
zhuō nòng
  • tease;make fun of;embarrass;torment;play a trick;mess around;take advantage of;be pulling leg;hoax;play;rag
捉弄 [zhuō nòng]
  • [tease;make fun of;embarrass] 戏弄,使人为难

  • 你别捉弄人好不好?

捉弄[zhuō nòng]
  1. 对付爱捉弄人的人的最佳方法就是不搭理他。

    The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him .

  2. 如果男孩们不喜欢你的话,他们就会狠狠地捉弄你。

    The boys would tease you to death if they didn 't fancy you

  3. 顾客经常受大公司的捉弄。

    Consumers are often jerked around by big companies .

  4. 我们在捉弄一个总是来烦我的人。

    We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me

  5. 您知道,会有那么一些人,因为命运捉弄而落得无家可归。

    There are those , you know , who , by circumstance , end up homeless

  6. 他很喜欢捉弄英格丽德。

    He liked to kid Ingrid a lot

  7. 仿佛是命运的捉弄,这对选手在锦标赛第一轮比赛中就狭路相逢。

    By a tantalising quirk of fate , the pair have been drawn to meet in the first round of the championship

  8. 不许你再像那样捉弄我了。

    You shall not serve me that trick twice .

  9. 他捉弄了这个新来的人。

    He gave the newcomer the works .

  10. 别再理他了,他正在捉弄你呢。

    Don 't have any more to do with him , he 's trying to make a fool of you .

  11. 啊哈,你又来捉弄我了。

    Well , so you 're teasing me again !

  12. 别捉弄她了,你这个小淘气鬼!

    Stop teasing her , you little fiend !

  13. 那些孩子一声不响,我敢打赌他们想捉弄人。

    Those children are very quiet ; I bet they 're up to no good .

  14. 他总是在班上捉弄人,总有一天老师会抓住他的。

    He is always fooling around in class , but the teacher will catch up with him some day .

  15. 你不妨捉弄一下老师,就像你已完成作业那样把本子交给他。

    You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you 'd done the work .

  16. 我经常捉弄同学。

    I played many tricks on my schoolmates .

  17. 四月一日,愚人节,朋友们互相捉弄。

    On April 1st , April Fools Day , friends play fun tricks on each other .

  18. 他喜欢一味捉弄一个名叫凯列班的丑妖怪。

    He took too much pleasure in tormenting an ugly monster called Caliban .

  19. 当他到厨房后,我正抓紧时间找个东西好在他回来后捉弄他一下。突然,我听到他尖叫一声,声音比我以往任何时候所听到的都要大。

    While he was in there I was trying to find something to pull a prank12 on him when he got back but then I heard him scream louder than I have ever heard him .

  20. 要是在午后捉弄别人,那你就是“AprilFool”。

    If you play a trick on someone after midday , you are the April Fool .

  21. 《国土安全》的主创之一亚历克斯·冈萨(AlexGansa)承认被捉弄了。

    Alex Gansa , co-creator of " Homeland , " acknowledged the ruse .

  22. 而U2乐队主唱博诺(Bono)所唱的“我的薪水太高,拿枪把我干掉”(I’moverpaid,soshootme),只不过是自负的摇滚明星为了捉弄惹人心烦的记者所说的调侃之词。

    And Bono saying " I 'm overpaid , so shoot me " - which is the sort of thing uppity rock stars say simply to wind up annoying journalists .

  23. 其中一通连线中,孔侑假扮KFN的编剧捉弄听众。

    During one call , Ggong teased the listener pretending to be KFN 's scenarist .

  24. 习语短语bandwagon时尚潮流Jumponbandwagon赶潮流bustyourchops捉弄人everybodyandtheirmumis人人都在做的事sport(v)穿,展示,炫耀cheesy(adj)傻傻的inadvertently(adv)漫不经心地,非故意的,但有效的

    New words : a group of people all following the same fad tease someone , make fun of them an activity has become too popular wear , show off silly , disappointing not on purpose , but effective

  25. 韩佳,你可真会捉弄人。

    Han Jia , you are so good at fooling people .

  26. 你们得采取措施不让他捉弄人。

    Something will have to be do to stop his tricks .

  27. 你肯定吗?记忆也会捉弄人的。

    Are you sure ? Memory can play tricks on you .

  28. 捉弄人者终必被人捉弄。

    Jeers must be content to taste of their own broth .

  29. 噢,你已经这样捉弄了我10次了。

    Oh , boy , you try that trick ten times .

  30. 我认为她被提名是有人在捉弄她

    I think somebody nominated her as a joke or something .