伤&第三讲缺陷的判定


  18. 介绍了焊缝缺陷工业X射线电视探伤的计算机图象处理技术。

    An introduction of digital image processing for X-ray real-time inspection of weld defects is presented in the paper .

  19. 两例~(60)Co工业探伤机事故照射病人的剂量估算

    Dose estimations of two cases irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray industrial radiography unit accident

  20. 本文介绍了重钢研制的板材超声波自动探伤实验装置的实施方案以及微机在探伤过程中进行数据采集、处理、过程控制和C图打印等方面的应用。

    This article describes the implementing scheme of automatic ultrasonic crack detection experimental apparatuses for steel plates ( developed by Chongqing Iron and Steel CO. )

  21. X射线探伤对操作工人尿cAMP和cGMP昼夜节律的影响

    The Effect of X-radiation on Circadian Rhythms of cAMP and cGMP in Worker 's Urine

  22. 用荧光光纤温度传感器测试X射线探伤机高压包热场分布

    Experimental analysis of thermal field distribution within the high voltage coil of x - ray detector with fluorescent fiber-optic temperature sensor

  23. 采用工控机(进行数据采集与分析)和PLC(实现探伤过程自动控制)相结合,提高了系统处理能力和可靠性。

    In the system , an IPC was used to deal with data sampling and analyzing , while a PLC was adopted to process procedure-control .

  24. 本文通过对磁粉检测规范和工艺进行研究,研制出将PLC应用于磁粉探伤设备。

    This article through to the magnetic particle testing standards and technology research , develop will PLC in the magnetic powder flaw detection equipment control system .

  25. 文章以常规的X射线探伤仪和图像采集分析技术为基础,研究采用数字控制技术进行X射线自动检测系统设计。

    Based on the conventional X-Ray lacuna-detection device and image collection analysis technique this paper deals with the X-Ray automatic detection system design by using digital control technology .

  26. 对焊接试样的金相分析和对柔性管短节试样的X射线探伤检验表明,采用半自动熔化极氩弧焊焊接工艺能够满足焊接性能要求。

    Metallurgical analysis and X ray inspection show the requirement on the quality of the welded joint can be satisfied by the semiautomatic argon arc fusion fusion welding .

  27. 8mm厚钛板的超声板波探伤方法研究

    Study of Ultrasonic Inspection for Titanium Sheet of 8 mm in Thickness

  28. 根据辐射防护基本原则及相关国家标准,用X射线探伤室屏蔽厚度的计算方法,对哈制药厂工业X射线探伤室的屏蔽厚度进行了计算。

    Shielding thickness of Harbin pharmaceutical factory 's industrial X-ray flaw detection room is calculated with shielding thickness calculation method , according to radiation protection principle and corresponding state standards .

  29. DF(4D)型机车在役车轴超声波探伤方法探讨

    Discussion on ultrasonic flaw detection for the car axles in use for DF_ ( 4D ) locomotive

  30. 其中屏蔽包层模块(第一壁,简称FW)的加工采用热等静压(HIP)和电子束焊接工艺,并要求对每一个模块的所有焊缝进行无损探伤。

    The module first walls ( FW ) are fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing ( HIP ) and Electron-Beam Welding .