
  • 网络loss control;damage control
  1. 预应力锚束张拉及锁定损失控制

    Straining and pulling of the pre-stressed anchor ties and the locking damage control

  2. 世界需要的是能预防问题的央行行长,而非专攻危机后损失控制的央行行长。

    The world needs central bankers who avoid problems , not those who specialise in post-crisis damage control .

  3. 目前文留油田井况有问题的井约占总井数的41.9%,损失控制储量达1508×104t。

    The problem well of Wenliu Oilfield now has been become 41.9 percent in the whole well number , which control 1058 × 10 4t oil reserve .

  4. 水下不分散混凝土流动性损失控制技术研究

    Research on retention of flowability of non-dispersible underwater concrete

  5. 因而就涉及到资源损失控制和评价问题。

    Therefore control and evaluation of the resources losses put on the agenda .

  6. 商品混凝土坍落度经时损失控制方法

    Solution of damage caused by commodity concrete 's collapse

  7. 希拉里主导疯狂的“损失控制”。

    Hillary Clinton leads frantic " damage limitation "?

  8. 火灾作为一个开放系统必然受到自然现象的影响,其中气象因素对火灾的发生、防治和损失控制方面有着重要的影响。

    Fire , as an open system , will be undoubtedly affected by weather .

  9. 几种氮缓释材料对氮渗透损失控制的效果

    Controlling Effect to Infiltrate Loss of Nitrogen by The Nitrogen Delayed - release Materials

  10. 有粘结预应力结构施工过程中的应力损失控制技术探讨

    Analysis and Probe into Control Techniques of the Stress Loss in Bonded Prestressed Structure

  11. 总结了安全效益产出的规律和损失控制策略。

    Summarized the law of the safety economy performance t and the lost control strategy .

  12. 堆肥化过程中氮素损失控制材料的添加试验研究

    Materials of Controlling Nitrogen Loss During Composting

  13. 采用水头损失控制喷水带最大铺设长度的设计方法,将首末端的水头损失限定在30%以内。

    The design method of controlling the maximal laying length by using the head loss is discussed .

  14. 其中三聚磷酸钠的作用尤为明显,添加0·3%的三聚磷酸钠可以将肉丸的蒸煮损失控制在1·0%左右;

    Addition of 0.3 % dosage of tripolyphosphate reduced the cooking loss up to 1.0 % approximately .

  15. 为事故发生后迅速、准确的决策提供有效的支持信息,把损失控制在规定范围内。

    In addition , it will provide rapid and accurate decision-making information after the accident ,, control the loss in the range .

  16. 他们的第一个目标是防止被盗货物永远失踪,虽然他们财力有限,但实际上已经担负起了损失控制的任务。

    Their first goal is to prevent stolen goods from disappearing forever although with limited resources they have essentially undertaken a damage-control mission .

  17. 资源损失控制的目标是经济效益最大化、资源利用最大化以及对环境和人类危害的最小化。

    The goals of resources losses control are to maximize economic efficiency and resource utilization , and to minimize environmental and human hazards .

  18. 甲方应积极协助乙方,共同作好突发事件的处理工作,将损失控制到人力所及的最低程度。

    To take initiative to assist Party B to jointly deal with emergencies successfully , so as to reduce losses as much as possible .

  19. 二是风险事故发生之后,将损失控制在最低限度,即采取控制风险的措施。

    The other is to reduce the lose to the absolute minimum , after the risk has happened , measures are adopted to control the risk .

  20. 今天老板派我去和一个陌生的客户开会,处理损失控制的有关事宜,并重新商议合同的问题。

    Today , my boss sent me to a meeting with a client I 've never met to do some damage control and renegotiate his contract .

  21. 总理被迫损失控制在本周以下指控她反对在养老金上升和劳动的带薪育儿假计划-她拒绝了索赔。

    The Prime Minister was forced into damage control this week following allegations she opposed a rise in the age pension and Labor 's paid parental leave scheme-claims which she has rejected .

  22. 吉拉德女士在周三前往九网络后透露,她以对内阁进行带薪育儿假和养老金上升陆克文时,她的副手把损失控制。

    Ms Gillard went into damage control on Wednesday after the Nine Network revealed she spoke out in cabinet against paid parental leave and a pension rise when she was Kevin Rudd 's deputy .

  23. 企业赞助体育组织风险管理过程有:赞助体育组织风险识别、风险规避、风险损失控制、风险的转移与分散以及赞助风险的管理评价。

    The risk management processes of enterprise sponsor sports organizations , which are risk identification , risk dodge , risk damage control , risk transfer and disperse and the evaluation of sponsor risk management .

  24. 一些人指出,从新兴市场撤资是一个更广泛趋势的一部分,即银行和投资者为了将损失控制在最低程度,并减少总负债水平,将资金撤出风险资产的趋势。

    Some point out that the withdrawal of capital from emerging markets is part of a broader trend that has seen banks and investors retreat from risky assets in an effort to minimise losses and reduce their overall levels of debt .

  25. 锚束张拉中锁定损失控制是张拉过程中较为棘手的问题,锚束愈短愈难达到设计要求。

    However , one of the problems from the pulling of the anchorage cables is the control of the locking loss during the pulling , because the shorter are the cables , the more difficult is to meet the design requirement for it .

  26. 本文着重分析了设计-建造总承包工程的设计、施工两方面风险因素,并针对这些风险提出了具体的风险避免、损失控制和风险转移方法,达到化风险为收益的目的。

    This article concentrates on risking factors analysis of both design and construction in Design-build general contracting project , then brings forward concrete method of risk avoidance , loosing control and risk transfer . The purpose is to turn risk into profit at last .

  27. 第三章分析了网上银行操作风险控制的技术,从风险规避、损失控制、风险转移等几个角度介绍了当前网上银行操作风险控制的主要理论,对其优点及缺点进行了初步的探讨。

    In the third part , we analysis the techniques of risk control of on-line bank and discussed the advantage and disadvantage of it . We also introduced the main theory about operation risks control of on-line bank in the aspect of risks-avoiding , loss-controlling , risk-transaction .

  28. 而对于渗透了文化背景知识的幽默,译者在翻译时最首要的任务就是在译文中揭示出原文本中暗含的文化背景,并且弹性地运用翻译策略把译文中幽默效果的损失控制到最小程度。

    As for the culture-related humor , the first task for a translator is to reveal in the target text the actual meaning behind the cultural information in the source text and use flexible strategies to control the loss of the humorous effects after translating in the least amount .

  29. 从识别、评价、对策决策、实施决策、检查五个方面,论述北湖大桥的风险管理过程,并提出风险回避,损失控制,风险自留和风险转移四个风险应对策略。

    From the identification , evaluation , decision making , decision making , implementation countermeasure inspection five aspects , discusses the North Lake Bridge in the process of risk management , and proposes the risk avoidance , loss of control , risk retention and transfer risk four risk coping strategies .

  30. 二是考虑了风险之间的相关性,用组合VaR的收益率最大损失来控制贷款收益率的风险限额;使贷款的分配直接反映了商业银行的风险承受能力。

    Taking risk correlation into account , it controls risk limitation with the maximum loss on yield rate of VaR , so the ability for risk tolerance of commercial bank is reflected by loan 's distribution or allocation .