
pái ní ɡuǎn
  • Sludge discharge pipe;mud pipe;sludge drain tube
  1. 排泥管等间距开孔水力设计

    A Hydraulic Design for Arranging Equidistant Opening in Mud Pipes

  2. 扩张管嘴排泥管生产性试验研究

    Experiment of full-scale operation in perforated pipe with divergent tube in sludge discharge

  3. 排泥管爆裂原因及其防爆裂措施探讨

    Investigation and Discussion of the Cause of Discharge Pipe Cracking and the Countermeasures

  4. 自浮式与浮筒式排泥管的稳定性和抗风浪能力的比较研究

    Comparison Study on Stability and Wave / Wind Resistance of Self-floating Dredging Pipeline

  5. 自来水厂穿孔排泥管的复核计算和改造充泥管袋技术的应用探讨

    Calculation and Renovation of Perforated Sludge Discharge Pipe in Waterworks Study of the Application of Geotextiles Tube

  6. 分析绞吸式挖泥船排泥管的爆裂原因主要为水击所致,及其防爆裂的相应措施。

    Abstract It analyzes the cause of discharge pipe cracking for suction cutter dredger and puts forward some anti-crack measures .

  7. 针对给水厂沉淀池普通穿孔排泥管起动困难易堵塞等问题,研制出一种新型排泥装置&扩张管嘴排泥管。

    A new sludge discharging equipment is developed to ameliorate the performance of ordinary perforated pipe for its hard start and jam .

  8. 本文从绞刀、泥泵、定位桩装置及排泥管等四个方面,论述了提高绞吸式挖泥船生产效率的途径。

    This paper describes how to increase the productivity effect of cutter-suction dredgers in the fields of cutting force , dredging pump , gauge pile and exhaust pipe .

  9. 先后进行了小试和中试,根据中试所得较优的一种扩张管嘴排泥管应用在生产性试验中,在同等条件下与普通穿孔管进行比较。

    The lab test and middle test were done at first . The best perforated pipe with divergent tube from middle test is comparied with ordinary perforated pipe in the same condition in practice .

  10. 鉴于化学污泥的粘滞系数高于常规初沉污泥,在排泥管及污泥泵房的设计时,管道坡度和水头损失计算宜留有适当的富余空间。

    For the viscidity coefficient of chemical sludge is bigger than that of the sludge from conventional primary settling tank , the gradient of pipeline and the loss of water head ought to be ample properly in the design of the sludge-pipeline and sludge-pump .

  11. 多通道海面温度检睡海上输油管道排泥浮管

    Multichannel sea surface temperature retrieval method floating pipe line