
pái xì
  • rehearse a play, opera, etc;rehearse
排戏 [pái xì]
  • [rehearse] 排演戏剧

排戏[pái xì]
  1. 她留在学校排戏,要到9点才回来。喂,大家要喝什么?

    She stays at school for drama and doesn 't get back till nine . Now , what 's everyone drinking ?

  2. 演员们在剧院排戏。

    The actors were rehearsing a play in the theatre .

  3. 排戏期间,请勿打扰。

    Do not interrupt while we are rehearsing .

  4. 演员们在摄影棚内排戏。

    The actors were rehearsing in the tent .

  5. 克莱尔,我可以向你证明我们只是在排戏。

    Claire , I can prove to you that we were just doing a scene .

  6. 在观察排戏的过程中,我发现“相信”是非常重要的。

    While I observe the rehearsals , I realized the importance of " Believe " .

  7. 威廉排戏辛苦了,需要注意保重身体。

    William rehearse played the pain , and the demand notice to take care of health .

  8. 除非排戏或有来访演讲者,第星期都将进行剧本朗读。

    There will be play-reading each week unless rehearsals for a play are taking place or there is a visiting speaker .

  9. 在排戏方面要具备积极的责任心,从而为每一次顺利演出技术运行做好指导。

    Assume active responsibility for the form and discipline of rehearsal and performance , and be the executive instrument on the technical running of each performance .

  10. 他说,“我希望这是一部历史学家会正眼看待的戏。”要知道,历史学家通常是讨人嫌的,排戏的时候滚越远越好。

    He said , " I want the historians to take this seriously . " " Now , usually , historians are considered pests and kept a million miles from productions .